Current Task:
Task 3
Your task is to start at the Temple of Time and
enter 5 dungeons/temples. Any place that has a map and compass count (so Bottom of the Well and Ice Cavern would count). After entering you may simply leave and go to the next one, but you must enter 5. Timing ends after you have entered the 5th one.
There are restrictions on the amounts of items and the items you may enter with (you can gain more throughout the run, for example if you feel the hookshot would be useful, you can go and get it). The following pictures shows an example inventory:

The restrictions:
This one is much simplier. No more than 8 chus, no more than 20 bombs. If it's not in these pictures, you can have it in your prep file BUT YOU CAN'T USE IT IN ANY WAY. This also means you cannot have things like warp songs, you cannot have planted beans, or have stolen epona yet and have her outside of the market, etc. The overworld should be fairly clean, with the one exception below:
For the Overworld: There are some places that have intro cutscenes (like Lake Hylia, Goron City, etc.). If you are planning to go to one of these places, you can go and remove that intro cutscene in your prep file to save yourself some seconds. The current prep file only has Kakariko and Death Mountain Trail removed, so it is up to you to remove these if you want (The ones in Deku Tree and Jabu Jabu will not count against your time).
You may, however, put whatever items you are allowed on whatever C-button slots you want.
If you are playing on the Wii VC version, you can download a save here: information on how to transfer your Wii saves, please see this post: you are playing on the N64 or GC, you will have to set up your own file.
Obviously, emulators are banned from this competition.
You cannot savewarp at anytime, however, death warping is allowed. To clarify: If you kill yourself you are allowed to say "No" to save and "Yes" to continue playing.
When you are ready to submit your time, PM me and send me the video file. I will then time it manually. If you don't care about people using your strategies, then you can just post it here or on youtube in public, but really, that's half the fun is coming up with your own strategy.
You will have until
Sunday, May 29th to complete the task. I will accept all entries up until midnight on that day (11:59:59 PM on Sunday). If you have any questions about the rules, you can post them in this thread. If you feel that asking a question will give away your strategy, you can send me a PM.
Good luck!
Previous Tasks:
Task 1 -
ResultsTask 2 -