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Author Topic: Majora's Mask for 3DS - Info and Version Differences  (Read 228621 times)
Regular Guay

Posts: 65

Máscara de La Fiera Deidad

« Reply #120 on: February 18, 2015, 06:06:32 PM »

Was messing around with WiseHorror's proposed method. Got it first try.

As I was trying to replicate it though, I came across something weird. I got myself caught in some sort of bizarre restarted cycle. The red sky was present for all three evenings and the path to the top of the clock tower was open all throughout. The standard day one Clock Town theme would play on every day. "Dawn of..." tilecards would all have white backgrounds. The Song of Double Time was stuck on its final day behavior for each day (can only go up to 5am). No visible timer. Moon ended up crashing normally.

Yes, these 3 days without a timer that are similar to the first 3 days they've been called 5th, 6th and 7th day, cheat codes exists for MM to access these days which can show bizarre stuff, like this http://i.imgur.com/xmhPY9L.jpg

The moon stays high in the sky and when is the "7th" day it acts like the third day but there are missing actors and such and you probably could see :p some even softlock the game but i dont remember from ontop of my head right now
And is cool how you can access these "in a legit way" lol
Special Guay

Posts: 220


« Reply #121 on: February 18, 2015, 07:14:28 PM »

Ah, KingOfHeart has a video for that on N64 version here. 0:40 is where it shows what gaby linked lol.
Regular Guay

Posts: 65

Máscara de La Fiera Deidad

« Reply #122 on: February 18, 2015, 07:17:07 PM »

Hahahh it's been a while, i guess is not 5,6,7 but 6,7,8 Tongue but is still the same concept of what i was saying heheh
Special Guay

Posts: 223

The DoomJump....The most hated name of all time.

« Reply #123 on: February 19, 2015, 01:18:09 AM »

I did some more testing with C-buttons anywhere using Down A in the Grotto Hole by the North fairy in clock town. Every piece of information I got out of it is pretty useless, enjoy.

Down A is possible in every form except Goron Link (Goron link won't grab a ledge when he's falling.)
Zora/normal Link use the exact same method for Down A (I explained it in my last post). To achieve it as Fierce Deity Link you must switch out the mask you press while in the air instead of holding L and R (this is a one frame window trick). Deku Link is similar to FD Link but Deku Link won't jump on his own so you have to walk backwards off the ledge and then hold forward so that deku link falls and then grabs the ledge.

What happens when certain items are used as DL(Deku Link)/FD(Fierce Deity Link) (I covered Zora Link in my last post):

Bombs/Chus/PowderKegs - All work normally in both forms.
Fairy Sword/Deku Stick - They are invisible for DL but besides from that it works normally. For FD they activate his sword (similar to Zora link).
Hero's Bow (with or w/o any element) - For FD it works normally. For DL it plays that error sound effect.
Lens of Truth - Works normally for both (Obviously).
Hookshot - For FD it instantly crashes the game. For DL however, it's possible to pull out the hookshot with out crashing the game, but when you try to use it the error sound effect plays.

(You can just walk out side the Grotto Hole while wearing the FD mask and perform another Down A out side to escape Clock Town as FD link.)
« Last Edit: February 19, 2015, 01:26:56 AM by doommaker » Logged
Special Guay

Posts: 220


« Reply #124 on: February 19, 2015, 04:19:02 PM »

Hahahh it's been a while, i guess is not 5,6,7 but 6,7,8 Tongue but is still the same concept of what i was saying heheh
I'm not sure if he was right about 6-7-8:

Quote from: The Cutting Room Floor
Another dim remembrance from the ZSO days:

Majora's Mask records the days of the week that pass, with Day 1 being Sunday, Day 2 being Monday, Day 3 being Tuesday, and the New Day being Wednesday. The day can also be set in the debug menu to Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

0th Day = Saturday
1st Day = Sunday
2nd Day = Monday
Final Day = Tuesday
New Day = Wednesday
5th Day = Thursday
6th Day = Friday

0th Day from N64 version confirmed 96 hours remaining (among other factors), so that's definitely Saturday.

Classic 4th Day = Wednesday on loop
Special 4th Day (3DS exclusive) = Wednesday that can advance into Thursday

If I have this all right, then the "bizarre restarted cycle" corneliab was experiencing are days 4-5-6, or really 5-6-7 if we call 0th Day 1st. So 5-6-7 wasn't wrong. Smiley It's cleaner if we use day of the week to specify a day.

Edit: I got it all wrong.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2015, 08:00:42 PM by Jeville » Logged
Regular Guay

Posts: 71

« Reply #125 on: February 19, 2015, 09:57:03 PM »

Thanks for all the info, guys.

I am pretty sure that I went to Thursday directly, though.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 13

Link's Financial Advisor

« Reply #126 on: February 19, 2015, 10:39:34 PM »

I have posted a new Trick and Glitch Discovery Topic here: http://forums.zeldaspeedruns.com/index.php?topic=1820.0
Please use that Topic from now on, unless you are posting about actual differences between the original and the 3DS Remake. Thanks!
Deku Scrub

Posts: 12

« Reply #127 on: February 20, 2015, 10:44:19 AM »

You can skip the colored mask puzzle in the skulltula house:
jump from the table to the left ledge of the entrance (use a jumpslash to reach)
Then ledge clip into wall.

Many have tried, it seems to be out of reach (or it's close to pixel perfect)
You get more distance with Zora Link.

You can also backflip up on the pots next to the ledge and just roll jump, it's a little finicky but not as precise
Edit: If you jumpslash here you get it basically 100%
Special Guay

Posts: 220


« Reply #128 on: February 20, 2015, 01:48:24 PM »

Thanks for all the info, guys.

I am pretty sure that I went to Thursday directly, though.
You mentioned that it was three evenings before the moon crashes, that's why I assumed you went to Wednesday. If it really starts on Thursday, that means the moon crashes at 6am on Sunday (1st Day) which should not be the case. Saturday (0th Day) on N64 doesn't have the moon crashing when waiting to 6am (Sunday).

Edit: Misinformation.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2015, 08:02:27 PM by Jeville » Logged
Regular Guay

Posts: 45

« Reply #129 on: March 04, 2015, 07:30:18 PM »

http://zeldaspeedruns.com/mm3d/ is up. Editors wanted

I'd love to be a site editor
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