« Reply #435 on: October 21, 2014, 04:14:52 PM » |
I'm trying to reach Zelda's Courtyard in OoT3D after seeing the Zelda escape cutscene play. The Zelda escape custscene has already played for me, so as a result there are two guards that prevent you from getting to Zelda's Courtyard after that scene flag has played. I've been researching the Wrong Warp table for any starting points that would WW me to the Castle Courtyard (from Zelda's Courtyard) or directly to Zelda's Courtyard. Setting Farore's Wind inside the Goron Shop from Goron City causes the game to crash when I use FW after doing Death Hole Wrong Warp. Setting FW in Hyrule Field from the Eastern Lon Lon Ranch jump escape sends me to the Castle Courtyard (from Zelda's Courtyard), however the entire screen is black and Link will just fall down an infinite number of times. Any suggestions on which DHWW or possible Blue Warp I can use to reach Zelda's Courtyard?
« Last Edit: October 21, 2014, 04:21:20 PM by GeneraLight »
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« Reply #436 on: November 08, 2014, 05:27:51 PM » |
Fourth time trying to post this. Do you press "B" as soon as you touch the ground while getting the Glitched Gauntlets? I really don't remember. Edit: Here is my glitched run I did before the gauntlets. http://pastebin.com/VEAKspXXWrong Warped to Ganon's Castle to get the Golden Gauntlets. So I was trying to get the Black Gauntlets.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2014, 05:32:36 PM by Tailsko »
« Reply #437 on: March 17, 2015, 02:25:00 AM » |
Not sure if this was already asked somewhere, but how do you get Farore's Wind on B, since you can't equip the Longshot as Young Link?
"At times like this, kids like you should be playing Nintendo games." -Onett Policeman
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« Reply #438 on: March 17, 2015, 04:27:07 AM » |
The easiest way is to have bottle on B as adult and have exactly 13 arrows. Go back in time and have bugs on child link's II button. Then go forward again
Whats happening here is its checking the II button for what to put on B, and bugs points to arrow count, which is 13 and 13=farores wind.
when i grow up, i wanna be just like taylortotftw
Deku Scrub
Posts: 16
Dash! Dash! Dash!
« Reply #439 on: July 03, 2015, 08:35:12 AM » |
Got a question about ledge clipping (specifically in the Fire Temple). I understand that it's something to do with a small roll after a side hop, but I find myself mashing the L button after rolling. Is it just the timing of targeting after the roll, or is there something I'm missing? Most attempts result in a regular ledge grab.
I am the best, yes, Impact! Dash! Dash! Dash!
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Máscara de La Fiera Deidad
« Reply #440 on: July 03, 2015, 07:16:03 PM » |
Got a question about ledge clipping (specifically in the Fire Temple). I understand that it's something to do with a small roll after a side hop, but I find myself mashing the L button after rolling. Is it just the timing of targeting after the roll, or is there something I'm missing? Most attempts result in a regular ledge grab.
One thing is, this is not something you do while rolling, just by walking a grabbing a ledge that's next to a wall let's you perform Ledge Clip, the other thing is that is a 1 frame trick, so it's something that you have to practice a lot and you'll be making a ledge clip without needing to mash L at all, just pressing it one time.  (y)
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« Reply #441 on: July 04, 2015, 12:02:22 AM » |
Yeah the side roll isn't required. The trick works by targeting a wall on the same frame that you grab a ledge. I actually haven't been doing the roll in fire temple much because I'm finding I'm better at just walking towards the edge. This trick becomes very easy when you learn the timing instead of mashing. If you just get a regular grab, you targeted too early.
"tsmart yashichidsf wild dumb bitch" -Isaacordorica 2012
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« Reply #442 on: August 15, 2015, 03:12:12 PM » |
I'd like to do a little call for action here and ask for people to work on finding a specific skip. At this point we have a way to get into Haunted Wasteland as child without ever obtaining bombs which means the final step is to be able to cross the river of sand. This can be done with hammer crouch stab ESS or hoverboots but both require NG+. Please find this trick!
"tsmart yashichidsf wild dumb bitch" -Isaacordorica 2012
Deku Scrub
Posts: 11
ima noob
« Reply #443 on: August 23, 2015, 02:05:02 AM » |
I remember really old runs of OoT from 2007 that backwalked across the left side of the river of sand. Is this possible in OoT3D? Here's the link: https://youtu.be/ipFwpTMgLck?t=52s. EDIT: better link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fn_C8BoZi8cHope it works 
« Last Edit: October 11, 2015, 06:36:34 PM by greatsnake »
I don't know what RNG means. I just use it as a buzzword.
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« Reply #444 on: August 23, 2015, 04:36:07 PM » |
Doesn't work unless it's far more precise. It definitely should be messed with more.
"tsmart yashichidsf wild dumb bitch" -Isaacordorica 2012
Deku Scrub
Posts: 1
« Reply #445 on: November 27, 2015, 06:33:48 AM » |
I've been trying to perform the Death Hole Wrong Warp DoT skip, but it's not letting me use Farore's Wind once I do the wrong warp, and trying to leave the area it warped me to crashes the game. Is there something I'm missing to be able to use Farore's Wind?
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« Reply #446 on: November 28, 2015, 03:38:22 AM » |
Leaving the area should crash because it's a bad scene setup or something, idk I'm bad at that stuff.
What I can tell you is that you need to die while falling through the hole. If you die on top of the whole, and then quit, you'll need to perform OI before you can use items with magic. I recommend using the jumps lash method to perform death hole as it garuntees that you fall through without dYing on top of the whole every time.
"tsmart yashichidsf wild dumb bitch" -Isaacordorica 2012
Deku Scrub
Posts: 5
« Reply #447 on: December 02, 2015, 09:29:42 PM » |
For MST, on the route on the ZSR site, after WW from deku tree to Silver Gauntlet cutscene...it says "back walk with hover boots to mirror shield" I basically have no idea what to do, and I can't find a video..
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B e t A Q u e S t
« Reply #448 on: December 03, 2015, 04:50:24 AM » |
if you jump to about 1:32:40 in this video you can see benstephens doing the trick (with rolls instead of backwalking). Basically you just want to get onto the lap of the colossus and you should be able to run up that side and jump to the mirror shield. the jump can be a little tricky, and you need to take hoverboots off before you do it. If you fail and fall all the way off the statue you can use farores wind to get back up and try again. EDIT: forgot to link the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjR-9nK5A5I
« Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 04:51:56 AM by gamestabled »
when i grow up, i wanna be just like taylortotftw
Deku Scrub
Posts: 5
« Reply #449 on: December 04, 2015, 01:36:44 AM » |
if you jump to about 1:32:40 in this video you can see benstephens doing the trick (with rolls instead of backwalking). Basically you just want to get onto the lap of the colossus and you should be able to run up that side and jump to the mirror shield. the jump can be a little tricky, and you need to take hoverboots off before you do it. If you fail and fall all the way off the statue you can use farores wind to get back up and try again. EDIT: forgot to link the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjR-9nK5A5II am still having some problems with this. I take the hover boots off before I jump? When I do that I just slide off. I am guessing it has to do with speed? So what's happening for me is I am running up to the ledge and ill kinda jump but because I still have the boots on I just hover next to the ledge then fall.