Special Guay
Posts: 204
« Reply #210 on: May 19, 2010, 06:38:50 AM » |
^Well to be fair, any time-saver added to the ToG segment just makes it more of a pain in the ass.
[15:48:29] <ChocolateLink> chapstick? [15:48:59] <Phazon> yeah, i'm using it atm, you can get crazy high
Regular Guay
Posts: 167
Zombie Hover
« Reply #211 on: May 20, 2010, 11:25:27 PM » |
If you don't have the actual item, you CANNOT use the item. I tested this already.
Can you equip it? Also, a video on WW dive @M&C Isles would be nice. I found the spot, but can't get the dive right.
Forest Water+Backflip=Gainers?
« Reply #212 on: May 21, 2010, 08:26:01 PM » |
New theory about Gohdan: Shoot the first arrow on his hands like normal and then shoot the second arrow a little slower than you usually do and keep aiming on his hand untill it's down. It looks like his hands don't get revived at all if you do that, but it's just a theory and it needs more testing. But so far his hands haven't got revived when I did it.
Regular Guay
Posts: 167
Zombie Hover
« Reply #213 on: May 23, 2010, 12:17:11 AM » |
New Idea: Collect blue chu jelly--for the first time--at the exact same moment that the forest water timer ends. I'm guessing something interesting will happen, but it is extremely difficult to get the timing right.
Forest Water+Backflip=Gainers?
« Reply #214 on: May 23, 2010, 03:05:46 AM » |
New Idea: Collect blue chu jelly--for the first time--at the exact same moment that the forest water timer ends. I'm guessing something interesting will happen, but it is extremely difficult to get the timing right.
The best you can hope for is for the text to cancel the collection and leave the jelly suspended in air That can't do crap
Regular Guay
Posts: 167
Zombie Hover
« Reply #215 on: May 23, 2010, 05:04:13 PM » |
The best you can hope for is for the text to cancel the collection and leave the jelly suspended in air
That can't do crap
That's the best that you hope for. My biggest fear is that it will end in a crash, but I have a particular hope for what will happen.
Forest Water+Backflip=Gainers?
Special Guay
Posts: 306
Meow, and... stuff.
« Reply #216 on: May 23, 2010, 05:19:42 PM » |
Alright Razor, what do YOU hope will happen? Cerpin actually gave you a logical result of what probably would happen: the forest water text would overwrite the blue chu jelly and leave it suspended in mid-air, otherwise probably do nothing else.
Also, why blue chu jelly over red or green? They're just as avoidable/obtainable and do the exact same thing: sit in your spoils bag until you make them into a potion. Just... why? What do you honestly think it would lead to?
RBA stands for Rare Bird Adventure. We call it that because we need to get the blue cucco in order to use it.
Regular Guay
Posts: 167
Zombie Hover
« Reply #217 on: May 23, 2010, 08:47:32 PM » |
Alright Razor, what do YOU hope will happen? Cerpin actually gave you a logical result of what probably would happen: the forest water text would overwrite the blue chu jelly and leave it suspended in mid-air, otherwise probably do nothing else.
Also, why blue chu jelly over red or green? They're just as avoidable/obtainable and do the exact same thing: sit in your spoils bag until you make them into a potion. Just... why? What do you honestly think it would lead to?
I know that Cerpin stated what you call the most logical result, and the base of his theory is the same as my own: A script cancelling a script. Blue Chu jelly because blue chus are conviently located on all of the upgrade islands. This is all pointing to what I hope might happen: the text from the forest water--which freezes your position and the camera-- will be cancelled by the "new item" script--likewise--, allow link to move but the camera positioning to remain stationary. From there I'm hoping that the game will not load the barriers blocking the upgrade access. So basically, a MM "stop time" like effect.
Forest Water+Backflip=Gainers?
Special Guay
Posts: 204
« Reply #218 on: May 23, 2010, 09:09:26 PM » |
The barriers are loaded when you get to the island. They don't unload afaik.
[15:48:29] <ChocolateLink> chapstick? [15:48:59] <Phazon> yeah, i'm using it atm, you can get crazy high
Regular Guay
Posts: 167
Zombie Hover
« Reply #219 on: May 25, 2010, 12:05:08 AM » |
Damn the timing on the text cancelling is hard to get! I was working on it tonight, but it's going to take more practice to get right.
Forest Water+Backflip=Gainers?
Regular Guay
Posts: 167
Zombie Hover
« Reply #220 on: June 03, 2010, 03:04:16 PM » |
Text script cancel is almost complete, and the timing is almost perfect. I am trying to shift my focus to finishing my new sequence break in ToG. I hope to upload some new videos soon!
Forest Water+Backflip=Gainers?
Special Guay
Posts: 229
Oot 3DS!!!!
« Reply #221 on: June 03, 2010, 04:58:43 PM » |
Gogogogogo Razor! I really want to see new TWW breaks done!
Regular Guay
Posts: 167
Zombie Hover
« Reply #222 on: June 03, 2010, 09:13:23 PM » |
Gogogogogo Razor! I really want to see new TWW breaks done!
Here's an incredibly close attempt at a new sequence break in ToG: It just needs a bit more testing. @Kazooie: I'm in the process of getting a couple more breaks to work. If you want to stay up-to-date on my finds feel free to subscribe to my channel @
Forest Water+Backflip=Gainers?
Regular Guay
Posts: 101
« Reply #223 on: June 04, 2010, 01:12:03 AM » |
I got an idea for bottle duplication in WW the other day. I haven't got any really testing done on it yet though. I'll explain why it's useful later.
Bottle dupe would be practically useless. I tested with cheats already. If you somehow dupe an Empty Bottle: You have a worthless Empty Bottle that cannot store anything. If you somehow dupe a Filled Bottle: The item in the duped bottle is infinite, and you CANNOT get rid of it.
« Reply #224 on: June 04, 2010, 01:13:58 AM » |
I know that Cerpin stated what you call the most logical result, and the base of his theory is the same as my own: A script cancelling a script. Blue Chu jelly because blue chus are conviently located on all of the upgrade islands. This is all pointing to what I hope might happen: the text from the forest water--which freezes your position and the camera-- will be cancelled by the "new item" script--likewise--, allow link to move but the camera positioning to remain stationary. From there I'm hoping that the game will not load the barriers blocking the upgrade access. So basically, a MM "stop time" like effect.
Unless you can actually sail away this won't do anything. The game loads each island as you come into the quadrant. FULLY loads it.