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Author Topic: WW Tricks and Glitches Discussion  (Read 1570890 times)
Regular Guay

Posts: 52

« Reply #1110 on: March 30, 2015, 10:13:44 PM »

To get Nayru's pearl, you have to bomb the wall down and watch Link and KoRL enter the cave. If you just swim into the loading zone and the wall is still there, then nothing happens.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 5

« Reply #1111 on: March 31, 2015, 10:08:26 PM »

Ahh that's a shame. I guess the cutscene trigger would be bombing down the wall.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 1

« Reply #1112 on: August 10, 2015, 12:56:45 PM »

Hi all,

I know that the head at Stonewatcher can already be skipped using door cancel but I've just managed to do it using an L-Slide clip.

Don't know if this has already been found, but here's a video.  When I had more health I landed in the hole but voided out - I figured the hitbox change at 1.5 hearts might make a difference ...

There's also possibly another way, by roll clipping into the wall on the NE side of the head, falling part way into the island and then leafing SE into the loading zone.  I was only able to get the clip once though and missed the leaf :/
Deku Scrub

Posts: 11

ima noob

« Reply #1113 on: August 10, 2015, 05:08:33 PM »

Hi all,

I know that the head at Stonewatcher can already be skipped using door cancel but I've just managed to do it using an L-Slide clip.

Don't know if this has already been found, but here's a video.  When I had more health I landed in the hole but voided out - I figured the hitbox change at 1.5 hearts might make a difference ...

There's also possibly another way, by roll clipping into the wall on the NE side of the head, falling part way into the island and then leafing SE into the loading zone.  I was only able to get the clip once though and missed the leaf :/
Nice! I figured it would be possible.
The only problem is that it takes the hookshot, which is in the Wind Temple, and there is no real way to get that without beating Earth Temple, which requires Power bracelets, so we're not really skipping anything :/
So we need to get the rollclip to work. I will test this.

Quote from: ZFG
I don't know what RNG means. I just use it as a buzzword.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 3

This text is really personal... Please don't judge

« Reply #1114 on: August 26, 2015, 12:10:43 AM »

So, I have no idea if this usual to anyone but I randomly did this and apparently it's an easy way to get to the top of Diamond step isle without having the hook shot, I'm guessing it can be done without the Iron boots but F that noise... anyways, Here's a vid.
--> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtTw8SS_k_E

I did this Cheesy
Regular Guay

Posts: 52

« Reply #1115 on: August 27, 2015, 04:33:42 AM »

Yeah this has been known about, good job finding it on your own though. Smiley
Deku Scrub

Posts: 3

This text is really personal... Please don't judge

« Reply #1116 on: September 08, 2015, 07:31:56 AM »

A while back I wanted to find a simpler way to get Jolo fish that also Didn't result in a RIP if I got a bad frame or didn't have enough air to make it all the way. So I came up with this. A simpler way to get Jolo fish that goes right passed N-triangle isle so that you always have a back up just in case. Though there is a bit of precision required as you have to act depending on what way Link ends up facing. But if I can do it... then I'm pretty sure of you can do it 20 times over --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxXPLgBqrWw

Also, Beedle is in this video but he does not really do anything for this trick... I just didn't bother doing a 2nd recording of it all.

I did this Cheesy
Deku Scrub

Posts: 1

« Reply #1117 on: October 07, 2015, 05:00:26 AM »

Just gonna leave these here for the sake of documentation.

Deku Scrub

Posts: 11

ima noob

« Reply #1118 on: October 11, 2015, 01:15:20 PM »

Well, I did Vixy strats and hovered for 2 1/2 hours from Outset to DRI. I got early Wind Waker though Grin
Interesting videozzzz:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UU2mcfwy_IQ - Hover Pt. 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiyXVw_mfCU - Hover Pt. 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eE5SJJ1G8Ow - Umm... Fireworks?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpYT2-t0Kmc - Pirate Ship w/ Early Wind Waker
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwFwQjH5GN8 - Forest of Fairies w/ Early Wind Waker
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypIQQi3JH30 - Use early Wind Waker to keep your sword in FF1

You'd get better results with a TAS OpieOP
« Last Edit: October 12, 2015, 05:27:31 PM by greatsnake » Logged

Quote from: ZFG
I don't know what RNG means. I just use it as a buzzword.
Regular Guay

Posts: 51

« Reply #1119 on: October 12, 2015, 10:46:28 PM »

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypIQQi3JH30 - Use early Wind Waker to keep your sword in FF1

This is really clever, will look into this more for TAS strats.
Regular Guay

Posts: 51

« Reply #1120 on: October 13, 2015, 04:18:18 AM »

This is really clever, will look into this more for TAS strats.

Looked a little more into this. You can just use the roll clip escape Gym found and superswim to the end of the water and void out. Much faster than activating some text and waiting to drown.

Even cooler though is that you can store the gossip stone then immediately save warp back to the pirate ship. And because you have the gossip stone you can reenter the pirate ship for bombs.

Too bad you need spoils to do this. Really only useful for like a 100% TAS as far as I can think of.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 11

ima noob

« Reply #1121 on: October 14, 2015, 12:49:39 AM »

Looked a little more into this. You can just use the roll clip escape Gym found and superswim to the end of the water and void out. Much faster than activating some text and waiting to drown.

Even cooler though is that you can store the gossip stone then immediately save warp back to the pirate ship. And because you have the gossip stone you can reenter the pirate ship for bombs.

Too bad you need spoils to do this. Really only useful for like a 100% TAS as far as I can think of.

Do you need to store the cutscene before voiding out to respawn at FF1? And do you need to void out, or can you just drown, a more RTA-friendly option? That could skip a lot in RTA runs.
I never thought of reentering the ship after getting gossip stone. Does it warp you to Windfall when you leave?
Also, doesn't this mean that you can skip Nayru's pearl?
« Last Edit: October 14, 2015, 12:57:03 AM by greatsnake » Logged

Quote from: ZFG
I don't know what RNG means. I just use it as a buzzword.
Regular Guay

Posts: 51

« Reply #1122 on: October 15, 2015, 06:56:30 PM »

Do you need to store the cutscene before voiding out to respawn at FF1? And do you need to void out, or can you just drown, a more RTA-friendly option? That could skip a lot in RTA runs.
I never thought of reentering the ship after getting gossip stone. Does it warp you to Windfall when you leave?

Yup, all you have to do is store the cutscene then void out somehow. Drowning (like in your video) or falling out of the map are both viable options.

After you've voided out you'll spawn at FF1, just grab the gossip stone and save warp. It'll put you back on the pirate ship since you skipped the trigger that changes your respawn point.

Enter the pirate ship and you'll be able to get bombs, and yes, if you leave you'll spawn at Windfall.

Also, as long as you don't beat FF1, your savewarp will always take you back to FF1 pirate ship. Its very possible to just go through the game and get the master sword, then save warp to the FF1 pirate ship to escape Hyrule 1. Pretty cool Smiley

Unfortunately you will need KoRL at Hyrule 2 (the cutscene will softlock otherwise), so you'll be forced to beat FF1 before you go to FF2.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 11

ima noob

« Reply #1123 on: October 16, 2015, 09:12:43 PM »

Cool, now we can get bombs really early... kind of

Quote from: ZFG
I don't know what RNG means. I just use it as a buzzword.
Regular Guay

Posts: 52

« Reply #1124 on: December 05, 2015, 08:19:39 PM »

So, for anybody who doesn't know, there was a weird new trick discovered in Wind Waker last week (technically Ace had it happen to him back in January but he assumed it happened because of cheats, however I had it happen on console with no cheats). What this glitch does is set a flag that removes/unloads ALL the song stones in both Earth temple and Wind temple. What's weird about this glitch is that if you perform it, it will not apply to just the file you perform it on, rather it will apply to ALL files that you currently have, or then make. So if you were to start a new game after activating this flag, that new file would not have any song stones blocking the entrances to Earth and Wind temple which means you can easily enter them early. However, if the console is reset, and the game reloaded, the glitch disappears. When this happens, all song stones that have not been broken in game yet will appear back in their proper places.

Activating this flag requires a seemingly precise set of actions. This is a video showing my general route of how I set the flag to make the song stones disappear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdLq4ETq1pM

Other people have been able to activate the flag with slight variations on this general route through Wind temple. The only steps that we currently know of that are absolutely essential are: getting chest storage, and opening the door to the room with the final song stone in Wind temple (the A press). Once you open the door, the flag becomes set and all song stones are gone.

Even though it's possible to enter Earth temple and Wind temple early now, Medli and Makar do not appear in either of their respective temples because that has a separate flag which is dropping them into the loading zone of their respective dungeon (yes that is actually the flag). We messed around in Earth temple a little bit and realized that it is possible to complete the Earth temple without Medli! However, the same cannot be said for Wind temple as Makar is absolutely essential in the third and fourth rooms of the dungeon (planting trees). Also no, fake Makar does not exist unless Makar has already been in the dungeon. Currently this is the only thing stopping us from completely skipping Earth temple (as the only reason for completing Earth temple is to make Makar appear in the waterfall cave).

I encourage anybody interested to mess around with this. If we could find a way to do it in Earth Temple then we could end up skipping the cutscene going into wind temple which could save a little bit of time. Then this trick would be useful for RTA runs.
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