Special Guay
Posts: 204
« on: September 22, 2009, 10:20:16 PM » |
Awaiting Animeowzerz run, I figure there should at least be a thread on this forum.
[15:48:29] <ChocolateLink> chapstick? [15:48:59] <Phazon> yeah, i'm using it atm, you can get crazy high
Special Guay
Posts: 306
Meow, and... stuff.
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2009, 12:52:20 AM » |
Now THIS sounds like my kind of topic  Reserving this post for Route/planning and such WIP SS Route~! *~AniMeowzerz' Wind Waker Any% Single Segment Route~*
.:Disclaimer- I can be vague on what to do or where to go next, only for people with general knowledge of the game as a whole:.
[Outset 1] -Sidehop off Lookout, Roll to Grandma's House, obtain Clothes -Roll to water, swim across to ladder, climb up Aryll's Lookout -Get Telescope, Assign to Y, Zoom in on Mailman -Cutscene -Sidehop off Lookout, Roll to Orca's House -Do Orca's Sword Training (1 & 2- tap tap wait.. tap tap wait.. etc; 3- normally; 4- quickspins, 5 & 6- as said) -Leave house, unsheathe sword, roll up to FoF, slash down bushes, across bridge, enter FoF -Quickspin log for 20 Rupees -Go up, jumpslash log & sidehop to Moblin battle -Tap Up, attack simultaneously with 5 horizontal slashes -Cutscene -Roll to Grandma's house, Jumpslash up on fence, hold L trigger and walk off fence, enter house -Grab shield, exit house, Jump fence, Roll to Tetra, say yes
[Pirate Ship 1] -roll down, Change camera in mid-air, roll to door -Enter door, drop down ledge, roll through door -Talk to Niko, Sidehop to position self for rope game -Jump to each rope, tap A immediately, change Cam angle in midair to position self to next rope -Grab spoils bag, Roll off, up ladder, up stairs (sidehop to ledge), exit out door -Go up ladder to lookout -Cutscene
[Forsaken Fortress 1] -Activate Gossip Stone cutscene -Roll up stairs, grab 40 rupees -Roll upstairs, up incline, jump into window -Up ladder, option: 1- toss Pot at Moblin, knock him off edge. 2- Grab stick out of pot, Quickspin moblin off ledge -Jump down, continue through FoF accordingly to Boat room -Back up against door, watch for Moblin to stop sniffing and walk -Run up and exit through door -Roll up stairs, moblin skip, continue up incline -Sidle across both gaps, Go into Moblin battle, grab sword, 4 slow slashes then attack normally -Enter door, Cutscene
[Windfall 1] -Roll up hill into town, Slash pots until 20 Rupees -Buy Sail from Zunari, Set to Y -Jump down to KoRL, jump on and set sail to DR
[Dragon Roost 1] -Obtain WindWaker, set to Z, Go through to wind shrine, learn Requiem, Set wind S -Roll back through & up, rock skip, Jumpslash to mailbox, Continue -Talk to Mailman, Roll up incline into mountain -Talking scene, get Delivery bag, roll up & get letter from Medli, Set to Z, Drop down and roll to Komali's room -Show letter to Komali, exit room, make way to withered Pond -Drop down & talk to medli, Toss her up, obtain Bottle, set to Z, Roll to water, bottle water -Climb up bridge, water Bombplant, toss bomb, unplug spring -Swim across, grab bomb, throw in first pot, Bomb boost across lava, enter DRC
[Dragon Roost Cavern] -do Block Puzzle, Unsheathe sword, roll through, jumpslash over railing -Quickspin Moblin, pick up stick, light torches, grab small key, exit -Roll, slash bars, roll into transition, Jump gap, jumpslash down to block -Pull block, Climb up, jump to ledge w/ bridge, toss bomb at boulder, roll into boulder as it explodes -Enter door, toss pot into lava, Grab onto ladder and let Chu fall down, make way out door -Quickspin moblin, grab sword, slash bars, toss at next set of bars, grab small key, exit through other door -Toss pot at Wall bombs, roll into Boulder as it explodes, roll across, go through locked door -Roll through, grab stick from moblin, light it, burn barricade, step on switch, exit door -Target moblin, Sidehop to ledge, climb ladder -Jump across gap, sidehop-jumpslash across next sidle gap -Toss bomb at rock, jump down as it explodes, enter door -Pull bottom middle block twice, climb, pull next one once, climb into room -trigger KoRL talk, pull block once, climb, light deku stick, toss at barricade, jump down after throwing -Climb ladder, grab key, backflip onto chest, roll off onto lower floor, climb block, exit through door -Go up stairs, slash kargarok, grab key, use key on door -grab stick, light torches & barricade, continue -Roll across bridge into next room -Kill moblins with quickslashes, up ladder, through door -Grab waterpot, ignore enemy, throw onto lava geyser, jump on platform, continue through door -Toss bomb at Door, then at rock covering Vase, exit out door -Roll up stairs, go into Moblin battle, kill moblins [grab joy pendants if available] -Get Grapple, assign to Y, Grapple across to barricade -Slash bars, jump down, Grapple across, enter door -L-Target Moblin on bridge, fall off edge, jumpslash to landing below, enter door -Spin ropes, jump up platforms, climb ladder -Grapple onto lever, open door, go through door -Grapple across, jump to ledge, jump down platforms, enter door -Jumpslash magtail, put magtail on Button, L-trigger and sidehop (let go during transition) -Grab boss key, Deathwarp -Jumpslash down, grapple joy pendants, enter warp pot twice -Grapple across lava, grab pendant out of pot, Enter to boss room -Kill Gohma, skip heart container -Cutscene
[Forest Haven] -Jump into boat set Sail to Y, Wand to Z, Grapple to X, sail S to Haven -Get out of KoRL, grapple onto post, make way inside Haven -Fight Chus by quickspinning, Cutscene -use baba buds to get to Deku leaf, Assign leaf to Y, Glide to exit (grab magic) -Glide to first island, set wind NW, grab magic, wait for cyclone, glide to FW, Enter
[Forbidden Woods] -Grab Deku nut, toss at door, enter -Baba across, grab bomb, bomb door, enter door -Glide to platform, Jump up, enter door -Roll up, kill baba for bud, shoot up, go across room to seed, go back & use on door, enter -use leaf to blow seed out of barrier, Use on door, enter -Grapple, glide to tentacles, grab seed, use on door -ride up tentacles, blast leaf pile on Pot, jump down, enter door -Jump across gap, quickspin enemies off, continue through door -Navigate thorn maze to bomb, toss at bars, clip through vines, grab small key, baba-glide over back through door -Make way back into flower room, use key on door -Glide to platform, jump up, enter door -Baba bud up to Mothula battle -Option: 1- use leaf, 4 thrusts to mothula, kill normally. 2- use leaf, jumpslash, leaf, jumpslash etc etc, kill normally -Grab Boomerang, assign to Z, trigger switches, exit door -Use Boomerang on door, exit through door -Cut down Flower with boomerang, jump on flower as it falls, enter door -Glide to right side of room, enter door -Cut down flower with boomerang, deflect octorocks, navigate tunnel with leaf, glide to ledge, enter door -Go up spiral, hit 5 switches with boomerang, maneuver self to in front of gate, grab boss key, deathwarp -roll up incline, jump into pot -Jump down, use boomerang on door -Quickspin Moths, enter door, assign bottle to X, Bottle fairy, enter to Boss Room -Kill Kalle Demos, grab heart container -Cutscene, restock on Magic, go outside I jump in boat -Assign Sail to Y, Wand to Z
[Greatfish -> Outset 2] -Sail N to Farore Pearl Placement, place pearl, sail W to Greatfish -Talk to Mailman, get back in boat, sail NE to Windfall -Roll up hill, bomb house shortcut, crawl into bomb house -Cutscene, find out password -Exit shop, roll up hill, enter Tingle cell, release tingle, get Tuner -Exit, jump onto ship, tell Niko password, enter -Drop down, roll through door, talk to Niko -Sidehop onto switch, sidehop to left, Grab rope when able, finish rope game 2 -get Bombs, exit ship, set wind S -Jump down, roll to Boat, sail S to Din pearl placement -Place pearl, get back in boat, Enter Cyclone (3 acceptable warps) -Sail to Outset, get out of ship, roll to Grandma's house -Set fairy to X, use fairy on Grandma, get Elixer soup -Exit house, Set bombs to X, get back in KoRL, sail to back of Outset -Bomb down slab (~10 bombs), enter, get Nayru's Pearl -Set wind NW, sail NE to Nayru Pearl placement, place pearl, Cutscene -Sail into ToG
[Tower of Gods] -Jump out of KoRL, set Deku Leaf to Y, swim to right side -Toss statue on ledge next to pillar and wall, jump on 2nd pillar, glide to 1st pillar, do ToG wallclip Break -Enter door, grab statues, toss onto switches, roll into left switch to land on platform -Sidehop to next platforms, roll into door, enter door -Take the right door, go across normally, call statue, navigate, take statue back to main room -Learn Command melody, assign Grapple to X, go left, restock on magic, enter door -Glide to left side, then other side of room, enter door -Grapple across, call statue, step on switch, command melody, lead statue across bridge, cancel -Grapple across, pick up statue, through door, put statue on switch, glide to right side, enter door -Fight Dark Nut, grab Bow, assign to X, exit -Shoot eye, glide to statue, Kill first skull if viable, take statue across room, enter main room -Go up, enter door, jump down to lower door & enter -Shoot eye, glide to platform, grab key, sidehop off, exit door -Sidehop left, jumpslash into water, climb ladder, toss 2 statues on 1 pedestal, continue to next door (restock magic) -Deku leaf over lasers, call statue, toss statue across, command melody, navigate to switch, cancel -Pick up statue, exit door, toss on pedestal, go across, toss 2 on other pedestal, pick 1 more up -Toss statue to pedestal as you land on your pedestal, grab statue, exit out door -Assign Bombs to Y, Grapple to Z, Bomb boost across lasers, grab boss key -Shoot statues, kill, exit door -Shoot 2nd laser eye for arrow restock, jumpslash over other lasers -Grab fairy if needed, enter boss room, Defeat Gohdan, grab heart container -Grapple onto bell, small cutscene
[Hyrule 1] -Go inside Hyrule, trigger KoRL speech, do block puzzle -Enter throne room, obtain MS, leave throne room, assign elixer to Y, do soup glitch, Boomerang to Y, Arrows to X -Make way upstairs (left side), grab arrows from pot, kill enemies, other pot for arrows, kill rest of enemies on top floor -Downstairs, circle through the bottom floor til all enemies are dead, leave Hyrule -get in KoRL, assign sail to Y, Wand to Z, cruise to light
[Forsaken Fortress 2] -Sail NW to Cyclone, Shoot him, obtain Ballad -Warp to windfall, sail NW to NFI, get purse upgrade -Sail W to FF, bomb down door, sail in -Roll upstairs, fight Phantom ganon -Get the Skull Hammer, assign it to Y, deku leaf to Z -Roll up stairs, glide over to half ladder, make way up FF to Helmeroc room -Cutscene, roll up spiral, use Hammer on Helmeroc, go up to remaining Helmeroc battle, finish, grab heart container -Roll up incline, enter Ganon room, cutscene
[Hyrule 2 - Earth Temple Entrance] -Take tetra to throne room, cutscene, leave hyrule -Assign Sail to Y, wand to Z, get on KoRL, leave in gold circle -Warp to B2, get F&I arrows, Switch arrows to Ice, warp to Dragon Roost -Set wind S, Sail to Fire mountain, freeze, enter mountain, get Power Bracelets, leave -Get in KoRL, set wind NE, warp to SFI, sail E to Ice Ring, melt -Climb up, Glide over to iceblock, jump into mouth, jumpslash up steps, enter -Slide down ice, get Iron boots, assign to X, put on, jumpslash across wind, exit ring -Get back to KoRL, set Deku Leaf to X, warp To Outset -Sail E to ET, lift rock, enter, learn EGL, exit, get back in KoRL -Warp to Dragon Roost, shoot mountain bombs, grab 200 Rupee, Rock skip, glide to ledge, enter DR -Go up & out door left of Mail sorting game, glide over, climb ladder -Talk to Medli, play EGL, cutscene -Warp to Outset, sail to ET, play EGL, Enter Temple .:Continues in next post:.
Feel free to suggest changes, I'm not doing the run til I'm able to get sub 7:00 AND of course the proper recording equipment ... and money, I need that too. This might be put on hold for a while til I'm out of college too, so bare with me if that happens, I'll try and get this run done even if it drives me bonkers trying to juggle it with life. Also if you're wondering about some odd wind changes, it's cause you can sail in any direction 90 degrees to the left or right of whatever direction the wind is blowing. E.G. If the wind points north, you can go anywhere from West, up to North, and over to West without losing wind speed.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2009, 11:20:41 PM by AniMeowzerz »
RBA stands for Rare Bird Adventure. We call it that because we need to get the blue cucco in order to use it.
Special Guay
Posts: 204
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2009, 09:37:06 AM » |
Straight away i'm confused lol. 3 quick slashes for thrusts? 4 quickspins? They're typos right? :/
I see you use the segmented rupee route. Isn't that risky at FF1? If you get spotted do you start again? And the luck manipulation in WFI, must have it's annoying moments. Also risking the bomb boost before DRC. How often do you pull that off? The boulder in DRC after the first small key; you can quickspin the bombs if you wanted to. I think it's a bit faster. In FW you don't skip those spinner things. You can just deku leaf and let go to grab the edge of the platform. It's not that hard if you get a camera angle that lets you see below you. Quickspinning that big flower is also annoying, because if you're not in the perfect place you'll miss 1 and fall off. Actually if you could find a point to jumpslash that would take you to that perfect spot and then instant quickspin, it would be quite fast. If that cyclone warp doesn't go your way, do you plan to start the run again? In the 2nd statue room in ToG you can deku leaf that gap, you don't need to grapple. Also in the same room you said put statue on witch. What does that mean? You also called the ToG miniboss a deku nut instead of a darknut lol.
[15:48:29] <ChocolateLink> chapstick? [15:48:59] <Phazon> yeah, i'm using it atm, you can get crazy high
Special Guay
Posts: 306
Meow, and... stuff.
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2009, 04:25:27 PM » |
Lmao I called him a deku nut xD that's awesome. Anyways, witch = switch, it's a typo. the Orca training, I'm just talking about the phases, not actually how many you do. I'm extremely vague when I write my routes lol D: the rupees at FF, it's risky, but it's only 21 minutes in the run, I'd be willing to start over by then. But I'm oddly enough not willing to try the moblin skip. I can NEVER get that to work. Same deal with the chu parry With the cyclone, it really depends on my time whether I'd take the cyclone or not. If I had some sort of perfect time, I'd just take the 4 minutes and not risk it due to chances that I wont ever get that time again. On the flipside, if I'm like 7 minutes behind what I estimated, I'll take the risk and grab the cyclone. The rupee manipulation for the pots is annoying, yeah, But it only takes about 20-30 seconds to grab all 20 rupees if I'm unlucky. Sometimes I get lucky enough to get a red rupee which is nice  That's good to know about the platforms in FW, thanks, it'll speed things up. Also about the grapple hook, I'm trying to conserve magic without having to use the elixer too much, so it's just a precaution. I'm not too fond of the elixer, so I don't know how much time it wastes for me to go to the menu, assign to a button, pull off the glitch (which to answer your question, is the exact same as the tingle tuner glitch) The bomb boost, well... I'm gonna risk it. turns out I'm balls horrible at tossing the bomb into the second pot :/
« Last Edit: September 23, 2009, 04:27:14 PM by AniMeowzerz »
RBA stands for Rare Bird Adventure. We call it that because we need to get the blue cucco in order to use it.
Special Guay
Posts: 204
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2009, 05:28:06 PM » |
Just get the magic like I do in my ToG run. I get a big magic pot from the Wizrobe, which doesn't always happen, but more often than not it does. Not that it matters because I didn't need it anyway. You can get big magic bottles before major deku leaf spots in ToG, which is quite convenient imo. Once you've got the 3rd statue, you don't need magic in ToG. And you go straight to Hyrule Castle, where you can get lots of magic from spoils :]
[15:48:29] <ChocolateLink> chapstick? [15:48:59] <Phazon> yeah, i'm using it atm, you can get crazy high
Special Guay
Posts: 306
Meow, and... stuff.
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2009, 09:22:08 PM » |
Thanks for the tip, I'll be sure to grab those magic bottles  continued Route (I exceeded my text limit lol) [Earth Temple] -Assign hammer to X, deku leaf to Y, grab medli, fly across gap, cancel, pick her up & proceed -Run up stairs, fly to first switch, step on, toss medli towards second, command melody while she's in air -Fly medli to 2nd switch, step on it, guide her to door, cancel, jump down, pick her up, proceed -Put her down, slash Chus, call Medli, spin her in light to freeze dark chus, Hammer chus, grab medli and enter door -Fly with Medli to statue arm, cancel at ledge, pull up, position self & hammer-jumpslash switch -Pick up Medli, proceed through door -Toss Medli, climb up ladder, pull block, CM, Shine light on Chest, cancel, grab key, pick up medli & leave -Unlock door, proceed -Take Medli to higher ledge, jump @ angle, deku-leade & cancel at ledge, pull self up -Push block down to unlock door, CM Medli to ledge, pick up medli, proceed -Kill floormaster, push block into place, use medli to melt wall, push other block into place -Toss medli up to higher ledge, climb up, pick her up, exit door -Toss medli, assign Boomerang to Z, kill Moblins, CM, use medli to shine light on Poes, cancel, kill poes -Go up stairs & enter door, Position self, backflip-deku glide back to ledge, use boomerang to grab key, leave -Use key on door, enter -Bomb Stalfos, roll up & grab Mirror shield -Shine light on moon, exit door, roll across, pick up medli, leave -Fly across left side to avoid floor master, enter door, fly towards next door, cancel, pick up medli, leave -CM medli to light, shine on left eye, cancel -Roll to right eye, shine on right eye, pick up medli, down stairs & enter door -Go across bridge, play EGL, blow up slab, enter door -Shine light off shield into Mirror, go through door -Roll across, pull statue, hammer switch, roll back across, exit -Go into other door, roll across, grab small key, roll back across, exit -Shine light on small statue, climb block, glide to ledge, CM, guide Medli to you, cancel -Pick up medli, go through door -Take Right path, conduct EGL, pick up Medli, go through door -Fly to the right, cancel, land by lower door, pick up medli, proceed -Drop down, move first statue to the right, conduct CM -Guide Medli to switch, drop down to first pedestal, melt statue then position light accordingly, cancel -Use link to melt the wall, move both statues into place, conduct CM -Use medli to fly into the first mirror, shine light on Right eye, cancel -Use link on pedestal, position self, shine light in left eye -Go down, enter door, use deku leaf on Skulls, kill them then Dark nut -Grab boss key, exit room, roll across, climb ladder, leave -Roll up stairs, climb vines, roll up, glide to Boss door, enter -Assign Elixer to whatever button, perform glitch, kill Jalhalla -Grab Heart Container, obtain first master sword regeneration, leave
[Wind Temple] -Get in KoRL, Assign Sail to Y, Wand to Z, Iron Boots to X -Warp to Windfall, sail N to WT, put on boots, assign hammer to Y, smash rock -Enter WT, learn WGA, exit, get back in KoRL, assign Sail to Y and Grapple to X -Warp to Forest Haven, enter Beedle's ship, grab Bait bag & 2 hyoi pears -Exit, proceed up to grapple into Makar's cave, teach WGA -Warp to Windfall, sail N to WT -Conduct WGA, enter Temple -Assign Leaf to Y, Boots to X -Toss Makar, CM, step on switch, cancel, drop down, step on spring w/ boots, undo boots & glide over -Pick up Makar, enter door, use Deku leaf on spinner, go across, CM, plant seeds, cancel, pick up makar, enter -Toss & CM while in air, plant 1st & 3rd seed, Makar gets taken -Exit out door, roll across, enter door -Jumpslash down, kill Floormaster, leaf spinner-immediate backflip onto platform, enter door to right -Drop down, roll to last whirlwind, Backflip on & dekuleaf up the whirlwind & go to door, enter -Use boots on switch, jump down, jumpslash near bottom to take no damage, enter door -Asslgn Bombs to Y, Bomb boost through spikes, grab small key, Exit out door -Roll across, Assign Arrows to Y, enter door, shoot wizrobes with fire arrows & kill dark nut -Grab Hookshot, assign to Y & hammer to X, hook up & use hammer, jump down and exit -Go back to small key room, assign iron boots to X, boot down & get captured by floormaster -assign leaf to Z, glide to Makar, put on Boots & hook onto statue to pull down -Grab makar, assign Wand to X, toss him towards Capture area door, CM in midair, fly to ledge, cancel -Glide to ledge, pick up makar, enter door, hookshot up trees, CM Makar up to ledge, pick up, continue -CM Makar, plant left 2 trees & go to door, cancel, hookshot up trees & jump to ledge, grab makar & continue -Put Makar on switch, step on other, open Fan & gate, CM, Drop down w/ Makar & plant seeds, activate fan, cancel -Glide into whirlwind, go across to door, enter door -Assign Arrows to Y, shoot statues & kill, grab small key, leave -CM Makar to Door next to Large statues, cancel, jump down & glide to makar, grab & enter -Jumpslash down, kill floor master, leaf spinner-immediate backflip onto platform, grab makar -Conduct WGA, enter, defeat Dark nuts, grab boss key, leave -use spinner, roll across & grab makar, leave, jump down to very bottom floor, unlock door -Assign Hookshot to Y and Boots to Z, hookshot up & step on switch, grab makar & proceed -CM Makar to plant tree, cancel & hookshot to tree, kill floormaster, grab makar & proceed -Position self, put on boots & sidehop across wind tunnel, perform WGA, take off boots & proceed to boss room -Assign soup to X or Z, do soup glitch, kill Molgera -Grab heart container, get 2nd Master Sword Regeneration, leave
[Triforce charts] -Get on KoRL, assign sail to Y, wand to Z, Bombs to X -Conduct wind SW, warp to Greatfish -Sail S to Islet, bomb ship, enter, play requiem, break pots for rupees, grab chart, leave -Sail W to Golden ship, bomb, set Grapple to X & grapple chart -Sail S to Diamond Steppe, go in & get ghost chart -Warp to Outset, go up to FoF, chuck rock & get purse upgrade, exit FoF -Jump down, go across island & hookshot up to tree -pick up head, enter hole -Break all pots for rupees, assign Boomerang to Y, Grapple to Z, Arrows to X -Continue to do rooms, grapple joy pendants until 21, assign bombs to Z & continue as such -Conduct Requiem, get triforce charts & rupees, leave -Get back on KoRL, warp to Windfall Island -Go into town, talk to Ms. Mary, accept Killer Bees game -Roll to grave & learn SoP, go behind grave & make kid run, go catch kid -Bomb house shortcut, make kid run & catch -Roll into tree, Catch kid, find 4th kid, catch her -Talk to Ms. Mary again, go back outside, Killer bees talk, go back inside -Joy pendants to X, show Ms. Mary pendants & get Cabana deed -Go back to KoRL, warp to ToG, sail S to Cabana -Assign Grapple to Y, Hammer to X, go in & navigate maze to chart -Exit, get back in KoRL. If Not night already, conduct SoP, check ghost chart, sail to ghost ship (change wind if necessary) -Kill enemies, break pots for rupees, get Chart -Set Wind N if applicable, warp to Dragon Roost, Sail NE to next chart island -Assign hookshot to X, hook up palms, enter hole -Clear rooms, get chart, break pots & pillar for rupees -Exit, get back on KoRL, set sail to y, wand to Z, Pear to X -Warp to Forest Haven, sail NE to bird rock island -use Hyoi pear near barred entrance, hit switches (use another pear if necessary), cancel, enter room -Requiem, break pots, grab chart, leave, get back on KoRL -Warp to SFI, sail NW to stone watcher, enter & clear rooms, break pots & pillar for rupees, grab chart -Do 101 Rupee trick until 3184+ rupees -Leave, get back on KoRL, warp to Tingle Island, translate charts, assign Grapple to X
[Triforce pieces] -Warp to Windfall, go N, get piece -Warp to Dragon Roost, go N, grab piece -Warp to Forest Haven, sail E-NE, get piece -Warp to Greatfish, grab piece, set wind SE -Sail SE to stonewatcher, grab piece -Sail E to nayru pearl island, grab piece -Warp to Outset, grab piece -Warp to SFI, sail S to two-eye reef, grab piece -Warp to ToG, go to Hyrule
[Hyrule 3 - End] -Roll down & out door, slash barrier, roll across to trials entrance -Set Deku to Y, hookshot to Z, glide to first platform, hookshot to next, enter trials -Glide to Fire Trial room, enter -Toss pot into left, grab another, throw on lava jet, glide to last grapple, glide down, do Gohma -Enter Wind trial, assign boots to X, Use spring & glide to the right, hookshot up, do Molgera -Enter Earth Trial, Shine light on dark chus, hookshot to pull towards, use them on switches, continue to Jalhalla -Do Forest trial, beat Kalle Demos -Enter main door, go up stairs through next, enter right door -Jump down, go Down, Left, Up, Left, Right, Up -Fight short phantom ganon battle, get Light arrows -Assign arrows to Y, go back in main room, shoot PG with light arrow, toss sword at wall, continue -Roll up stairs, shoot enemies with light arrows, restock on Arrows, continue to Puppet Ganon -First phase assign Boomerang to X, chop down Tail string, shoot tail bulb with light arrows -Second phase shoot bulb as he falls -Third phase well.. Yeah this one's a bitch regardless what you do :/ -Assign Grapple to X, hookshot to Y -Make way to Ganon, Cutscene -Fight Ganon until epic ownage in the face! :D -Happy endings yey -Go do something else, that's enough wind waker for one day
« Last Edit: September 28, 2009, 03:01:00 PM by AniMeowzerz »
RBA stands for Rare Bird Adventure. We call it that because we need to get the blue cucco in order to use it.
Special Guay
Posts: 204
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2009, 10:13:45 PM » |
So you are getting ES now?
Oh yeah I forgot. Shieldless darknuts armor can be destroyed very easily with 2 quickspins. A lot faster than a parry and very helpful for HC. If they've got a shield, just parry. You need stupid luck to land even 1 quickspin on them. Idk if you already knew all that, but it can't hurt to mention it. I'll read more tomorrow. I did notice that you said hookshot to Chus. Just so you know you will hookshot stone Chus towards you. I doubt i'll be much help now though. I only got to seg 36 in my old run, so I don't know anything about anything after that.
[15:48:29] <ChocolateLink> chapstick? [15:48:59] <Phazon> yeah, i'm using it atm, you can get crazy high
Special Guay
Posts: 306
Meow, and... stuff.
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2009, 10:23:30 PM » |
aha, that's what hookshotting the chus meant. Gotcha, I'll rewrite it.
It'll depend on if I remember to grab a fairy before Kalle Demos or not, but the elixer soup would help ALOT during the puppet ganon battle. That 3rd phase is a bastard, so I need all the magic/health I can get :/
But the only real times I'd be using the elixer soup is at the Ice ring, since I always end up having no magic by then; Jalhalla, Molgera, and Puppet Ganon.
RBA stands for Rare Bird Adventure. We call it that because we need to get the blue cucco in order to use it.
Special Guay
Posts: 204
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2009, 09:25:36 AM » |
Snake Ganon shouldn't be a problem as far as health is concerned, because you can hookshot to the higher platforms and he won't be able to hit you. It also makes it harder to hit him though. There's also Keese for magic throughout the whole fight. And you can fully restock right before the fight.
[15:48:29] <ChocolateLink> chapstick? [15:48:59] <Phazon> yeah, i'm using it atm, you can get crazy high
Regular Guay
Posts: 109
Hair Dye
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2009, 11:52:35 AM » |
Soup would be of very little help against Molgera, cycles end after doing so much damage, so you would only save a sword swing or so per cycle.
I'll look at the route later! Yeah quickspin is the answer to all fights. Practicing the 2 cycle Phantom Gannon fight? Single cycle Helmarok King? They are not easy. but save a good amount of time if you can pull it off. For Helmarok arrows and the boomerang can be tried as well if you fail the SC...
May get a recorder at year's end...
Special Guay
Posts: 306
Meow, and... stuff.
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2009, 04:17:43 PM » |
... Well I wish I had known about the higher platforms :I Also good to know about Molgera. I really just need to practice my quickspinning. I can't tell if it's just me or my extremely clunky Gamestop controller, but I can never quickspin for the life of me. I also cannot aim correctly. trying to aim the light at the eyes is such a pain in the ass in the earth temple D: Also wondering, the segmented route says you can damage Molgera while he's in the air? I've never heard of that before, what do you do it with, arrows/boomerang? Bomb where he enters the ground? Thank you guys for looking at the route BTW  helps immensely
RBA stands for Rare Bird Adventure. We call it that because we need to get the blue cucco in order to use it.
Special Guay
Posts: 204
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2009, 05:43:07 PM » |
SC HK is easy imo. You can hookshot Molgera's tounge when he is in the air. It causes a graphical glitch; Molgera will disappear into the ground in about a frame. Arrows can hurt Molgera, but they're practically useless. Boomerang does nothing. Bombs are weak on Molgera too. They do 1 horizontal slash worth of damage each iirc. Just use Hookshot and quickspins. First quickspin comes out after roughly 1.5 control stick spins and then B. Then just mash B and keep on spinning as fast as you can. You'll get used to them eventually. You've got until Christmas to practise 
[15:48:29] <ChocolateLink> chapstick? [15:48:59] <Phazon> yeah, i'm using it atm, you can get crazy high
Regular Guay
Posts: 109
Hair Dye
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2009, 08:44:25 PM » |
Wow, I time hitting B when the first one ends, instead of mashing. I swear by clockwise, but Drybes goes with counter. It's up to you to find what you like. If you feel adventurous and know how much health an enemy has, you can start the stick spin right after the last stab, letting you follow up with a quick quick spin. Can save a stab.
The only real thing that really causes me to mess up HK is recoil from the helmet when I draw the sword. I could just stop targeting for a second to unsheath, just realized...
May get a recorder at year's end...
Special Guay
Posts: 306
Meow, and... stuff.
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2009, 09:32:44 PM » |
I've been 'timing' the quickspinning, and I've come to realize that you only have to go around 1.25 on the analog and not 1.5, which makes it slightly quicker. And also, me mashing means I hit the button too quickly and end up thrusting instead of quickspinning again, so I'm timing my button hits. I'm able to do both clockwise and counter equally, although counter is alot more comfortable for me, so I think I'll stick with counter.  Gonna go practice sum moar kwikspinz' Actually I have another question. I can't seem to get the Deku leaf-bomb boost to work, any pointers? I either get hit by the explosion or it doesn't do anything at all. NVM, I can do Kazooie's trick at that part very consistently now :3 rewriting to use that instead another update, I talked to mum.. I won't be able to pull off getting a dvd recorder for christmas. I might just get a job instead and accumulate enough to get a real decent one, perhaps even sooner than christmas! 
« Last Edit: September 25, 2009, 02:59:49 AM by AniMeowzerz »
RBA stands for Rare Bird Adventure. We call it that because we need to get the blue cucco in order to use it.
Special Guay
Posts: 204
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2009, 08:21:13 AM » |
You can do a quickspin with 1 spin of the control stick, but it's kinda weird and doesn't always work.
[15:48:29] <ChocolateLink> chapstick? [15:48:59] <Phazon> yeah, i'm using it atm, you can get crazy high