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Author Topic: 100% Segmented Team Run  (Read 388839 times)
Regular Guay

Posts: 35

« Reply #30 on: July 05, 2010, 09:47:41 AM »

Segment 4:
Stick from pot
Open Actor Glitch door (no glitch)
Deku Shield
Like Like room for Hylian Shield + GS [1GS]
Actor glitch
Dead hand
LoT + 99R chest [99 R]
Clip for Chus

I'm not the most known with BOTW, but can you get that skulltula without boomerang?
I tried to find a video on how to on youtube but it's being difficult. Plus Brianmp16's takes it with the boomerang in his speedrun
Special Guay

Posts: 439

I'm not your buddy, guay!

« Reply #31 on: July 05, 2010, 01:50:38 PM »

Yes, we will be getting that without the boomerang. You can get it with the likelike giving you the boost when it spits you out.

runnerguy your such a mother fucker. whats with all this bombchu shit? all everyone who likes this shit is stupid. ur a fucking cheater. u did that the wrong way, thats not how to get past the king zora u cheater. u suck and i wont continue watching all ur shit! videos.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 3

« Reply #32 on: July 07, 2010, 02:03:19 AM »

will be watching this closely.  very cool
Special Guay

Posts: 330

« Reply #33 on: July 07, 2010, 03:03:28 AM »

Anybody tested the route yet? We really need to move onto the next phase before the project dies.

Special Guay

Posts: 205

tokay stole ma shovel

« Reply #34 on: July 07, 2010, 03:09:56 AM »

I'm stuck at the stupid gerudo archery, but I am working on testing.

[00:09:38] <%Runnerguy2489> .entranta
[00:09:42] <%Runnerguy2489> .etrnats
[00:09:42] <%Runnerguy2489> fuck
[00:09:45] <+Zero> lol
[00:09:46] <%Runnerguy2489> .etrants
[00:09:48] <%Runnerguy2489> FUCK
Special Guay

Posts: 202

« Reply #35 on: July 07, 2010, 03:16:21 AM »

Anybody tested the route yet? We really need to move onto the next phase before the project dies.
I can continue testing this tomorrow.

[13:57] <Kaztalek> Give me a week and I guarentee I will be a top 10 MM player.
[18:34:23] <ingx24> i suck at mm
Site Editor
Mega Guay

Posts: 613

fuck you and the horse you rode in on

562243965 marikthechao@hotmail.com ingx24
« Reply #36 on: July 07, 2010, 01:37:18 PM »

wait, does this have to be recorded through a dvd recorder? or will a capture card work too?

<complex> byan you're doing that thing again
<complex> the thing where everything you say is fucking retarded

<ethandude> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual cheak this out luxury it might come in helpful when u wright your resime
Special Guay

Posts: 306

Meow, and... stuff.

AniMeowzerz@hotmail.com AniMeowzerz
« Reply #37 on: July 07, 2010, 01:55:47 PM »

wait, does this have to be recorded through a dvd recorder? or will a capture card work too?
Anything that meets SDA quality standards, I'm fairly sure. So if your capture card works, then you can use it

RBA stands for Rare Bird Adventure. We call it that because we need to get the blue cucco in order to use it.
Regular Guay

Posts: 149

« Reply #38 on: July 07, 2010, 02:39:30 PM »

I'm stuck at the stupid gerudo archery, but I am working on testing.

Special Guay

Posts: 330

« Reply #39 on: July 11, 2010, 02:37:46 AM »

RG is doing some really in depth testing, and is making a few alterations.

To RG for when he gets back:

Best solution we've found to the dilemma - clear out lower Zora's River.

After exiting forest, route would go:
SS to ZR
GS in tree
Buy 2 beans [subtract 30R]
Back to Market - 60R from chains (kills a bit more time and we need the extra 20 if we want an extra beans)
Continue with market as before, to kakriko...if it isn't night yet, it should at least be very close. Could also potentially get bomb drops in ZR to lessen the waiting time..and is a bomb drop from the tree outside of Kakriko possible?

The extra beans will be planted in our return trip to the Forest Stage after Mask of Truth, thus skipping the hover as adult. We could also move the GS in the forest stage back to the second trip (I don't know why it was there...is it faster to do so?) since we have the ZR GS now for giant's wallet. Alternatively, we can get the construction GS after House of Skulltula instead of before.

Since we are skipping the forest stage hover...I'm wondering if it is worth it to buy the 20 chus. I think it still is, because of the fountain hover and reverse KZ hover (along with some other hover I'm probably forgetting...do we WT bk skip?). But it is worth reevaluating.

Special Guay

Posts: 439

I'm not your buddy, guay!

« Reply #40 on: July 18, 2010, 08:15:30 PM »

Most up-to-date route:

Segment 1:
Pause (1) Save

Segment 2:
Pause (2) Equip Sword and Save

Segment 3:
WESS escape
Fairy Ocarina
WESS to kakriko
4 cuccos
Cucco dive to well
Pause (3) Save

Segment 4:
Stick from pot
Open Actor Glitch door (no glitch)
Deku Shield
Like Like room for Hylian Shield + GS [1GS]
Actor glitch
Pause (4) - equip Deku Shield
Dead hand
LoT + 99R chest [99 R]
Clip for Chus
Pause (5) and Save

Segment 5:
Finish cuccos for bottle
Puase (6) and equip Chus and Bottle, get Bugs
To market
Crate GS in market [2GS]
GS in tree near castle [3GS]
Pause (7) and equip Egg
Wake Talon
Chu Boost to ledge [9 C]
Avoid cheating guards
ZL w/ CS skip [8 C]

Segment 6:
Lost Woods warp
Goron city warp [7 C]
Up to top
HP above DC [3.25 H]
Blow up DC and put bugs in hole [6 C] [4GS]
Enter, Pause (Cool save

Segment 7:
Blow open wall [5 C]
GJ to switch [4 C]
Chu down staircase [3 C]
Chu megaflip to bomb bag [2 C]
Pause (9) and equip Bombs over chus and stick over letter
Press switch to raise platform to upper level
Light eyes with bombs [18 B]
GS in far room [5GS][17 B]
Pause (10) and Save

Segment 8:
OI trick to open door without pushing block
KD [4.25 H][14 B]
Down to Kakriko
Pause (11) and have Letter, Bombs, and Ocarina on C buttons
Show letter to guard
Up to DC again, getting GS on the way [6GS]
Re-enter DC, Pause (12) equip bugs over Letter save

Segment 9:
Up to magic
GS from crater crate [7GS]
HP from climbable wall [4.5 H]
Double magic
To Goron City
Pause (13) and equip deku stick over ocarina
Bombs in urn [4.75 H]
Bomb bag upgrade [30 B]
GS in rock maze [8GS][27 B]
Pause (14) and Save

Segment 10:
Know-it-all brothers GS [10GS]
Escape again
SS toward hylia [26 B]
HP in grotto in fence square [5 H] [89R][25 B]
Bomb hover over fence [24 B]
Lake Hylia
GS from dirt [11GS]
Scarecrow's Song
Fish for GS / HP [69R] [5.25 H]
Ruto's Bottle
Enter Domain
Deku Nuts
Torches for HP [5.5 H]
Megasidehop past KZ
Superswim to fountain
Pause (15) and equip Ocarina over sticks
FW and tree GS [12GS]
Enter jabu w/ jslash
Pause (16) and equip FW and Nuts (leave bombs) and Save

Segment 11:
FW in second room
GS by rising water [13GS]
Back to basement
Pause (17) and equip boomerang over deku nuts
2 GS [15GS]
FW back up
Recast FW
Pause (18) equip bottle over FW
Megaflip to switch, proceed to OI
GS in room before boss [16GS]
Pause (18) and equip deku nuts and deku stick (leave boomerang)
Barinade [6.5 H]
Pause (19) and equip bugs, bottle, and bombs. Save

Segment 12:
GS in soil on the way to deku [17GS]
Pause (20) to Bottle dupe with bugs over Ruto's Letter, equip boomerang over empty bottle
Into Deku
Pause (21) and equip deku stick over bottle, Save

Segment 13:
Vine text skip
To the top
GS from compass room [18GS]
Jump down and break web
Kill GS on way down, then boomerang it [19GS]
Boomerang GS on grating [20GS]
GJ to upper ledge
Back through tree to GS behind wall [21GS]
Pause (22) and equip nuts over boomerang, Save

Segment 14:
Burn web
Kill Gohma [7.5 H]
Pause (23) and have equipped letter, boomerang, and bombs. Save

Segment 15:
SS to market
Ocarina of Time/Song of Time
Slingshot game for 40 seed bag [49R]
Keaton Mask
To Kakriko
Show guard Keaton Mask [64R]
Cucco dive to well
Pause (24) and equip slingshot. Save

Segment 16:
Key on left
Key in grave room
GS in Deku Baba room [22GS]
GS in keese room [23GS]
Pause (25) and Save

Segment 17:
Exit well
SS to market
40R from chains [99R]
Chu bowl for 40 bag [69R] (can get HP instead depending on bomb count)
Get Skull Mask [59R]
Pause (26) and equip ocarina over boomerang. Save

Segment 18:
To lost woods
50 bag and HP from skull kid [7.75 H] [65R]
Pause (27) and equip skull mask (leave bombs)
Forest stage stick upgrade
Saria's Song
Pause (28) and equip ocarina. Save

Segment 19:
Back to start of Lost Woods
Skull kid HP, show mask [8 H] [75R]
GS from other dirt patch [24GS]
Scrubby final stick upgrade [35R]
Pause (29) and equip boomerang, bombs, and slingshot. Save

Segment 20:
Leave Forest
SS to ZR
GS in tree [25GS]
Buy 2 beans [5R]
SS to market
40 Rupees from chains [45R]
Enter market at day
Get Spooky Mask [25R]
To Kakriko (get GS in tree on the way) (it should be night) [25GS]
GS in tree [26GS]
GS by bazaar [27GS]
GS on ladder [28GS]
HP on roof [8.25 H]
GS at construction site [29GS]
GS by Skulltula house [30GS]
Giant's Wallet and Stone of Agony
To graveyard
Dampe HP [8.5 H][15R]
Pause (30) and equip bugs and ocarina and (leave boomerang)
Soil GS [31GS]
Sun's Song
GS on wall [32GS]
Sun's Song HP [8.75 H]
Sun's Song again
Pause (31) and equip bombs, FW, and spooky mask
Trade Spooky Mask [45R]
Hover to seam
Shadow early
Pause (32) and Save

Segment 21:
Megaflip gap
Truth spinner
To Dead Hand
Kill him and get Hover Boots
Activate FW to warp to Jabu
Pause (33) and equip ocarina and boomerang (leave bombs). Save

Segment 22:
Exit Jabu
Play Sun's Song
Nab GS on log [33GS]
Pause (34) and Save

Segment 23:
SS to Lon Lon Ranch
Get 4 GS and HP [37GS] [9 H]
Sun's Song to daytime
Lon Lon bottle [35R]
Epona's Song
SS to castle
Bunny Hood [5R]
Exit market
Sun's Song
Grotto near river [9.25 H]
Pause (35) and equip bunny hood over boomerang
Talk to runnerguy [500R]
Sun's Song again
Get Mask of Truth [450R]
Pause (36) and equip Mask of Truth and beans (leave bombs). Save

Segment 24:
To Lost Woods
GS from dirt patch [38GS]
Dupe Milk Bottle
Plant bean near Forest Stage
Deku Nut upgrade
Pause (37) and equip ocarina and LoT (leave bombs). Save

Segment 25:
SS to castle
Sun's Song for night
Richard HP [9.5 H]
Buy 20 chus from shop [270R]
Treasure Chest minigame [9.75 H] [260R]
To ToT
Play SoT to open DoT in ToT
Master sword
Pause (38) and Save

Segment 26:
Superslide to Kakariko
Get pocket egg
To graveyard
Get more Bombs (hopefully at least 2 drops)
Dampoers grave (more bombs?)
Hookshot and HP [10 H]
Song of Storms and HP [10.25 H]
To Talon's house
Pause (39) and equip egg over nuts
Sun's Song twice to hatch egg
Wake Talon
Get Cojiro
Play the Sun's Song again for night
Pause (40) and equip hookshot over ocarina. Save

Segment 27:
SS to Lost Woods
Hover/Pressure jump over bridge
Trade Cojiro for Odd Mush
To Mido, skip him
To maze, GJ to get on top
Hookshot GS in maze [39GS]
Learn Minuet
Pause (41) and equip bugs over mush
Bugcatching trick to keep elevator up
Go down and get GS [40GS]
Ride elevator back up and get GS by stalfos door [41GS] *this gs could be moved if need be*
BK skip
PG and HC [11.25 H]
Odd Mush Forest Medallion CS Skip
Pause (42) and equip cojiro over bugs
Trade for Mush again
Warp to Goron City
Goron Tunic from shop with SS warp [60R]
Get GS at top of GC [42GS]
Head to Death Mountain and get red rock GS [43GS]
Jump down and head to Kakriko
Trade Mush for Potion
Pause (43) and equip ocarina over potion. SAVE AND THANK ALLAH

Segment 28:
Play Minuet
Play Sun's Song
Enter Forest Temple
Pause (44) and Save

Segment 29:
GS on wall in first room + upper small key [44GS]
Head to main room, Stalfos small key
SoT on block, enter door
GS and megajump to upper ledge [45GS]
To Block Room
Ground jump and hover boost to top
To bow room
Pause (45) and equip bow over OoT. Save

Segment 30:
To main room
Shoot eye switch above upper right door and go through
Hookshot small chest on ledge then get GS on wall [46GS]
Pause (46) and equip potion over bow. Save

Segment 31:
Exit Forest Temple
30 Nut updgrade [20R]
Backtrack to forest stage
Bean to GS [47GS]
Backtrack some more
Trade Odd Potion for Poacher's Saw
To Kokiri Forest
GS on house [48GS]
Pause (47) and Save

Segment 32:
SS to Lon Lon Ranch
Steal Epona
Head to GV, getting poes 4+5 (http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda05/Walkthrough/09/Map_BigPoeLocations.jpg)
Jump bridge with Epona
Trade Saw
Pause (48) and equip ocarina over broken sword
Sun's Sun for night
Two GS on other side of bridge [50GS]
Kill first guard
Pause (49) and Save

Segment 33:
Continue getting Gerudo Card
Make sure to get a 20R pot in one of the rooms [40R]
Fortress Heart Piece [11.5 H]
GS on upper wall [51GS]
Pause (50) Save

Segment 34:
Sun's Song
Epona's Song
Archery for 40 Quiver and HP [11.75 H] [0R]
Sun's Song again
GS on target [52GS]
Pause (51) and equip poes (leave bombs). Save

Segment 35:
Deposit poes [100R]
To Kakriko
Up to Death Mountain
Enter DC
Pause (52) and equip hookshot, chus and hoverboots. Save

Segment 36:
Go to right side of the room and blow up the wall
Get GS on high ledge [53GS]
Jump down and bomb other wall and get the GS in that room [54GS]
Pause (53) and take off hoverboots. Save

Segment 37:
Superslide over (equip hoverboots) and ride pillar up
ZFG roll-sidehop-jumpslash to other side
Backtrack to upper part of staircase room
2 GS's in staircase room [56GS]
Pause (54) and equip broken sword over chus. Take off hover boots. Save

Segment 38:
Exit DC and go up DM
GS in the falling rock area [57GS]
Trade for Prescription
HP on cone [12 H]
Pause (55) and equip ocarina, bombs, and hookshot. Save

Segment 39:
To field, Epona's Song
Big Poes 1 & 10
Up Zora's River (getting 2 GS) [59GS]
Use hover boots to enter ZD
Acute angle past KZ
Pause (56) and equip chus over ocarina
Hover OoB and get to the GS on the high ledge [60GS]
Megaflip to HP on iceberg [12.25 H]
Enter Ice Cavern
Pause (57) and equip bottle over chus. Save

Segment 40:
To spinning ice scythe room
Superslide through red ice on the right side
Catch blue fire
Get HP [12.5 H]
Get another blue fire
Get GS on the wall near HP [61GS]
Back to scythe room
GS on the wall near left tunnel [62GS]
Superslide through left red ice
Silver rupees in ice block room w/o blue fire [125R]
GS on the wall in ice block room [63GS]
Superslide/megaflip through red ice on the way to white wolfos room
Iron boots and Serenade
Pause (58) and equip chus Save

Segment 41:
Leave Ice Cavern
Pause (59) and equip iron boots
Heart Piece underwater [12.75 H]
Pause (60) and equip hover boots)
To domain, unfreeze KZ
Hover over him, get Zora Tunic
Pause (61) and equip prescription, hookshot, and ocarina. Take hovers off
Trade for Eyeball Frog (don't smoke it)
GS in Domain [64GS]
OoB to Hylia
Finish learning Scarecrow's Song
Scarecrows song on lab roof for HP [13 H]
HP and GS in lab [13.25 H] [65GS]
Get Eyedrops
Bolero timer trick
Up to Biggoron
Trade, then Sun's Song x6
Biggoron's Sword
Pause (62) and Save

Segment 42:
Back through DoT passageway
Prelude of Light
Become child again
Chu bowling for HP [115R] [13.5 H]
To Castle
Din's Fire
SoS hole
Pause (63) and equip boomerang over Lens, GS [66GS]
Pause (64) and Save

Segment 43:
Play Serenade
Play Sun's Song
GS on Fire Arrow's platform [67GS]
GS behind laboratory [68GS]
Dive to Zora's Domain
Head to Zora's River
HP near waterfall [13.75 H]
GS on ladder [69GS]
HP on platform down the river a bit [14 H]
Frogs HPs [14.5 H]
Pause (65) and equip Dins over boomerang. SAVE

Segment 44:
Head to GV
GS Grotto
Pause (66) and equip boomerang and bottle (leave bombs)
GS in field grotto near GV [71GS]
Bugs in GV
GS near start inside GV [72GS]
Box HP [14.75 H]
Dirt patch [73GS]
Waterfall HP [15 H]
Glitch oob to warp back to top
Cucco jump/hover over gate/whatever
To fortress
Up towards archery grounds
GTG early with floaty sidehop
Pause (67) and Save

Segment 45:
Vine clip to Ice Arrows
Pause (68) and Save

Segment 46:
Exit GTG
Gate skip
Quicksand backwalk
GS in outpost [74GS]
Rest of wasteland
Enter Spirit Temple
Pause (69) and equip beans and ocarina (leave bugs). Save

Segment 47:
Exit for Requiem
GS from dirt patch [75GS]
Plant bean
Play Bolero and GS
Play Prelude
Become adult
Pause (70) and equip bombs over claim check. Save

Segment 48:
Play Serenade
Enter Water Temple
Pause (71) and equip bow over hookshot. Save

Segment 49:
Go down to ruto via iron boots swim
Lower water level
Sidehop jumpslash to middle level and get key behind bombable wall
Go down and light torches for key in shellblade room
Main room, go to tunnel left of the one you just came from and blow bombable floor
Go through water tunnel
Pause (73) to equip hover boots
Get two bomb drops from pots
Get GS in the room at the end [76GS]
Pause (72) and equip hookshot bombs and ocarina. Save

Segment 50:
Hover boost to open upper left door
Set FW in moving platforms room
Go to dark link
Get longshot
Down to vortex room
Pause (73) and equip iron boots and bow. Get GS on the wall [77GS]
Hit eye switch and get key from chest
FW back to moving platforms room
Get GS on the wall with longshot [78GS]
Pause (74) and Save

Segment 51:
Jump down to middle floor on tower
Light torch to open door
Get GS at the top of the room [79GS]
Back to main room
Jump straight down to the water passageway
Go to the room with tektites and boulders
Get GS from waterfall near boss key room door [80GS]
Pause (75) and Save

Segment 52:
Superslide to boss ledge
Boss Key skip
Moroha + HC [16 H]
Fire arrows
Pause (76) and equip ocarina over bow
Sun's Song for night
GS from tree [81GS]
Get Fire Arrows
Enter fire temple
Pause (77) and Save

Segment 53:
Meet Darunia in left room
Free goron and get key
Bombs from pots
Pause (78) and equip MS. Save

Segment 54:
Go in right door
Go to the left and save goron + key
Exit, play SoT and enter above room
Get GS near likelike [82GS]
Back to large lava room
Cross the room to the other side
Save goron + key
Go to next room and push block on fire spout to go up to next room
Ground jump on block and go up room
Key from saving goron to the right
Go left and get GS from behind bombable wall [83GS]
Save goron in nearby room + key
Hover to top of maze
*Test walking through door and FW here
Scarecrows song onto platform leading to above room
GS on climbable wall [84GS]
GS in top room on the wall [85GS]
Jump down hole and land on skinny walkway
Pause (79) and equip bow over ocarina
Shoot eye switch
Hover boost off map chest and go to fire maze room
Set FW in fire maze
Superslide past firewalls
Beat Flare Dancer and get Hammer
Pause (80) and equip hammer over bombs and equip biggoron sword. Save

Segment 55:
Hammer blocks in front of right key door
Clear fire enemies room
Get GS near likelike [86GS]
FW to fire maze
Pause (81) and equip bombs and chus (leave hammer). Equip Hover boots too.
Hit pillar down and BK skip
Pause (82) and when equipping kokiri boots for sidehop, equip bow over chus
Heart container [17 H]
Pause (82) and equip two large poes and ocarina. Save

Segment 56:
Deposit 2 poes to poe collector [205R]
Catch poes 8, 6, and 7
Requiem and enter Spirit Temple
Pause (83) and equip bombs, longshot. Save

Segment 57:
Superslide trick to enter child side
Get GS on the gate in right room [87GS]
Pause (84) Save

Segment 58:
Silver block skip with hover boots
Hit crystal switch and enter right room
Get GS behind SoT block and key in next room [88GS]
Pause (85) and Save

Segment 59:
Exit spirit
Ride bean
Get HP on rock [17.25 H]
Superslide onto statue and longshot to silver gauntlets chest
Go in child side and go 1 room back
Get GS on the wall above the door [89GS]
Back to SG chest, superslide to mirror shield
Down to room with 4 armos and light, shine light on sun
Get key
Go to moving wall room and climb up
Get BK
Snake mirrors room, shine light on big mirror
Lower platform
Grab GS from upper left part of child side [90GS]
Go in lower child side door and get GS in there [91GS]
Back to main room
Hookshot chains on upper platform and go to twinrova
Beat twinrova [18.25 H]
In colossus again, go to Nayru's Love fairy fountain
Get GS on rock near fountain [92GS]
Get GS on palm tree on the opposite side of colossus [93GS]
Pause (86) and equip 3 big poes. Save

Segment 60:
Deposit 3 poes
Pause (87) and equip bombs, longshot, and ocarina
Catch poes 2, 3, and 9
Go to kakariko for nocturne
Do archery for biggest quiver
To house of skulltula for HP [18.5 H]
Get GS on top of Impa's house [94GS]
Get Cow HP in Impa's house [18.75 H]
Pause (88) and equip poes. Save

Segment 61:
Deposit last poes for bottle
Pause (89) and equip bombs, dins, and ocarina. Nocturne
Dins to light torches and enter shadow
Pause (90) and equip hoverboots, longshot and FW. Save

Segment 62:
Down to silver rupee room, FW and get key
Head down to main room
SS over to invisible platform on left
Likelike clip (?) for GS [95GS]
Return to main room
JS gate trick (? Or Silver rupees)
Spike trick
Get key
Get GS in lower gate [96GS]
Back to main room
Over invislbe platforms
Silver rupees and room on left
Key and GS [97GS]
Pause (91) and Save.

Segment 63:
Pause (91) and equip ocarina over FW and kokiri boots
JS gate trick
Get GS [98GS]
Start boat ride
Pause (92) and equip FW
SS after boat to door
Cast through door
Get BK
Get GS in spinning pots room [99GS]
Use FW
Hoverslide across with Pause (93) to also equip Ice Arrows over longshot
Fight Bongo with Ice Arrows and get HP [19.75]
Jump down from shadow ledge, longshot box from a grave and get HP [20 H]
Pause (94) and Save

Segment 64:
Light Arrows
Pause (95) and equip Bombs and ocarina (leave Longshot). Save

Segment 65:
To Ganon's Castle
Double Def early w/ superslide
Final GS [100 GS]
Cross rainbow bridge
Pause (96) and equip Light Arrows over ocarina. Save

Segment 66:
To Shadow Trial
Longshot torch
Longshot likelike
Gold Gauntlets
Pause (97) and remove hoverboots. Save

Segment 67:
Trial skip
Pause (98) and Save

Segment 68:
Castle escape
SS into CS
Kill him
« Last Edit: July 18, 2010, 08:32:46 PM by RingRush » Logged

runnerguy your such a mother fucker. whats with all this bombchu shit? all everyone who likes this shit is stupid. ur a fucking cheater. u did that the wrong way, thats not how to get past the king zora u cheater. u suck and i wont continue watching all ur shit! videos.
Site Editor
Mega Guay

Posts: 613

fuck you and the horse you rode in on

562243965 marikthechao@hotmail.com ingx24
« Reply #41 on: July 18, 2010, 08:16:45 PM »

ok so whatever segment contains hoverslide to mirror shield chest i am volunteering to do (currently segment 54, although that might change later) Cool

<complex> byan you're doing that thing again
<complex> the thing where everything you say is fucking retarded

<ethandude> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual cheak this out luxury it might come in helpful when u wright your resime
Special Guay

Posts: 330

« Reply #42 on: July 18, 2010, 08:39:14 PM »

I fixed the segment #s in RG's route, it went 26-25-26, 42-42, and one segment was unnumbered completely. That is what we get for shuffling things around so much.

GS counts are still messed up a bit, but we get them all. Pause counts are a messed up a bit, but I don't think anyone cares enough to fix those.

Anyways, now we need to draft up a bomb / chu route. If anyone wants to search for minor tricks we can use or maybe reorganize dungeon routes a bit, that would be good too.

I'm not sure the best way of going about a bomb route. Presumably, more minor tricks will be found as people start running segments. I think the best thing to do first is list out every place we could get a bomb drop without much time loss or difficulty increase. From there, pick and choose which would be best, noting which ones we could use as reserves if we end up going over while running or which ones would be fastest to skip if we end up using less.

Special Guay

Posts: 439

I'm not your buddy, guay!

« Reply #43 on: July 18, 2010, 08:45:20 PM »

I also created a folder zeldaspeedruns.com/Team100 and put another folder in it called
Mupen Saves, where I put all the saves at various points throughout the run in. This should be useful for phase 2 route testing where we do bomb counts. I'm not doing the whole thing again by myself so hopefully someone else can.

We can put Wii saves and .mp4s of segments and stuff in here as well.

runnerguy your such a mother fucker. whats with all this bombchu shit? all everyone who likes this shit is stupid. ur a fucking cheater. u did that the wrong way, thats not how to get past the king zora u cheater. u suck and i wont continue watching all ur shit! videos.
Regular Guay

Posts: 101

« Reply #44 on: July 18, 2010, 11:03:48 PM »

I suppose now is a good time to teach everyone how to copy saves to and from the Wii.

How to transfer saves from the Wii to your computer
1. On the Wii System Menu, select the Wii Options button in the bottom-left corner. From there, navigate through the menu as so: Data Management -> Save Data -> Wii
2. Find your OoT save and select it. It should give you three options: "Move", "Copy", and "Erase". Select "Move" to write the save to your SD Card. This will delete the save from the Wii as well; if you want to keep the save on your Wii, select "Copy" instead.
       2a. If a message saying "The data already exists on the SD Card" comes up, hit "Back", and then select "SD Card" in the top-right corner. Find the OoT Save on the SD Card and delete it (Make sure you back the save up somewhere else if it's important). Then repeat step 2.
3. You're done with the Wii; turn it off and remove the SD Card. Insert the SD Card into your computer. Since I don't know what OS everyone runs, just do whatever you have to do in order to view the contents of the SD Card.
4. Navigate through the SD Card's menu as so (these file names may or may not be in all caps; don't worry if they are): private -> wii -> title -> NACE. "NACE" is the file that contains the OoT save; NAC is the Wii's way of identifying OoT, and the E just means that the save is NTSC-U.
5. Open up "NACE"; you'll find a file called "data.bin", the raw save file. Copy this file to somewhere easy to find, probably the desktop, and rename the copy something descriptive, like "darkeyesegment1complete.bin", so we know who made the save and what segment they did.
6. Upload the file to a place where the other runners can access it, like RG's "Team100" folder. Now you're done.

How to transfer saves from your computer to the Wii
1. Take the save you wish to transfer and rename it "data.bin"
2. Place "data.bin" into the "NACE" folder (if you forgot where the folder is, look at step 4 above). THIS WILL OVERWRITE ANY SAVE THAT YOU'VE PUT ON THE CARD, so be careful.
3. Put the SD Card into your Wii. Navigate to the Wii Save Data page (if you forgot, look at step 1 in the previous section)
       3a. If there is an OoT save already on your Wii, you have to delete it first. Simply find the OoT save and select "Delete". BE SURE TO BACK UP IMPORTANT SAVE FILES BEFORE DOING THIS.
4. Select "SD Card" in the top-right corner. Depending on the size of your SD Card, it could take anywhere up to a minute for the Wii to load the data, so be patient.
5. Find the OoT save and select it. Select the "Move" option to transfer the save to your Wii. Now you're done.

That's all there is to it; if you have any questions about the process, send me a PM. I would advise not to start the run until the route is finished, though I guess someone could do segment one if we decide on a filename.

One more thing: make sure you're playing with the official VC release, not a ROM inject. ROM injects are banned on SDA, and ROM injects also create different save files than the official release. You'll know that your file is an inject if the save is in a file other than "NACE"; alec's 1.0 inject, for example, keeps its saves in a folder called "NREA".
« Last Edit: July 18, 2010, 11:37:24 PM by darkeye14 » Logged

[18:38] <Sigless> darkeye is cute too

[18:45] <aleckermit> We get a free pack of cheetos with every vote too Smiley
[18:46] <bluemarth> in the uk we keep our foreskin
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