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Author Topic: Segmented Any% Discussion  (Read 92636 times)
Regular Guay

Posts: 94

« on: August 31, 2009, 11:04:14 PM »

Route is in my sig. Any suggestions, feel free to post.

Current runs in the works:

Drybes - 11/75 segments completed (?)
Phazon - 9/75 segments completed
« Last Edit: October 30, 2009, 12:17:26 AM by Unreal » Logged
Special Guay

Posts: 204


lol_oli_lol@hotmail.com PhazonN
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2009, 08:11:57 AM »

I'm so close to quitting that run and i'm moving closer to a SS run. 75 isn't true anyway, because I was using the GS savewarping. I've been rewriting the run to incorperate them and also a few small timesavers that aren't in the current route.

I might just continue and not bother with the quick-parry, which pretty much goes against what I said in the new segment 1. Btw do you know the optimal sailing timing?

[15:48:29] <ChocolateLink> chapstick?
[15:48:59] <Phazon> yeah, i'm using it atm, you can get crazy high
Regular Guay

Posts: 94

« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2009, 12:58:52 PM »

I might just continue and not bother with the quick-parry, which pretty much goes against what I said in the new segment 1. Btw do you know the optimal sailing timing?
Yes, surprisingly, its rapid sail bursts. Drybes timed it some time ago compared to the bursts with a delay and the rapid bursts were faster.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 15

When I was young, I wanted to have the triforce.

596429145 bichler92@hotmail.de NintendoG8mer
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2009, 01:06:28 PM »

Yes, surprisingly, its rapid sail bursts. Drybes timed it some time ago compared to the bursts with a delay and the rapid bursts were faster.

Lol I always thought, that normal sailing is the fastest way to travel on water in WW.
It's really cool to know, that rapid sail bursts are faster, cause I sometimes did it, but it seemed to me, that I'm slower, but I haven't ever timed it. ^^
« Last Edit: September 01, 2009, 01:08:02 PM by NintendoG8mer » Logged

FSK 12: Link gets the princess.

FSK 16: Ganon gets the princess.

FSK 18: Everybody gets the princess.
Special Guay

Posts: 204


lol_oli_lol@hotmail.com PhazonN
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2009, 01:35:47 PM »

That's what I thought he said, but then I looked at his demonstration of Windfall to DRI and he didn't use quick bursts so I was a little confused. Anyway here's the route i've been writing. So far i'm up to segment 20. I tried to be fairly in-depth. Tell me if you spot any mistakes or can help with the 2 parts I labeled as needing more info for:

Segment 1:
Rupees 0
Pendants 0

  //Introduction cutscene\\
- Start mashing A&B when Aryll says "I knew you'd be here".
- Run to the left of Aryll and sidehop off the balcony with 2 sidehops.
  [Adjust the camera while in the air and underwater]
- Roll to the house.
- Roll to the ladder.
  [Don't change camera angle.]
- Climb the ladder and roll to your Grandma.
- Obtain hero's clothes.
- Savewarp to bottom of Aryll's lookout.

Segment 2:
Rupees 0
Pendants 0

- Roll backwards to ladder.
- Climb to top of ladder and roll to Aryll.
- Obtain telescope and equip it to Y.
  [When first using the telescope do not look to the left or right. Just look down slightly while zooming.]
- Zoom out while looking up at HK.
  //HK cutscene\\
- Run left slightly and sidehop off the balcony with 2 sidehops.
  [Adjust the camera while in the air and underwater]
- Roll to Orca's house.
  [Mash A when Surgeon starts talking to you.]
- Roll to Orca and mash A to start.
- Do 4 sets of 2 stabs for horizontal and vertical slices.
- Do thrusts by tilting towards Orca and mashing B.
- Do 2 quick-spins.
- Do a timed parry.
  [Move away from Orca and stop to let him walk towards you. Press A to parry on the earliest frames possible.]
- Do a quick parry.
  [The previous parry should allow for this parry command to come very quickly.]
- Hold L and mash A for jump attacks.
  [Continue mashing A&B until you take a bow.]
- Savewarp to bottom of Aryll's lookout.

Segment 3:
Rupees 20
Pendants 0

- Roll to top of hill staying inwards.
- Do a thrust to chop down some trees.
- Continue rolling to the top of hill staying inwards.
  [Roll outwards as you reach the top to reach the bridge.]
- Roll over the bridge and into FoF.
- Roll right and jump roll to the log for a quickspin to collect the red rupee.
- Roll past the Bokoblin, climb onto tree stump and jump up to the ledge.
- Jump slash onto the slanted log, sidehop up the log and jump roll at the end.
  //Two Bokoblin cutscene\\
- Move right slightly and do 3 horizontal slashes followed by a quick spin.
  [All slashes should hit both enemies.]
  //Tetra cutscene\\
  //HK cutscene\\
- Mash A&B for talking.
- Roll left and jumpslash up to right of short trees.
- Sidewalk diagonally left-forward to avoid jumping from the ledge.
- Roll to door.
  [Stay right to avoid talking to girl.]
- Go into house and roll to ladder.
  [Don't change camera angle.]
- Hold back and mash A to backflip onto ground level.
- Obtain hero's shield.
- Savewarp to bottom of Aryll's lookout.

Segment 4:
Rupees 20
Pendants 0

- Sidehop right and swim towards Tetra.
  [Change camera angle during sidehop]
- Roll towards Tetra and talk to her.
  //Leaving Outset cutscene\\
- Roll backwards and press L while in the air.
- Roll towards door and go in.
- Drop roll down the stairs and continue rolling towards Niko.
- Jump to first platform without camera change.
  [Change camera while in air.]
- Continue with rope course.
  [Mash A as soon as rope is touched]
  [Swing to far right of 2nd to last platform]
- On 2nd to last platform, grab last rope and swing directly over to Niko.
- Talk to Niko and roll to chest.
- Obtain spoils bag.
  [Mash A&B for Tetra talking]
- Savewarp to upper deck.

Segment 5:
Rupees 20
Pendants 0

- Roll to the right of the ladder.
- Climb ladder.
  //FF cutscene\\
- Sidehop right.
- Obtain gossip stone.
- Save.

Segment 6:
Rupees 60
Pendants 0

- Run up stairs.
- Roll towards red rupee on left staying on edge of searchlight.
- Roll towards other red rupee and cut through the searchlight to roll to stairs.
- Roll up stairs and towards window.
  [Jump into window without jump rolling.]
- Sidehop out of window and roll twice towards ladder before Gossip Stone activates.
- Climb ladder, run towards pot and alert Bokoblin.
- Stand next to pot and let Bokoblin smash it.
- Grab a stick, run to other side of Bokoblin and quickspin if off the edge.
- Drop the stick with R and continue rolling down towards the door.
- Continue through rooms rolling and mashing A on ropes.
- Walk backwards towards door in 2 Moblin room.
  [This makes the Moblin sniff the ground less and turn sooner.]
- Roll past the Moblin and towards the door.
- Roll up the stairs and hug the final wall to skip the Moblin.
  [Must be done very quickly to avoid being spotted by Moblin.]
- Roll to ledge and quick sidle.
- Run around corner and quick sidle.
- Roll up stairs and into sword.
- Kill Bokoblin with 5 thrusts and a quickspin.
  [Roll to door if there is enough room.]
  //HK cutscene\\
- Talk to KORL.
- Save.

Segment 7:
Rupees 80
Pendants 0

- Roll around the corner.
  [Roll just before cutscene trigger to roll during cutscene.]
  //Windfall cutscene\\
- Roll up stairs timing rolls so you don't talk to anyone.
- Roll past merchant towards bench area.
- Sidehop right towards pot and quickspin twice to collect red rupee.
  [Rupee colour is random, so it may take several attempts.]
- Sidehop left and roll towards counter.
- Mash A&B and obtain sail.
- Equip sail to Y and savewarp to KORL.

Segment 8:
Rupees 0
Pendants 0

- Mash A&B to talk to KORL.
- Press Y and hold right until lined up with DRI.
- Start quick-sailing.
- Save when approaching floating flag barrels.
Segment 9:
Rupees 20
Pendants 0

- Turn towards DRI.
- Start quick-sailing.
- Collect a red rupee.
  [Optimize for a convenient rupee location.]
- Save when approaching floating flag barrels.

Segment 10:
Rupees 20
Pendants 0

- Quick-sail to DRI.
  [Mash A&B for KORL talking]
  //DRI cutscene\\
- Obtain Wind Waker and practise with KORL.
- Equip Wind Waker to Z and roll to Wind Shrine.
  [Pause during mid-roll for equip.]
- Learn Wind's Requiem.
- Talk to Zephos.
- Savewarp to DRI front.

Segment 11:
Rupees 20
Pendants 0

- Roll up ramp on right.
- Jump slash onto small rock.
- Face right and jump to grab ledge.
- Jump right and grab ledge.
- Talk to Quill.
- Roll up ramp and into door diagonally.
- Obtain Delivery Bag.
- Roll up ramp on left and mash A&B to Medli and obtain Father's Letter.
  [Equip Father's Letter to X.]
- Drop roll off of ledge and into Komali's door.
- Roll to Komali's room and give him the Father's Letter.
- Leave Komali's room and roll to Dried Spring.
- Roll to ledge, jump roll on small platform and jump roll to Medli.
- Talk to Medli and throw her up to ledge.
  [Wait for 3rd gust of wind after Medli has spoke.]
- Obtain Bottle and equip it to X.
  [Press down to go to save then up to go straight to Bottle.]
- Fill bottle with water and climb up wall.
- Water closest bomb flower and throw it early onto rock for quick explosion.
  //Explosion cutscene\\
- Swim to other side and jump slash up to ledge with bombs.
- Throw bomb into first statue and jump to left side of it.
- Jump to other side and do a delayed aerial jumpslash.
  [Bomb boost if jumpslash is too hard.]
- Roll to small steps and run up them.
  [Rolling may result in bumping into a step.]
  //DRC cutscene\\
- Save.

Segment 12:
Rupees 20
Pendants 0

- Roll left and pull block out.
- Pull 2nd block out and walk backwards slightly to sidehop right.
- Roll through gap and jumpslash over bar.
- Roll twice to Bokoblins and start a quickspin during 2nd roll.
  [Manipulate for good deku stick landing.]
- Run to torch and right-angle jump up the ledge.
- Run to where the chest will appear and throw the stick at the 2nd torch.
- Obtain small key and roll to door.
  [Jump off to right of torch to stay near door.]
- Roll to wooden frame and thrust at it.
- Roll into start of cutscene.
  //DRC cutscene\\
- Roll past gap in floor and jump off slightly to the right.
  [Don't hold forward in air or you will roll.]
- Pull the block once and climb up.
  [Stay to middle for run up to ledge.]
- Roll to right and do a delayed aerial jumpslash to clear gap.
- Roll over bridge and pickup the bomb on the left.
- Throw it to the side of the rock and roll into the rock during the explosion.
- Move camera slightly to left and throw water jar into lava.
  [Jump off the ledge before the jar lands in the lava.]
- Parry Chu as it falls down to skip ladder.
  [Sidehop to left ledge, untarget and roll forward, target and jumpslash. When you land you should be able to parry to top.]
- Roll to wooden frame and move slightly to left for a quick spin.
- Collect sword and slash through 2nd wooden frame.
  [Face left as soon as you pass the wooden frame.]
- Throw sword up to 3rd wooden frame and roll once before climbing up.
  [Only roll if you are far enough back.]
- Roll to chest and collect small key.
- Savewarp to DRC entrance.

Segment 13:
Rupees 20
Pendants 0

- Roll through gap and jumpslash over bar.
- Roll to door, roll around the skulls and continue through the next door.
- Roll to wooden frame on the left, slash it and charge a spin attack to hit the Bokoblin.
- Pick up deku stick, run to torch and throw the stick at the other wooden frame.
  [Walk into frame while burning.]
- Jump onto button and roll to door.
- Roll over bridge and jump to side to get past Bokoblin.
- Climb ladder.
  [Bokoblin may hit you off the ladder.]
- Jump across sidle platform.
  [Avoid hugging wall to gain extra distance.]
- Run around rock and climb up the small ledge.
- Side-hop left and aerial jumpslash at the end.
- Climb up to bomb flower and throw it on top of the large rock.
  [Jump down while waiting.]
- Run and hop up the first ledge, then sidehop up to the second ledge.
- Pull the middle block twice, climb up, pull the middle block once and climb to top.
- Roll left and activate gossip stone.
- Pull block once and climb up.
- Smash jar and light deku stick with torch, turn to face wooden frame and throw it.
  [Jump off of ledge while the deku stick is airbourne.]
  [Rats may attack you during cutscene.]
- Climb ladder and obtain small key.
- Run to side and roll to block and through to next room.
- Roll to stairs and run up them.
- Roll to Kargarok and thrust to obtain small key.
- Go through door, thrust jar and pick up a deku stick.
- Run to wooden frame and burn it.
- Run to light torch and throw stick at second torch.
- Go through door and sidehop right to pick up a bomb.
- Throw the bomb at the cauldron and roll over bridge.
  [When the bomb explodes the camera changes so hold L before running after explosion.]
- Roll over bridge and through the door.
- Kill Bokoblin ahead of you with 3 thrusts and a quickspin.
- Line up with correct vase and jumpslash it.
  [Don't hold L until first Bokoblin is dead, unless it is not in your view.]
- Ignore the Bokoblin and roll into wall to reveal last Bokoblin.
- Kill the closest Bokoblin with 5 thrusts.
  [A quickspin may hit the other Bokoblin and be slower.]
- Kill the final Bokoblin with 3 thrusts and a quickspin.
- Roll to ladder and hold up.
  [Best to get to ladder before the door-opening cutscene starts.]
- Go though door and grab pot.
- Jump to middle platform and wait for Magtail to start an attack.
- Move to the side of Magtail, throw the pot and jump on.
- Jump left and grab the ledge near the door.
- Go through the door and sidehop right.
  [Sidewalk right if extra distance is needed after the sidehop.]
- Turn and pick up a bomb, throw it at the right boulder.
- Grab another bomb and throw it at the left boulder.
  [Roll into boulder while it explodes.]
- Roll up stairs and into the gate.
- Kill the 2 Bokoblins with 6 thrusts each.
  [Try to hit them both with the same attack.]
- Four hit thrust combo the Moblin to make him drop his weapon.
  [The Moblin may block your hits if he has his weapon.]
- Continue to thrust the Moblin until dead.
- Talk to Medli and obtain grapple hook.
  [If there is room after the Moblin fight, roll to Medli.]
- Equip grapple hook to X and savewarp to dungeon start.

Segment 14:
Rupees 20
Pendants 2

- Roll through gap and jumpslash over bar.
- Target Bokoblin and grapple a joy pendant while sidewalking towards cauldron.
- Target other Bokoblin for a 2nd joy pendant.
- Jumpslash up to ledge and climb into cauldron.
  [Jumpslash may result in targetting nearby Bokoblin.]
- Roll to bridge and cut the 4 closest ropes, turn around, wait for a short time and run.
  [The bridge will break and you will fall.]
- When you fall past the wall do an aerial jumpslash followed by a jumpslash to the lower level.
  [You will land on the grapple post after the first jumpslash.]
- Turn, grapple the post and swing backwards to the ledge.
- Go through the door and right angle jump right to the lower platform.
- Jump to 2nd to last platform and go to the far right.
- Grapple the post and swing to the other side.
  [Don't aim too much left or your grapple hook will hit the chain.]
- Go through door and go right to alert a Magtail.
- Jumpslash the Magtail and place it on the button.
- Roll left and obtain boss key.
- Savewarp to dungeon start.

Segment 15
Rupees 20
Pendants 5

- Roll through gap and jumpslash over bar.
- Target Bokoblin and grapple a joy pendant while sidewalking towards cauldron.
- Target other Bokoblin for a 2nd joy pendant.
- Jumpslash up ledge and into cauldron.
  [May target Bokoblin.]
- Climb into cauldron.
- Grapple over lava and run up stairs.
- Run right and slash jar, hold for spin attack to collect joy pendant.
  [Don't hold L at this point to avoid targetting Magtail.]
- Run up stairs and roll to door.
- Roll forward to activate cutscene.
  //Gohma cutscene\\
- Grapple Valoo's tail and swing to other side.
  [Do three times.]
  [Aim at tail before Gohma pushes the rock back up.]
  [May have to cancel to dodge fireballs.]
- Grapple Gohma's eye and 4 thrust combo.
- Grapple Gohma's eye and jumpslash.
  [May be possible to cancel grapple hook and quickspin.]
  //Victory cutscene\\
- Roll to exit.
  [Ignore heart container.]
- Talk to Medli and Komali to obtain Din's Pearl.
- Savewarp to KORL.

Segment 16:
Rupees 20
Pendants 5

- Set the wind south.
- Roll to KORL and talk to him.
- Turn south and quick-sail.
- Mash A&B for fish talking.
  [Mash only B when fish starts talking to KORL to avoid jumping out of KORL.]
- Quick-sail and save when in next quadrent.
  [There is no clear sign where to stop so this may take several attempts.]

Segment 17:
Rupees 20
Pendants 5

- Turn south and quick-sail.
- Save when the floating flag barrels have been passed.

Segment 18:
Rupees 20
Pendants 5

- Turn south and quick-sail.
- Save when approaching the floating flag barrels.

Segment 19:
Rupees 20
Pendants 5

- Turn south and quick-sail.
  [Don't sail towards Forest Haven. Sail directly south.]
- Save when the floating flag barrels have been passed.

Segment 20:
Rupees 20
Pendants 5

- Quick-sail in the direction you are automatically placed in.
  [Mash A&B for KORL talking.]
- Climb up first ledge and jump right to instantly grab the 2nd ledge.
- Roll to 3rd ledge and roll past first Bokobaba.
- Walk past the next 2 Bokobabas.
- Roll up to ledge and jumpslash up.
- Roll to the right of the Bokobaba and quickspin.
- Grapple over to the ledge and continue to 2nd grapple post.
- Wait for the far back Octorok to fire, move right slightly and grapple.
  [MORE INFO NEEDED.] [May be possible to jump from lower platform and grab higher grapple platform.]
- Go through the door.
  //Forest Haven cutscene\\
- Roll to the small waterfall and jumpslash up.
- Roll to the next waterfall and jumpslash up.
- Sidehop left up to short ledge and roll towards Deku Tree.
  //Deku Tree cutscene\\
- Roll into tree and quickspin Chus.
- Talk to Deku Tree.
- Roll left towards baba bud.
  [Avoid talking to Koroks.]
- Use baba buds to reach grapple post.
  [Grapple post aiming is off with this post.]
- Continue using baba buds.
- Obtain deku leaf.
  [Mash A&B for Korok talking.]
- Equip deku leaf to Z.
  [Move one left on inventory to equip.]
- Savewarp to KORL.

Segment 21:
Rupees 20
Pendants 5

- Get in KORL and quicksail to island with circling cyclone.
- When the cyclone gets near, jump out and Deku Leaf to FW entrance.
- Cancel Deku Leaf and jumpslash to cut grass.
  [If no magic appears restart segment.]
- Roll to entrance and collect all magic on the way.
  //FW cutscene\\
- Save.

Segment 22:
Rupees 20
Pendants 5

- Roll left and pick up deku nut.
- Run back and up the ramp, then throw the deku nut at the door.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2009, 11:12:47 AM by Phazon » Logged

[15:48:29] <ChocolateLink> chapstick?
[15:48:59] <Phazon> yeah, i'm using it atm, you can get crazy high
Deku Scrub

Posts: 3

« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2009, 03:05:38 PM »

Yep, was phazon's sailing that made me realize that mashing it was optimal. 4hz sail pumping > 1hz sail pumping >> nothing at all

The video you were referring to is linked below... it used slow bursts at the start as I was changing direction, and then I didnt quite get the rhythm going till a few seconds later, but from then on it's 4hz.

I have my stuff so far on YT so I can provide links if you want. None of my videos are perfect but I think they're acceptable, other than maybe seg. 1 (and the last one, which is still a WIP... that video is from earlier this year)

Segment 1 - a jump, swim walk, then all cutscenes
Link: Segment 2
Link: Segment 3
Segment 4 - 15 seconds of gameplay, cutscene, save
Link: Segment 5
Segment 6 - climb ladder, mash buttons, gossip stone cutscene, save
Link: Segment 7
Link: Segment 8
Link: Segment 9,10,11
Link: Segment 12
Link: Old Segment 13
Special Guay

Posts: 204


lol_oli_lol@hotmail.com PhazonN
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2009, 03:35:06 PM »

This is the first time i've seen your segments. Hopefully you can help me figure out the Chu parry cuz i've had no luck at all. Also do you use a turbo controller or something? You text skip way too fast x_X

[15:48:29] <ChocolateLink> chapstick?
[15:48:59] <Phazon> yeah, i'm using it atm, you can get crazy high
Deku Scrub

Posts: 3

« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2009, 06:53:17 PM »

This is the first time i've seen your segments. Hopefully you can help me figure out the Chu parry cuz i've had no luck at all. Also do you use a turbo controller or something? You text skip way too fast x_X

It's not so much that I text skip way too fast, it's that you don't do it optimally Wink
Regular Guay

Posts: 109

Hair Dye

« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2009, 12:11:35 AM »

Yeah, don't mash A and B during the entire cunscene, just figure out if its a 4, 3, 2, or 1 line page of text. Then you only need short bursts of mashing. Then getting results like that aint to hard really...

May get a recorder at year's end...
Special Guay

Posts: 204


lol_oli_lol@hotmail.com PhazonN
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2009, 06:39:13 PM »

I finally got a quick sidle in a good run!

I'll upload the vid shortly Cheesy


« Last Edit: September 02, 2009, 08:38:51 PM by Phazon » Logged

[15:48:29] <ChocolateLink> chapstick?
[15:48:59] <Phazon> yeah, i'm using it atm, you can get crazy high
Regular Guay

Posts: 94

« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2009, 09:26:47 PM »

Very nice segment. Did you actually figure out how to do the quick parry attack or was it just random?

edit: Nevermind I didn't read your route yet... <_<
« Last Edit: September 02, 2009, 09:41:06 PM by Unreal » Logged
Special Guay

Posts: 204


lol_oli_lol@hotmail.com PhazonN
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2009, 06:31:46 AM »

I know how to quick parry, but truth be told, that quick parry was complete and total luck.

[15:48:29] <ChocolateLink> chapstick?
[15:48:59] <Phazon> yeah, i'm using it atm, you can get crazy high
Regular Guay

Posts: 109

Hair Dye

« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2009, 10:16:17 PM »

I tried it a little a while back, but never managed it. Kudos to people that get it to work...
« Last Edit: September 10, 2009, 08:11:23 AM by MrSparkle » Logged

May get a recorder at year's end...
Special Guay

Posts: 204


lol_oli_lol@hotmail.com PhazonN
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2009, 11:53:41 AM »

The most important thing when quick parrying is positioning.

Anyway after the long talk with Tetra and Quill in segment 3, is it faster to jumpslash up to the fence or to cut the trees?

[15:48:29] <ChocolateLink> chapstick?
[15:48:59] <Phazon> yeah, i'm using it atm, you can get crazy high
Regular Guay

Posts: 109

Hair Dye

« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2009, 07:18:00 PM »

I think both are very comparable. With the jumpslash onto the fence, you lose time recovering from the landing on the fence then ground after the jumps. On the plus side you don't have the delay from chopping the bushes...

I think it is all about how it interferes with rolling before and after the fence / bushes. You don't want to do much normal running to line up the jumpslash or opening the door. I remember DRybes doing the jumpslash, but then did a sidestep to fall without jumping. Don't know if that was useful, it lets you roll more, but its more complex than that I'm sure...
« Last Edit: September 05, 2009, 04:25:44 PM by MrSparkle » Logged

May get a recorder at year's end...
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