Jabu Jabu as adult!
So I discovered this little neat trick what lets you enter to jabu jabu as adult link. And finally I got video of it! I spent more than 8 hours to trying figure out how to make it work well and where to use pause buffer and I used tons of different strategies. So here is what I have got so far! First bomb timing is hard to time correctly and there is maybe way to pause buffer chu hover there but I tried it alot and didn't come up with any good way to do it. Problem is that link needs to hover very low compared to the ledge where you start hover. Last part of this video is good I think. This was best strategy what I came up with I think. With practice you can get this with very good change to get there. I highly recommend to use emu for practice and you know what I mean. Use save states! And I highly recommend to practice pause buffer chu megaflip before attempting this one.
Here is step by step instruction how to do it:
1:First active ISG when you come up from water! I recommend to save on ice cavern and then jump to the water from there. You need to keep camera close to link or else last part will be very hard! When you come to land with ISG on use Z target to keep camera close to link. You will notice if you camera is far away from link when it will go trough of that pillar and it have different effects than on video.
2: Keep Z targeting while moving and then aim yourself on little corner that come from iceberg edge and from little rail from jabu pedestal. You can just walk there and link should not move any more forward. So you are on corretc spot then.
3: Then use C-up to aim left side of your B button with pillar textures. Watch it from video! Use that black texture to line left side of B button to it
4: When you have lined up keep your Z target pushed down and then press A example to come out of that view. Then just turn around 180 degrees and backwalk little bit to make sure you are on edge of the iceberg.
5: Then perform little roll forward without pressing controls stick at all! Link will always do same distance roll when you do it this way.
6: Then bring out bomb and shield drop bomb and then do backflip immediately after dropping it. Practice timing from video or with emu.
7: Link should now stay on air near water level if you timed it correctly. NOTE: LINK BOOTS NEED TO UNDER WATER TO GET THIS TO WORK!!! If you are little bit more up than this it will not work!!!you can check it when camera will fall back little bit after you have used hookshot view and roll.
8: Now let chu run at wall and X target it and now after it turn about 180 degrees and aling yourself along with pillar. If you have right position link should automatically aling himself with pillar if all is done correctly.
9: Now let another chu run at wall and release it immediately after taking it out. Then keep targeting it all to way when it explodes and do not let go of Z before it have exploded. Now you should have right camera angle.
10: Now wait for camera to under water. In this spot if you have camera too far away from link. camera will go other side of iceberg and you cannot see anything! So remember to keep camera close to link before doing this! If you cannot get it there anymore press reset or come from ice cavern again and swim to iceberg and active ISG and then just use Z target to keep camera close of link.
11: When camera have stopped. Press control stick little bit left and only left to make sideroll, not sidehop. If you do sidehop you pressed way too much! Only press that much when link will make little move and stop breathing animation. I show it to you in video.
12: Bring out chu and calculate it to 7 flash. After seventh flash pause buffer three frames forward and you should have same color chu than on video. I skipped one frame from it on video.
13: On 7,3/5 flash release chu with shield and continue to use pause buffer after that. Still keep that control stick on that position what I mentioned above. of course you can place stick on it's place now too if you want.
14: From this point calculate about 8 frames about chu running at wall. It's easiest to calculate when chu is on leftmost corner of pillar (green navi arrow keep looking that) After it calculate three frames when chu is running other side of the pillar. Green arrow should touch screen down frame little bit like in video.
15: On that point perform sideroll and do all stuff what you need to do to make normal chu megaflip. Remember to keep your shield up all the time when doing sideways roll. When link is about to taking out his shield and he is on limbo mode unpause game and press R, Z, A and place control stick to down left corner to perform megasidehop. If all went correctly you should not take damage from chu and you should get inside of jabu jabu as adult.
If you take damage you should make sidehop frame earlier or you did something else wrong. if you just sidehop and hover more you did it too early. It needs to be frame perfect!
I hope this will turn out great glitch and I'm very happy to finding something so cool like this! I'm proud of myself and for that too when I got this shit on video!!! It was pain in the ass! You can beat barinade on boomerang on B button with BA or and use jars on that room to damage last phase of barinade or use megaton hammer ISG to damage him. You need to active ISG from hammer before swinging it or else it doesn't work. There is videos on youtube about this. There is maybe better way to do this on future!
Have fun!!! Also we now have more stuff to do in Max% adult challenge! ^_^