You can do collection delay on the mailbox when receiving rewards for having postman hat on if you interact with it with Down A. so you can run around and do stuff until you look at it again.
This is just an assumption, but you may be able to do collection delay on most stuff received from interacting with Down A activated?
Oh dang, yeah hahah, i heard there was a method to bottle B, but i don't which one that is never seen a vid or anything about it. Could you tell me how to do it? :p =)
Yeah, I haven't gotten around to recording anything that I've found yet, so you wouldn't find any videos of some stuff.
Start of by getting bottle on B as Goron.
To get Bottle on B as goron you dupe over the ocarina in curiosity shop. (Do collection delay, take out ocarina, put it away). Instead of overwriting the ocarina, it will overwrite Goron Links B item.
Now go to Honey & Darling and use Goron Transformation Storage.
As soon as the minigame starts, put the mask back in your inventory, this will transform you back to Link.
End the minigame.
You will now have Bottle on B as Link.
<CloudMax> uh.. I was showing collection delay to my kid brother.. I think I found a glitch while doing it by mistake
<CloudMax> unless it's already known
<CloudMax> I hooked onto a chest right before a day night transition. I did a hookshot jump
<CloudMax> not sure how high, since I looked away
<CloudMax> but when I looked back at the screen, link was falling
<CloudMax> yeah, you clearly do a hookshot jump, but it is not high at all. it is super bad. maybe it's possible to get much higher with better timing?
It was the transition to night in south clock town. I guess all transitions where you just get like an overview camera works.