I just found easy return A using the 5th day text storage
instead of using the sword face towards the first mailbox and point the hookshot and exit out of the second mailbox
you now have return a
Using Text Storage with other transformations has some cool results, Upside down goron/Curl storage, Zora first person glitch, zora isg, and FD isg.
Probably known but after you select an item from the menu you can use restricted items.
"Death" timestop:
Perform the unnamed ocarina glitch ("ocarina dive" next to gossip stone) find a grotto, and turn around so you can back flip into it. Play song of time, back flip then quickly kill your self via, chu, bomb, bomb mask, etc. Link should fall under the ground then the grotto will load. Just before link touches the ground press yes on the text box and link will be healed and in timestop.
�pressing yes too early will heal link and the item menu will be on the bottom screen but, timestop won't activate
� using ocarina items and canceling out of the ocarina will bring up the "return to the first day" textbox
� playing ANY song will bring up "return to the first day" text and selecting yes will play the cutscene and return you to the first day.
Oceanside Spider house mask puzzle skip:
Get onto the left side of the fire place ( jump from table or back flip onto pots and roll jump)
Target the back wall, ledge clip ( wait for Zora link to stop moving), press A, move further into the wall then roll or walk forward.
�The red gate lacks collision so after getting the heart peice you can walk through.
�sidehopping right into the fireplace then holding up left and re targeting makes clipping easier.
Oceanside spider house hookshot clips:
In the main room ( from entrance) walk to the left and target the web in front of the door then strafe into the torch and press and hold the button the hookshot is on and L, once you are against the torch release the hookshot button and link will clip.
�jump slashing right after you fall can give you recoil and you will land by the door of the room with the mask puzzle
� triple slash clips can put you back in bounds
� the hookshot can bring you back in bounds
�jump slashing can also make link void out
In the main room (from entrance) turn right and get between the torch and the wall, hold L and backflip, during the back flip press the hookshot button, If timed right link will fall.
�jump slashing while you fall will place you on a ledge turning around and slashing will give you recoil into the unloaded mask puzzle room