Good to know I have until Christmas to figure this all out

I got to the sacred realm by forcing the game to warp to the entrance ID 0xD8 while the title screen was running. This takes you to the cutscene after the fire temple, where the volcano returns back to normal. After that, you are brought to the sacred realm, where you have full control.
OK, here we go. These addresses are all for v1.2 N64:
1) Cutscene flags? Not quite sure what you mean, sorry.
2) The current room ID is stored at
801DAA1C (1 byte), however in order to force the game to load a new room, you're gonna need ASM hacks. I have the VC WAD, I have Dolphin as well as a USB Gecko, I can find a way to make this work.
3) Farore's Wind addresses:
- X, Y, Z spawn values: 8011C020 (4 bytes each)
- Entrance ID: 8011C030 (2 bytes)
- Room ID: 8011C032 (1 byte)
4) *** I'll do this one tomorrow, I need to go to bed ***
5) I'm pretty sure controlling the speed of the game in any decent way would be pretty much impossible on VC, sorry.
6) Title screen thing:
8011BFDF (1 byte)
7) Item in Link's hand:
801DB432 (1 byte)
Additionally, if you want to able to use a full bottle in Link's hand, you also need to set
801DB431 (1 byte) to 0x21.
I have WAY too much free time.
EDIT: If you set the byte at
801DABBE to 0x0B, then reload the area with
801DAB75, you get an even faster screen transition.