Regular Guay
Posts: 42
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2015, 12:37:40 PM » |
nighthawkraven, could you tell me which hook type is needed? I'd like to edit the main post to help others with the same problem.
Regular Guay
Posts: 23
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2015, 07:30:40 PM » |
Default hook type. my little brother used to play call of duty so it was set on ossleepthread, which was my problem.
Regular Guay
Posts: 42
« Reply #17 on: February 06, 2015, 02:53:27 PM » |
So I've been working on a wrong warp code recently which would allow the player to wrong warp anywhere from any location. The code would basically place Link out of bounds so he voids out and it would then change the entrance address to the required location.
So I used to entrance table on ZSR and found two addresses on dolphin which correspond to the values on the table. Modifying these two addresses had the same effect which was to cause a wrong warp (both addresses gave a wrong warp to the same location).
So I tried exiting Link's house (hex value of 211) and I locked the value of this address to 0 and ended up in the water temple (hex value 423). If I instead locked the value to 1 and left Link's house I ended up at Zora's fountain from the sapphire cs (10E). Similarly locking the address at 2,3,4 and 5 left me at kokiri forest (211), hyrule field from zora's river on land (181), Deku boss room (40F) and Hyrule field from Impa cutscene (594).
I'm failing to see the pattern here and was wondering if someone much more knowledgeable about the game than me (Mzxrules) could explain it to me so I can find which value I need to set the address to for a given area to get the desired location.
Ultimate Mega Guay
Posts: 901
Wrong warp expert
« Reply #18 on: February 07, 2015, 11:36:31 AM » |
You're locking half the value down.
Exiting Link's house (0211) is becoming Water Temple main entrance (0011), Zora's Fountain sapphire cutscene (0111), Hyrule Field from Zora's River, water spawn (311), Deku Tree Boss Room (411), Hyrule Field from Getting the Ocarina of Time (511)
Braid This is art because the music is classical music, and the graphics are done with a pen. The story is something about a woman. I could not understand much of this to be honest, which makes it even more likely to be an art.
Regular Guay
Posts: 42
« Reply #19 on: February 07, 2015, 07:13:21 PM » |
Cool I'm dumb, thanks again Mzxrules (:
I've just finished updating the gecko codes to now include the wrong warp code and a couple of other codes. I remember before that someone complained to me that the button conditionals weren't very well thought out and it's because I've been making them to be comfortable on my N64 controller lol. If someone has a better set of button conditionals that I could use that would be nicer on a gamecube controller please let me know.
For the wrong warp code please let me know if you want any new locations added. Shoutouts to the ZSR entrance table which made this code possible.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2015, 07:36:09 PM by Chain »
Regular Guay
Posts: 23
« Reply #20 on: February 11, 2015, 11:49:14 PM » |
ive been messing around with these codes a bunch, and i only have 1 gripe. the dpad down to die is sometimes really inconvenient and ill usually accidently kill link after using the speed code. overall these are really helpful and fun. i somehow activated crooked cart in hyrule field after i was messing around with ess and the speed code. crashed in like 2 seconds :p
Regular Guay
Posts: 42
« Reply #21 on: February 12, 2015, 01:59:12 PM » |
okay that's fair lol, should I switch the buttons around so that dpad down makes you go faster and L + R + dpad down makes you die?
Regular Guay
Posts: 23
« Reply #22 on: February 12, 2015, 09:52:54 PM » |
that would work out fine, thanks 
Deku Scrub
Posts: 10
« Reply #23 on: February 14, 2015, 05:12:43 PM » |
is there a way to modify the teleporter code to work for CC pro ?
Regular Guay
Posts: 42
« Reply #24 on: February 15, 2015, 12:22:23 AM » |
Yeah it's possible although I need to change all the button conditional codes, I'll probably get around to doing it soon though. Unfortunately I don't have a classic controller so I'll need you to test some code before I make a version of the main code which works for classic controller. I'll edit this post later with a code for you to test. EDIT: Okay download this gct file and test if pressing x makes you levitate. If this works then I'll update the main set of codes to work with classic controller.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2015, 10:40:37 AM by Chain »
Deku Scrub
Posts: 10
« Reply #25 on: February 17, 2015, 11:43:48 PM » |
No presssing any of the buttons didnt have an effect.
A+B+R to fall through the floor works on the old code I should say. It's only the dpad that doesn't do anything
Deku Scrub
Posts: 14
< ^ > < ^ >
« Reply #26 on: February 18, 2015, 12:10:39 AM » |
I just need a few codes for a file in addition to these I guess.
Farore's Wind on B - 0x00A060BB set to 13 Deku Stick on B - 0x00A060BB set to 0 Bugs on C-Right - 0x00A060B8 set to 29 (I think)
These are for JPN 1.0 and I need them for JPN 1.2 for VC practice. If anybody's feeling generous....
Regular Guay
Posts: 42
« Reply #27 on: February 18, 2015, 12:34:52 PM » |
Ah okay Vince, that's interesting. I'll edit this post later with something for you to test as I think I can fix it.
Otaku, I can make codes for items on B if you really want but there's not much point since there's already a code to let you use restricted items anywhere. This means you can already use stick as adult or farore's wind in boss rooms. I believe I included farore's wind in the main set of codes but if not I can quickly change that.
I know that the current set of items in the inventory code isn't good for other categories like no rba/ww where you need bow, or for instance if you need a fairy. The next thing I want to work on is making an in-game menu where you can decide which items you have in your inventory, how many hearts you have etc. Unfortunately my knowledge of gecko codes is limited to simple memory address manipulations but if I get enough time/motivation this is the next big code I will work on.
Ultimate Mega Guay
Posts: 901
Wrong warp expert
« Reply #28 on: February 18, 2015, 08:27:36 PM » |
With my discovery of that hidden dev code in the commercial releases of oot, I learned that GCN and VC does not register D-Left, D-Right, and D-Down input, which is probably why my input code from earlier didn't work (since it checks for D-Right). Converting it to 00002100 should work I think
Braid This is art because the music is classical music, and the graphics are done with a pen. The story is something about a woman. I could not understand much of this to be honest, which makes it even more likely to be an art.
Deku Scrub
Posts: 2
« Reply #29 on: March 10, 2015, 04:37:02 PM » |
Is the download still available? the link redirects me to the filedropper website but no download