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Author Topic: thoughts on banning PJ64 entirely from zsr leaderboards?  (Read 88258 times)
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Regular Guay

Posts: 35

« Reply #90 on: April 04, 2014, 01:39:21 AM »

I have a few problems with the multi-system leaderboards, mainly the fact about how emu times are treated. You're sort of treating them like that one guy in high school and you're like "yeah you can chill here just stand like 10 feet over there". You're allowing them, but not really acknowledging them. Worse then that, they will be checked but still be unverified because they're on emu (to avoid 1 second WRs for example). My second problem is the face that all systems are covered. I really don't want oot to turn into sm64 wnere there are 4 different leaderboards for the same game. Believe me, there will be some idiots that will go for gamecube WRs, I guarantee it no matter how lowly gc is looked down upon. That and the fact that the current WR will share a LB with 2 other times... Seems kinda off to me.

Edit: not trying to be an ass to gc players, I'm just saying that there are some people that will deliberately use the gc version instead of a faster version that they may own to claim a fake WR.

Here's my idea. Have 2 LBs, 1 for official verified runs and one for all runs. On the first one, all the times that are present will be all the n64, gc, vc and ique time that have a video and that have been verified, and on the other, have all times, any system, video or not. This way, people will see the "official" leaderboards, but emu runners won't be completely shut out and their times will still appear and can be verified by admins. Same deal with people without any means to capture their game, their times can still appear on LB #2
« Last Edit: April 04, 2014, 12:03:08 PM by quo » Logged
Deku Scrub

Posts: 19

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« Reply #91 on: April 04, 2014, 02:17:29 AM »

This may or may not belong here, but if this can be confirmed then it would probably be nice to have for reference. If you can stand my monotone/sick-with-a-cold voice, and my apparent inability to read numbers, that is.

Explanation: I was toying around in PJ64 with the new Mido Skip setup, and I kept failing the actual clip. So I made a savestate mid-jumpslash, started experimenting, and stumbled upon what could (major emphasis on "could" because I'm not sure about this at all) be a big problem with emulators. Not sure if I'm the only person with this issue, as it could just be my hardware/software/drivers, but I don't have another controller  to test this out with.


Basically, if I'm the only person having this problem then that sucks for me, but if this is common then "Swordless Any%" will be very difficult on emulator, and by extension, will very likely keep Top10/WR emulator runs off the leaderboards.

« Last Edit: April 04, 2014, 03:32:25 AM by Njordr » Logged

Regular Guay

Posts: 45

« Reply #92 on: April 04, 2014, 03:25:06 AM »

Here's my idea. Have 2 LBs, 1 for official verified runs and one for all runs. On the first one, all the times that are present will be all the n64, gc, vc and ique time that have a video and that have been verified, and on the other, have all times, any system, video or not. This way, people will see the "official" leaderboards, but emu runners won't be completely shut out and their times will still appear and can be verified by admins. Same deal with people without any means to capture their game, their times can still appear on LB #2
Out of all the ideas I've read, this one seems like the most plausible one. I second this.

I never really expressed my own thoughts into this topic because I've been neutral; but I feel like if our intentions are to encourage usage of official releases, then banning submissions of unofficial releases from the leaderboards would not be the way to go. Doing so would give people the impression that we are discouraging emulator usage rather than actually encouraging usage of official releases, and that would hurt the community. Quo's idea of filtering times of official releases on one leaderboard, and have all times on another, would give emu players the impression that their times aren't being totally excluded, but at the same time, give them the impression that if they want their time to be recognized as an "official" time, they would have to make the switch to an official version of the game.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2014, 04:26:27 AM by Apasher » Logged
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Special Guay

Posts: 276

« Reply #93 on: April 04, 2014, 03:39:55 AM »

Believe me, there will be some idiots that will go for gamecube WRs, I guarantee it no matter how lowly gc is looked down upon.

The point is that, even if this happens, nobody will care about the record. So if there are people that go for gamecube records because they care about it for whatever reason, then good for them. And if the Gamecube version does gain popularity and competition, then that just means it deserves the record would be more meaningful to more people. I don't really see how this is a bad thing. Although I don't expect that to happen.

Here's my idea. Have 2 LBs, 1 for official verified runs and one for all runs. On the first one, all the times that are present will be all the n64, gc, vc and ique time that have a video and that have been verified, and on the other, have all times, any system, video or not. This way, people will see the "official" leaderboards, but emu runners won't be completely shut out and their times will still appear and can be verified by admins. Same deal with people without any means to capture their game, their times can still appear on LB #2

This sounds pretty much like the compromise Cosmo suggested, except still allowing emulator runs to be verified. I kinda like this, simply because I recognize that if you don't verify emu runs, then there is no incentive for them to be checked thoroughly. I'd hope they would be checked anyway, but maybe this is a better idea. Basically have a tag for "verified" and another for "official".
Deku Scrub

Posts: 9

« Reply #94 on: April 04, 2014, 03:59:55 AM »

This may or may not belong here, but if this can be confirmed then it would probably be nice to have for reference. If you can stand my monotone/sick-with-a-cold voice, and my apparent inability to read numbers, that is.

Explanation: I was toying around in PJ64 with the new Mido Skip setup, and I kept failing the actual clip. So I made a savestate mid-jumpslash, started experimenting, and stumbled upon what could (major emphasis on "could" because I'm not sure about this at all) be a big problem with emulators. Not sure if I'm the only person with this issue, as it could just be my hardware/software/drivers, but I don't have another controller  to test this out with.


Basically, if I'm the only person having this problem then that sucks for me, but if this is common then "Swordless Any%" will be very difficult on emulator, and by extension, will very likely keep Top10/WR emulator runs off the leaderboards.

That's just something that is expected to happen when you use a controller like PS2-3-4 or XBoX, because the stick will move at the slightest motion. If you plug a n64, GC or CCpro controller and use it with PJ64 it is much more accurate.
Regular Guay

Posts: 44

« Reply #95 on: April 04, 2014, 04:13:19 AM »

i know my opinion does not matter but i think if there is a ban it should have been done at the beginning. or just ban anything 1.7+ i have gc wii vc without a wad injection and 1.6 to record, practice, and time my runs.

in my experience pj64 1.6 isnt superior to VC or even GC whatsoever. i think at least if any pj64 is going to ban why not ban anything 1.6+?? i dont have experience with 1.7 so im not sure how it runs.

i started learning any% 2 or 3 months ago and got a 24:17 202 on the leaderboard with a video link. granted not a great time but still it puts a smile on my face. but if its not acknowledged or verified i might as well post a fake time without a link. and if emu runs aren't or will not be verified i just personally feel like its not a pb until verified. this may sound stupid this is just my short experience in the community.

i also do mst and on 1.6 the game crashes half the time in forest stalfos key room and forest trial. and the double frame buffering ><. as
this is just my personal opinion regarding all emu players including me even though i can learn to softmod my wii but thats not the point since not everyone has access/funds to stream/record from vc (i dont really know much about)

i probably do have the funds and a little searching could have me running on vc. but im speaking for emu players in general.

i work 5 or 6 days a week and literally spend almost every moment when im not working or with my girl im working on my runs. this is just a response to the statement that if you cant run on a modded wii or ique your not a serious competitive player in this community which is a complete assumption

sorry if this is a mess i just got back from the bar Tongue