8. Adventure Of Link
7. The Legend Of Zelda
6. Four Swords Adventures
5. A Link To The Past (I don't have it anymore
4. Majora's Mask (Last place of the 4 3D Zelda games because Ganondorf doesn't excist in it and Zelda appears once in the game. It was much different from the other 3D Zelda games but it was not as good as in the others. The game was still very good.)
3. Twilight Princess (Too easy but everything else in this game was done excellent.)
2. Ocarina Of Time (A little harder than TP and it was done a little better than TP.)
1. The Wind Waker ( This game has a very good story and many good story moments. I love the graphics and the music and they did so many funny things in it. Absolutely the best Zelda game. =)
Weapon: Bow
Hook: What is that?
Item: Hookshot
Princess: TWW
Boss: Ganondorf (TWW)
Overworld: OoT
Story Moment: Hard to tell
Tune: Credits (TWW)
Secret: Changes after beating TWW (Outset Clothes all the time, Aryll has skull dress all the time and you understand Hyrule language.)
Dungeon: Tower of the Gods
Enemy: Stalfos (OoT)
Supporting Character: Midna
Ganon: OoT
I have never played the others and I don't have ALTTP anymore because my dad sold his NES and SNES stuff.