Ok, I used to go by alknight87 when i first made my runescape account (name is alex irl, and i wanted to be a knight, 87 was a random number to use the name). I was watching Xplay one day and i saw a review for god of war, and it looked bad ass. So i started using the name Wargod87. My brother logan was making an account for runescape, and he needed help coming up with a name. I told him to call his character Logburner, He added 99 to the end of it cause he is obsessed with having the number 99 in all sports games he makes a character in. Now i was allowed to make my first youtube account (mum was nazi bout it for a while saying i was "too young") and logan wanted to have a youtube account as well, but couldnt have one. so i made a shared account with the name warburner (it sounded better than loggod) we stuck with 87 cause it sounded cooler than 99. after a while, logan got his own youtube account and that name has become mine