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Author Topic: How did you get your Nickname?  (Read 56183 times)
Special Guay

Posts: 202

« Reply #60 on: December 02, 2011, 12:43:35 AM »

TwilightSDA: Used to play tons of TP back then and added SDA on it.
Prince0fHyrule: idk
zero: coke zero
bluephantom340: suggested by jiano

[13:57] <Kaztalek> Give me a week and I guarentee I will be a top 10 MM player.
[18:34:23] <ingx24> i suck at mm
Regular Guay

Posts: 77


« Reply #61 on: January 11, 2012, 05:30:27 AM »

When I was thinking up a name whilst registering I accidently puked on my keyboard, and thats how the legend came to be...

Things that aren't hovering go in the other topic.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 17

« Reply #62 on: January 11, 2012, 05:55:21 PM »

Command & Conquer was one of my favourite series for a while. Tiberian Sun had online multiplayer so I ended up making an online account to play. Being the arrogant 7 year old I was, I decided upon the name War Champ, though spaces were not allowed. So I settled for Warchamp and tacked on my age to show the world the cool cat that I was.

13 years later here we are Smiley

Special Guay

Posts: 389

« Reply #63 on: March 25, 2012, 09:55:42 AM »

Contrary to popular belief, I DON'T believe Samus and Link should have a relationship. My brother's friend's name for just about everything is LokiXRiddle (Loki is the Norse god of mishief or something, pretty sure he just thought the name was badass. Riddle as in Tom Riddle). My brother then made a YouTube account called CloudXMuad'Dib (cungratzes if you know what Muad'Dib is from). So following the trend, I made my name consist of my two favorite videogame characters. Unfortunately, I didn't know that X means 'loves' when I was 10...

11:17 <Cosmo>: It's hard to tell what ASAP means with todays sequence breaks
Regular Guay

Posts: 81


« Reply #64 on: March 26, 2012, 08:57:59 PM »

I'm not entirely sure. I was originally Nightrider5678 on Youtube until I lose the account password (lol) So I started a new account called Kzar5678. I have no idea where it came from, but it came from the monstrosity that is my brain. And thus, Kzar was born. (It is pronounced, "Kay-zar" by the way)

What does the scouter say about Kzar's epic level?
It's...it's... it's over...um...sorry I'm not getting a reading...
Regular Guay

Posts: 67

« Reply #65 on: March 29, 2012, 12:32:22 AM »

Ok, I used to go by alknight87 when i first made my runescape account (name is alex irl, and i wanted to be a knight, 87 was a random number to use the name). I was watching Xplay one day and i saw a review for god of war, and it looked bad ass. So i started using the name Wargod87. My brother logan was making an account for runescape, and he needed help coming up with a name. I told him to call his character Logburner, He added 99 to the end of it cause he is obsessed with having the number 99 in all sports games he makes a character in. Now i was allowed to make my first youtube account (mum was nazi bout it for a while saying i was "too young") and logan wanted to have a youtube account as well, but couldnt have one. so i made a shared account with the name warburner (it sounded better than loggod) we stuck with 87 cause it sounded cooler than 99. after a while, logan got his own youtube account and that name has become mine Smiley
Deku Scrub

Posts: 12

« Reply #66 on: March 29, 2012, 03:36:49 PM »

Mine is very simple. I stole it from my cat.  Grin Hopefully he doesn't mind that I'm parading around Zelda forums using his name.  Wink
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