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Author Topic: 100% definition  (Read 100520 times)
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Special Guay

Posts: 334

I make videos of games that are done very fast.

« Reply #90 on: February 07, 2012, 12:25:53 AM »

Very nice metaphor or whatever. Even though quantum breaks or bends rules of conventional physics, it's a separate set of rules. But it's all physics.
I still vouch for all cubes and chests. And idk all of tww rules, but I don't really like comparisons between the two. I'll do one 100% run after we settle this all.
Regular Guay

Posts: 77

« Reply #91 on: February 12, 2012, 02:24:29 AM »

  • Main Quest completed
  • 20 Hearts (18 Hearts + 2 Life Medals equipped)
  • 80 Gratitude Crystals and Skyloft's curse broken
  • All items and fully upgraded
  • All Goddess Walls and Stones appeared (Moonlight Merchant too)
  • All logs in Faron Woods pushed over and all other shortcuts opened
  • 9900 Rupees (Tycoon Wallet + 900 Capacity Upgrade)
  • All chests opened and one-time appearance Rupees obtained
  • All Goddess Cubes struck and Goddess Chests opened
  • All dowsing targets
  • All dungeons 100% completed
  • All medals acquired
  • 8 Adventure Pouches
  • 5 Bottles
  • x99 of all Bugs and Treasures
  • 999:59 Playtime
  • All scannable enemies @ end game have been defeated 999 times and "Very Strong" reading
  • Beaten Peter's Clean Cut record of 43
  • 1000+ in Pumpkin Pull

« Last Edit: February 12, 2012, 02:27:50 AM by GeneraLight » Logged
Site Editor
Special Guay

Posts: 334

I make videos of games that are done very fast.

« Reply #92 on: February 12, 2012, 04:26:01 AM »

Oh god GeneralLight, you have some mighty high standards...
Regular Guay

Posts: 123

« Reply #93 on: February 13, 2012, 12:22:12 PM »

    • 999:59 Playtime

    That'd be a fun speedrun to watch  Roll Eyes

    Why does adult Link have an earring?
    Quote from: CinnabonChan
    Because Rauru's a pervert. Leave a priest alone with a young boy in a seven year coma, who gradually grows into a handsome young man?

    Yeah, that will end well. I'm pretty sure Rauru has a stack of kinky outfits he dressed Link in
    « Reply #94 on: March 25, 2012, 06:20:20 AM »

    1.)At least one of every shield, fully upgraded.
    2.)All B items, fully upgraded
    3.)Maximum Dowsing Targets (exception: Sidequest Targets like Unidentified Plant etc)
    4.)At least one bomb bag, quiver, and seed bag fully upgraded.
    5.)Every Medal. Even the duplicate ones. *
    6.)Every Goddess Cube Treasure opened (you get the Confirmation Screen)*
    7.)Have/Had at least one of every insect and treasure. (This turns the icon silhouettes into full-color pictures)
    8.)Every sidequest finished.*
    9.)Every Rupee bag upgrade (Beedle's bags and Batreaux's "over 9000 bag")*
    10.)All Gratitude Crystals*
    11.)All bottles (put one of each potion in each bottle, then fully upgrade it)*
    12.)All Pieces of Heart/Heart Containers
    13.)All Adventure Pouches
     *some steps may lead to or require the completion of another.

    Should Hero Mode be optional?
    If we do it, it makes step 7 easier. And 1, 2, 8, 11, and 12 become somewhat easier in that respect. But the entirety of the game just LONGER.
    If we don't, that shaves a lot of time off our shoulders.

    Also, when did I ever become part of the ZSR clique?  Huh

    « Last Edit: March 25, 2012, 06:24:53 AM by pivotguyDC1 » Logged
    Site Editor
    Special Guay

    Posts: 269

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    « Reply #95 on: March 25, 2012, 01:39:20 PM »

    I think we should keep this relatively simple:

    - All hearts
    - All items & Upgrades: Bottles, Shields, Medals, Wallets, Adventure Pouches, etc.
    - All Goddess Cubes & Chests
    - And--duh--all dungeons completed*

    *Not 100%, just the dungeon item, boss beaten, and heart container obtained. This should be pretty well covered by requiring all items and all hearts.

    I don't see why we need to make Skyward Sword 100% so much bigger and "requirement-heavy" than every other 100% that has come before it.

    Rescue Tetra before FF1: is new to me. Did you just find this out?
    « Reply #96 on: March 26, 2012, 07:39:27 AM »

    Sidequests as well? Just seems like we could be able to achieve some of these items without Gratitude Crystals or upgrades some time in the future.
    Regular Guay

    Posts: 146

    Skyward Sword Editor

    « Reply #97 on: March 28, 2012, 05:48:52 PM »

    Wow this is taking forever to be resolved. Obviously not everyone will ever agree.

    Why is anyone talking about normal mode? Do you honestly want to watch over 2 hours of cutscenes? Theoretically, I guess if you want an uncontested world record...

    Bugs/treasues? NG+? Seriously? Hero mode is just different. Do you want to not use skyward strike or not skip cutscenes? Use what you have, there's no reason to limit yourself, especially when talking about 100%.
    if you want to do 100% and start with 0 bugs/treasures, do it in normal mode.

    Basically 100% should be like in other games. Everything finite that can be in your inventory screen:
    • All dowsing targets
    • 8 adventure slots
    • All B-Items
    • All Goddess Chests must be opened
    • All medals
    • Hylian Shield
    • All bottles
    • 9900 wallet
    • All Heart pieces/containers
    • Obviously, beat the game
    If you require things not in the inventory, you open a whole can of stupid worms. Talk to everyone, watch every cutscene, get every Fi text (including hints and advice), open every chest, land at every statue, etc. Put it this way, 100% in Metroid does not include scans, only that you've obtained every significant item.

    FYI, when you are in the Sky, the dowsing for Goddess Cubes is replaced with Goddess Chests.

    For ammo/shield/potion upgrades, I'd go with no. It's not that they are boring to get, it's just extremely arbitrary. It's like requiring to get every bug or every rupee. If you can get an unlimited number of something, there's no reason to require it. As it has been stated over and over; it's all or nothing. For B-Items upgrades, I'm not so sure. Still seems arbitrary to upgrade them, but those are finite, so I'd go either way but leaning towards upgrading.

    As for timing, I'd prefer to start from file start. It's silly to start when you gain control for the reason to make it the same as normal mode. If you do that, you might as well not count any cutscenes. Enjoy timing that >_>. Something that has come up is ending time. Should the time end when you land the final blow on Demise (Like in boss rush) or should it be the last point of significant input (when you move the wiimote to start the final blow). I know it's like a 2 second difference, but someone had asked me about it. I prefer when the blow actually lands, not when you do the input.

    <Triforce3250> You're my hero mode
    Site Editor
    Special Guay

    Posts: 292

    B e t A Q u e S t

    « Reply #98 on: March 28, 2012, 07:05:55 PM »

    Something that has come up is ending time. Should the time end when you land the final blow on Demise (Like in boss rush) or should it be the last point of significant input (when you move the wiimote to start the final blow). I know it's like a 2 second difference, but someone had asked me about it. I prefer when the blow actually lands, not when you do the input.

    I think technically timing should end on final input, because it is the final manipulation by the player (and consistent with other games). However, it's so little time out of such a long category, it probably won't even matter. You can stop it later, then subtract your ~2 seconds after.

    when i grow up, i wanna be just like taylortotftw
    Deku Scrub

    Posts: 11

    « Reply #99 on: July 09, 2012, 06:54:45 PM »

    Guys, while you have been arguing about the definition of 100% A record has already been broken 3 times. Indykenobi currently has the 100% WR using his own definition. This is what he thinks 100% is:

    Well, there isn't one currently agreed upon. The definition I used for my 100% RTA includes the following:
    - All Heart Pieces
    - All Goddess Cubes and Chests
    - All Gratitude Crystals
    - All Medals
    - All Bottles
    - All Pouch/Wallet upgrades
    - All B-items, fully upgraded
    - All dowsing options
    - Hylian Shield

    Things I didn't get:
    - Shield/ammo/potion upgrades
    - Dungeon maps
    - Non-goddess chests
    - Bird statues

    Any/all of these could be debated, but I wanted to start working, and this seemed like the place to start.

    I agree with him on his "Didn't Get" list. Shields Can be bought at an infinite quantity, so it's really doesn't matter whether or not you get the upgrades for them, and so are ammo and potions. Dungeon maps are not necessary for beating the game, you can bypass many chests because they contain rupees and the Bird Statues are just Save points and landmarks. The only thing up for debate is Shield/ammo/potion upgrades, but like I said, you can purchase them at an infinite quantity, so you can get an infinite amount of those upgrades.  And by infinite, I meant how much space is available in the Item Check Girl place...
    Regular Guay

    Posts: 146

    Skyward Sword Editor

    « Reply #100 on: July 09, 2012, 07:39:57 PM »

    Note: He also didn't get bugs and treasures.

    <Triforce3250> You're my hero mode
    Deku Scrub

    Posts: 11

    « Reply #101 on: July 09, 2012, 09:05:30 PM »

    If you want a true to the bone definition of 100%, then you have to play the game on normal mode. Which would take hours more then his original run. It wouldn't be considered a speedrun (but then again, it would. speedrunception). I may consider doing one under Indykenobi's definition.
    Regular Guay

    Posts: 117

    « Reply #102 on: July 14, 2012, 09:47:28 AM »

    In my opinion you should get the upgrades for the 3 shields, the bomb bag, the slingshot seed bag and the quiver at least once.

    Before you save the world, kiss the princess or you might regret it.
    Deku Scrub

    Posts: 6

    « Reply #103 on: July 14, 2012, 08:22:14 PM »

    The main reason I decided not to do upgrades for shields/ammo/potions is because they aren't limited items, as Testrunner and Blackrazgriz have noted.  If you're going to upgrade the shields, why shouldn't you get one of each type of wooden shield (wooden, banded, braced)?  That seems silly, especially since the Hylian Shield obsoletes all of them.  I could see a better argument for the ammo upgrades, but even still, why not get one of each type of ammo container?  It's not limited.

    I'm actually more curious lately about whether dungeon maps should be included in the definition.  It may be true that they aren't necessary to beat the game, but neither are gratitude crystals or goddess cubes.  I'd prefer not to get them, and there's precedent for skipping them as I believe OoT 100% does.  So that's why they're not in the route.

    And yes, I didn't get bugs or treasures; since I play in Hero Mode, it seemed silly to not take advantage of having treasures and bugs carry over.  Doing this in Normal Mode, you'd have to collect enough treasures on the way to do whatever upgrading you decide are necessary, plus the 2 hours of cutscenes, so I'm not sure how that's a truer 100% definition than the similar thing in Hero Mode.
    Regular Guay

    Posts: 117

    « Reply #104 on: July 21, 2012, 08:22:30 AM »

    Some treasures and bugs are not necessary but they have a fixed spot in the inventory, so they should all be gotten at least once. Like in OoT the magic beans could be skipped, but they have a fixed spot on the inventory.

    Before you save the world, kiss the princess or you might regret it.
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