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Author Topic: WW Tricks and Glitches Discussion  (Read 1443670 times)
Regular Guay

Posts: 167

Zombie Hover

« Reply #450 on: July 09, 2010, 12:29:09 AM »

öhm yeah. I'm pretty sure 18 minutes-ish is from hovering into FF2 to Hyrule 2. No way hovering into FF2 takes that long... unless you have to hover from the next island. Could somebody clearify?

Anyway. EMS would save us getting Jabus Pearl, raising ToG, clearing ToG, all that cutscene crap of the master sword and clearing Hyrule castle from the enemies.
But ofcourse it would cost us hovering into FF2, clearing FF2 and that cutscene crap at Ganons and the unraised ToG.

Should be close...
If corrupting the MS drawing CS is how early GT will be done--not yet confirmed--then EMS won't be an option. As it looks now, zombie hover is not how we are going to get to GT early, unless an indirect relationship of the two is involved.

Forest Water+Backflip=Gainers?
Special Guay

Posts: 204


lol_oli_lol@hotmail.com PhazonN
« Reply #451 on: July 09, 2010, 06:32:02 AM »

@Slowking - Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but I timed Ani doing EFF2 and I seem to remember it taking around 18 minutes. He didn't use the closest island to FF though (forgot about that in that last post).

[15:48:29] <ChocolateLink> chapstick?
[15:48:59] <Phazon> yeah, i'm using it atm, you can get crazy high
Regular Guay

Posts: 29

« Reply #452 on: July 09, 2010, 09:16:55 AM »

If corrupting the MS drawing CS is how early GT will be done--not yet confirmed--then EMS won't be an option. As it looks now, zombie hover is not how we are going to get to GT early, unless an indirect relationship of the two is involved.
I'm pretty sure we can't zombie hover to GT early? Even if we could get over/around the barrier the angle to GT isn't straight and so we would need a way of changing angle. Or we could heal off the enemies behind the barrier but the constant knockback from the barrier makes it difficult as we have to restart the hover every couple of seconds.

I've been experimenting but have come up with nothing so far. I was using a bomb to blast myself through the damage barrier and then once behind trying various things to prevent getting knocked out.
The problem is that I can only stay behind the barrier for about a second before I get knocked out and so have virtually no time to attempt to break through the invisible wall.

Have to give the developers some credit here, they got it locked down pretty tight... Then again, thats what we used to think about the rest of Wind Waker
« Reply #453 on: July 09, 2010, 09:31:54 AM »

The problem is that I can only stay behind the barrier for about a second before I get knocked out and so have virtually no time to attempt to break through the invisible wall.
Take out the Wind Waker at the same time as you stop flashing red, now you can move inside the barrier as long as you want without getting knocked down untill you take damage from something else such as bombs.
Regular Guay

Posts: 146

« Reply #454 on: July 09, 2010, 09:36:11 AM »

If corrupting the MS drawing CS is how early GT will be done--not yet confirmed--then EMS won't be an option. As it looks now, zombie hover is not how we are going to get to GT early, unless an indirect relationship of the two is involved.
Well somebody really needs to get TAS Dolphin set up and test all the theories again. I remember a lot of things that were thought impossible in OoT and MM, but once TAS confirmed that they are indeed possible people started doing them on console, too.
For example I still think it might be possible to clip through the damage barriere while being undead...

@Slowking - Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but I timed Ani doing EFF2 and I seem to remember it taking around 18 minutes. He didn't use the closest island to FF though (forgot about that in that last post).
Is there no spot directly at FF where you can hover from? Or does the King not let you in the proximety of FF without MS?
If the King is the problem and we don't need forest water to skip the barrier we could ofcourse superswim to FF... Then we might even be able to just WW dive into it...
« Last Edit: July 09, 2010, 10:06:40 AM by Slowking » Logged

14:10 MrGrunz: keep your ass close to him
14:10   MrGrunz: and nothing can go wrong
Special Guay

Posts: 204


lol_oli_lol@hotmail.com PhazonN
« Reply #455 on: July 09, 2010, 10:06:11 AM »

Ugh, totally forgot about superswim. It doesn't really matter now, but I just timed the hover to FF2 as 14 minutes, not 18.

[15:48:29] <ChocolateLink> chapstick?
[15:48:59] <Phazon> yeah, i'm using it atm, you can get crazy high
Regular Guay

Posts: 146

« Reply #456 on: July 09, 2010, 10:08:48 AM »

Ugh, totally forgot about superswim. It doesn't really matter now, but I just timed the hover to FF2 as 14 minutes, not 18.
So the King won't let you near FF without MS? I haven't played TWW in a long time so I don't remember. If that's the problem and FF has a little land outside of it we should be able to just WW dive into it. No hover needed.

So the ideal route would probably be:
Dragon roost -> forest haven -> bottle forest water -> get deku leaf and do forbidden woods -> get bombs -> get quiver -> superswim to FF -> WW dive into FF (or maybe you can just clip the doors with super swim speed) -> EMS -> barriere skip -> GT

Now we only have to get this to work. XD

Btw. how did you time Anis EMS hover? is there a video. The only one I know of starts in FF2.

Edit: Just saw Anis bombs early video. Maybe that would be a good option, too. Doing bombs early instead of Dragon Roost and Forbidden Woods. We would only need to get bottle and Deku leaf and never set foot into any of the dungeons...
« Last Edit: July 09, 2010, 10:36:02 AM by Slowking » Logged

14:10 MrGrunz: keep your ass close to him
14:10   MrGrunz: and nothing can go wrong
Special Guay

Posts: 204


lol_oli_lol@hotmail.com PhazonN
« Reply #457 on: July 09, 2010, 12:25:26 PM »

I think bombs early route would be:

DRI (with WW, Bottle and Tingle Tuner) > GFI with hover > WFI (Idk if KoRL would warp to GFI or not so might need another hover if it's possible from GFI without bombs) > Get bombs > FH > Get deku leaf and forest water > Four-Eyed Reef (Closest island to FF) > Superswim to FF2 > EMS > Barrier skip > GT.

Whether or not that'd be faster, idk.


Pointless trick. If you go in the back entrance of the bomb shop, sidle and crouch on the little gap you crawled in through, you get stuck and have to savewarp to get out.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2010, 02:03:39 PM by Phazon » Logged

[15:48:29] <ChocolateLink> chapstick?
[15:48:59] <Phazon> yeah, i'm using it atm, you can get crazy high
Regular Guay

Posts: 167

Zombie Hover

« Reply #458 on: July 09, 2010, 02:38:55 PM »

Have to give the developers some credit here, they got it locked down pretty tight... Then again, thats what we used to think about the rest of Wind Waker
Yes the game developers did plan the path to GT wisely, but there is surely a way to get past it never the less.
@Slowking & Phazon
The routes that you vaguely outline here need some rethinking. I can see a few areas where we'd waste more time then we'd save. As soon as early GT is found, we need to crack down on timing and testing routes--especially forest water routes--and find any finishing timesavers and smaller sequence breaks. I don't want to cut out skipping Phantom Ganon yet.
TAS testing will not be necessary, as we are already testing on a console what would just begin to be understood with TAS.

Forest Water+Backflip=Gainers?
Special Guay

Posts: 204


lol_oli_lol@hotmail.com PhazonN
« Reply #459 on: July 09, 2010, 03:10:55 PM »

I can see a few areas where we'd waste more time then we'd save.

Yeah, I didn't say the bomb-early route was faster though...

[15:48:29] <ChocolateLink> chapstick?
[15:48:59] <Phazon> yeah, i'm using it atm, you can get crazy high
Regular Guay

Posts: 167

Zombie Hover

« Reply #460 on: July 09, 2010, 03:12:57 PM »

Yeah, I didn't say the bomb-early route was faster though...
I think Slowking took it that way though.
Would a turbo controller be allowed by SDA regulations?
« Last Edit: July 09, 2010, 04:00:26 PM by Razor » Logged

Forest Water+Backflip=Gainers?
Special Guay

Posts: 204


lol_oli_lol@hotmail.com PhazonN
« Reply #461 on: July 09, 2010, 05:43:58 PM »


[15:48:29] <ChocolateLink> chapstick?
[15:48:59] <Phazon> yeah, i'm using it atm, you can get crazy high
Regular Guay

Posts: 146

« Reply #462 on: July 10, 2010, 10:07:29 AM »

I think Slowking took it that way though.
Not really. Was just an idea. But since korl is a little bitch and doesn't let you go anywhere before you've done the first two dungeons it's really not an option.

Btw. it really gets on my nerve how pople here say "Oh TAS can't do anything to help". TAS is great for testing shit. MM and OoT have had a lot of breaks that were found by TAS and only later done on console.

14:10 MrGrunz: keep your ass close to him
14:10   MrGrunz: and nothing can go wrong
Regular Guay

Posts: 167

Zombie Hover

« Reply #463 on: July 10, 2010, 01:56:35 PM »

Not really. Was just an idea. But since korl is a little bitch and doesn't let you go anywhere before you've done the first two dungeons it's really not an option.

Btw. it really gets on my nerve how pople here say "Oh TAS can't do anything to help". TAS is great for testing shit. MM and OoT have had a lot of breaks that were found by TAS and only later done on console.
I'm not saying that TAS can't do anything, I'm simply saying that TAS is not the best option for testing right now. Testing with TAS has been done before in WW, and because of TAS's perfect timing, it makes many of it's finds useless on a console for WW.

Forest Water+Backflip=Gainers?
Regular Guay

Posts: 146

« Reply #464 on: July 10, 2010, 02:30:38 PM »

I have seen a shitload of tricks in OoT and MM that were considered TAS only. Sooner or later some runners could do all of them consistntly on console... well maybe except the Tektite hover in OoT, but that's really the only one console runners can't do.

Even if a barriere skip found by TASing would only have a one frame window, it would still be viable, since it would be at the beginning of a segment.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2010, 02:43:23 PM by Slowking » Logged

14:10 MrGrunz: keep your ass close to him
14:10   MrGrunz: and nothing can go wrong
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