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Author Topic: WW Tricks and Glitches Discussion  (Read 1508701 times)
Special Guay

Posts: 229

Oot 3DS!!!!

« Reply #225 on: June 04, 2010, 06:17:31 AM »

Bottle dupe would be practically useless. I tested with cheats already.

If you somehow dupe an Empty Bottle: You have a worthless Empty Bottle that cannot store anything.
If you somehow dupe a Filled Bottle: The item in the duped bottle is infinite, and you CANNOT get rid of it.

Can I ask did you test this with action replay or with emulator and with cheats? If you have that kind of weird cheats what are rare with gameshark on cube. Can I get those too from you? You can PM me if you have any. Thanks for advance!

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Currently working on: DKC3 105% segmented speedrun and racing games
Regular Guay

Posts: 101

« Reply #226 on: June 04, 2010, 06:47:58 AM »

Can I ask did you test this with action replay or with emulator and with cheats? If you have that kind of weird cheats what are rare with gameshark on cube. Can I get those too from you? You can PM me if you have any. Thanks for advance!

I used Dolphin's built-in Action Replay cheats, and modified them. It's not too hard, just find unencrypted codes that give you other items, let's say, the Hookshot. The unencrypted code would look like this:
003c4c57 0000002f

The 2f at the end of the code is the Hookshot's item number.

Now, looking at the unencrypted code that gives you Bottle 1 (003c4c52 00000050), you see that 50 is the ending two letters. If you put the 50 (or another item number, for different items, or different contents for the bottle) in place of the 2f for Hookshot, you'll get an Empty Bottle in that slot instead.

If you're going to be doing this on console, you're going to get to get a program to encrypt the codes (GCNCrypt, I believe). Also, if you're on PAL (which I assume you are), you're going to need to get codes specifically for the PAL version of Wind Waker. Of course, another problem arises if you have the later piece of shit version of Action Replay, that disallows the adding of codes, in which case, you cannot do anything.

Edit: Also, some things for Tower of Gods.

Scale Room:

Boss Key, Leaf Method (easier than damage boost)

Also, it is possible to shoot out both of Gohdan's eyes without him using his laser attack, but it's insanely luck based and requires manual aiming.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2010, 07:06:46 AM by KlydeStorm » Logged
Regular Guay

Posts: 167

Zombie Hover

« Reply #227 on: June 04, 2010, 02:16:28 PM »

You rely too much of your testing on cheats.

Forest Water+Backflip=Gainers?
« Reply #228 on: June 04, 2010, 06:54:30 PM »

You rely too much of your testing on cheats.
If you know what the cheats do you won't pull a grunz.

You obviously think cheats are some magical force that hacks the game in 50 random spots.

Anyway, putting a bottle in that slot is an accurate simulation of bottle dupe. That's exactly what bottle dupe does.
Regular Guay

Posts: 149

« Reply #229 on: June 04, 2010, 07:49:23 PM »


What the FUCK. You guys didn't know about the leaf method for BK until now? I used it all the time when I played like 4 years ago cause I was too lazy to do it properly.

Regular Guay

Posts: 167

Zombie Hover

« Reply #230 on: June 04, 2010, 08:11:26 PM »

If you know what the cheats do you won't pull a grunz.

You obviously think cheats are some magical force that hacks the game in 50 random spots.

Anyway, putting a bottle in that slot is an accurate simulation of bottle dupe. That's exactly what bottle dupe does.
If you're so sure that that's exactly what bottle dupe does, then I challenge you to do bottle dupe without cheats and see if that's what happens. I know that cheats aren't a "magical force", but I do recall instances when cheats have produced different results then their non-cheat counterparts.
@Elminster-What's "BK" stand for that you're talking about?
« Last Edit: June 04, 2010, 08:13:10 PM by Razor » Logged

Forest Water+Backflip=Gainers?
Special Guay

Posts: 204


lol_oli_lol@hotmail.com PhazonN
« Reply #231 on: June 04, 2010, 09:17:47 PM »

What's "BK" stand for that you're talking about?

Boss Key.

[15:48:29] <ChocolateLink> chapstick?
[15:48:59] <Phazon> yeah, i'm using it atm, you can get crazy high
Regular Guay

Posts: 167

Zombie Hover

« Reply #232 on: June 04, 2010, 09:37:01 PM »

Thanks. There are too many abbreviations to remember.

Forest Water+Backflip=Gainers?
Regular Guay

Posts: 101

« Reply #233 on: June 04, 2010, 10:24:48 PM »

If you're so sure that that's exactly what bottle dupe does, then I challenge you to do bottle dupe without cheats and see if that's what happens. I know that cheats aren't a "magical force", but I do recall instances when cheats have produced different results then their non-cheat counterparts.

You CAN'T bottle dupe without cheats. Even if you could, all you'll do is write the item value 50 (or the value of whatever is stored inside) to whatever slot you're duping over. That value can never change, no matter how many times you use the bottle to catch or drink something, as there's nothing coded for that slot.

As far as instances where cheats produced different results, why don't you name some of those?
Special Guay

Posts: 202

« Reply #234 on: June 04, 2010, 10:41:22 PM »

You rely too much of your testing on cheats.
Alright, Mr.Legit. Go find interesting stuff that leads to better theories, like klyde, but without cheats. KlydeStorm has given us many ideas and possibilities by using cheats, which normally we wouldn't know without cheats.

[13:57] <Kaztalek> Give me a week and I guarentee I will be a top 10 MM player.
[18:34:23] <ingx24> i suck at mm
Regular Guay

Posts: 167

Zombie Hover

« Reply #235 on: June 04, 2010, 11:14:05 PM »

Alright, Mr.Legit. Go find interesting stuff that leads to better theories, like klyde, but without cheats. KlydeStorm has given us many ideas and possibilities by using cheats, which normally we wouldn't know without cheats.
The reason why you wouldn't know them without cheats is because your thought process of glitches is restricted to what you think fits in the game's limits. The reason why there are so many vast glitches in zelda games is because of people being willing to think outside the box and modify their theories if necessary. I just modified part of the new ToG break thanks to an idea I got from Klyde. I appreciate all of the things that Klyde finds with cheats, but I also believe that the reason some of these breaks never get found is because people become so fixated on the thought that there is only one way to complete a task/find.

Forest Water+Backflip=Gainers?
Regular Guay

Posts: 101

« Reply #236 on: June 05, 2010, 06:44:21 AM »

Skip triple Stalfos fight for the Mirror Shield in Earth Temple.
Regular Guay

Posts: 167

Zombie Hover

« Reply #237 on: June 05, 2010, 01:58:30 PM »

Skip triple Stalfos fight for the Mirror Shield in Earth Temple.
Awesome find. Grin

Forest Water+Backflip=Gainers?
Majora MIM
Special Guay

Posts: 248

« Reply #238 on: June 05, 2010, 02:45:39 PM »

Get behind the Hyrule repulsive barrier: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfqTH1ZrW0g
I saw that trick in an old video on yt but I haven't been able to find it again.

Unfortunately it seems there's no way to go through the invisible wall.

I also have an idea to skip the Darknut Magnus fight in the Master sword room: Maybe we can bomb boost over the electric barrier of the great hall or just deku leaf over it by jumping from the floor. I haven't a game file at this point of the game and I haven't more time to play cause of exams... So someone may test it.

Skip triple Stalfos fight for the Mirror Shield in Earth Temple.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2010, 02:51:14 PM by Majora MIM » Logged

sorry for my soooo bad english.

TLOZ: complete     AOL: complete     ALTTP(GBA): 100%
LA(DX): complete   OOT/MQ/3D: 100%    MM: 100%
OOA/OOS: 100%    FS:100%   TWW:100%
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PH: 100%        ST: 100%         SS: Huh
Regular Guay

Posts: 167

Zombie Hover

« Reply #239 on: June 05, 2010, 04:10:58 PM »

Get behind the Hyrule repulsive barrier: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfqTH1ZrW0g
I saw that trick in an old video on yt but I haven't been able to find it again.

Unfortunately it seems there's no way to go through the invisible wall.

I also have an idea to skip the Darknut Magnus fight in the Master sword room: Maybe we can bomb boost over the electric barrier of the great hall or just deku leaf over it by jumping from the floor. I haven't a game file at this point of the game and I haven't more time to play cause of exams... So someone may test it.
I love your new theories. However--knowing Nintendo-- there's probably an invisible wall keeping bomb boosting from working. I'll try to test it anyway.

Forest Water+Backflip=Gainers?
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