« Reply #1035 on: September 24, 2013, 06:43:56 PM » |
Just got into the Cabana by using a Door Cancel I got on Windfall. It seems pretty logical, but I thought I'd announce it here in case it's unknown.
Regular Guay
Posts: 21
« Reply #1036 on: September 25, 2013, 02:05:44 AM » |
Double Storage (in context to SS to FH): Preform dry storage once, then store the King of Red Lions' text. Preform dry storage again and make sure that the King of Red Lions' text box has popped back up while you're walking around. Now pull out the wind waker to lock the camera. From here it is fine to exit KoRL's text. Now when you hit the entry cutscene trigger, you will store the cutscene and avoid the soft lock.
Preform dry storage once No problem. Takes me like 10 attempts because the fall distance is large, and bouncing off the tree is a pain. store the King of Red Lions' text Okay. Preform dry storage again and make sure that the King of Red Lions' text box has popped back up while you're walking around When I next pull out the Windwaker, I get "...Unfortunately, we cannot depart until the wind blows to the south (arrow). It would be a fatal mistake to set sail under an unstable breeze (arrow). I have heard legends that tell of a wind gold who once resided on this island... Have you heard nothing of him? (green swirl to end text). If I try to Windwaker dive, pressing B to gain storage will use up one of the three textboxes. Is this a problem? Does this mean I have to get storage within three tries? That's insane. Now pull out the wind waker to lock the camera Okay. From here it is fine to exit KoRL's text. What would happen if you pressed B on textbox 3 (the last one with the green swirl)? What if you canceled the last textbox back when you were attempting to get the second instance of storage on the tree? Je suis confus
Regular Guay
Posts: 76
« Reply #1037 on: September 25, 2013, 03:16:05 AM » |
If I try to Windwaker dive, pressing B to gain storage will use up one of the three textboxes. Is this a problem? Does this mean I have to get storage within three tries? That's insane.
Yes, you do, and that's what makes this a hard part of the run. The backup strat (if you miss all 3 tries of getting storage) is to use the mailbox, although you can't use it in the Bombs Early route since there's a letter in it. What would happen if you pressed B on textbox 3 (the last one with the green swirl)? What if you canceled the last textbox back when you were attempting to get the second instance of storage on the tree?
The key with getting double storage is that cancelling a textbox gives you storage. In order to get double storage, you want to have storage AND camera lock. So the textbox must be cancelled while you are in camera lock. If you cancel the textbox while getting storage or at any point when you don't have camera lock, you'll just have storage again and will have to store another textbox in order to try to get double storage.
Regular Guay
Posts: 21
« Reply #1038 on: September 25, 2013, 04:36:09 AM » |
Yes, you do, and that's what makes this a hard part of the run. The backup strat (if you miss all 3 tries of getting storage) is to use the mailbox, although you can't use it in the Bombs Early route since there's a letter in it.
The key with getting double storage is that cancelling a textbox gives you storage. In order to get double storage, you want to have storage AND camera lock. So the textbox must be cancelled while you are in camera lock. If you cancel the textbox while getting storage or at any point when you don't have camera lock, you'll just have storage again and will have to store another textbox in order to try to get double storage.
How do you do mailbox storage?
Regular Guay
Posts: 24
« Reply #1039 on: September 25, 2013, 06:02:37 AM » |
How do you do mailbox storage?
The mailbox works the same as any other NPC (except when it have a letter), you just talk with the mailbox to get the text.
Regular Guay
Posts: 76
« Reply #1040 on: October 06, 2013, 03:10:17 PM » |
Kolja found a faster Earth Temple hover setup that doesn't require angling yourself, and it's about 10 seconds faster.'s a comparison: dropping the bomb, you have to tap B only after the bomb-pulling animation is 100% done, and there is a specific timing to pressing B. The leaf right before the bomb pull is also unnecessary but makes the hover a bit easier by giving you more distance to hover.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2013, 05:25:16 PM by wooferzfg1 »
Site Editor
Special Guay
Posts: 276
« Reply #1041 on: October 16, 2013, 06:02:21 AM » |
It's a separate map from the main ocean. You can't access the light ring from that map. And I imagine storing the cutscene would also prevent it from taking you to Hyrule.
Regular Guay
Posts: 21
« Reply #1042 on: November 05, 2013, 04:35:06 PM » |
People tell me that the rupee game from Windfall to DRI gives around 80 rupees? I only seem to get an incredibly small amount from them. Here's an example: I doing something wrong? If not, what are the averages for Windfall -> DRI or DRI -> Windfall?
Deku Scrub
Posts: 5
« Reply #1043 on: November 05, 2013, 10:10:54 PM » |
Taking any other rupee than the next in the minigame ends the game; so you need to pay attention where the next rupee comes up, and not go through every rupee you see. First green rupees, then blue, then yellow and their total is around 80 as you said.
Regular Guay
Posts: 21
« Reply #1044 on: November 05, 2013, 10:32:08 PM » |
Taking any other rupee than the next in the minigame ends the game; so you need to pay attention where the next rupee comes up, and not go through every rupee you see. First green rupees, then blue, then yellow and their total is around 80 as you said.
Ah, so if you miss one or get them out of order, the mini-game ends? Did I mess up the mini-game? I don't remember missing any, but I think one went down before I reached it?
Regular Guay
Posts: 76
« Reply #1045 on: November 13, 2013, 03:53:37 AM » |
When doing Greatfish superswim, it's easier to pull out the sail instead of the Wind Waker. The sail pulls out instantly while the Wind Waker takes a few frames to pull out. Even though the sail has a short cutscene (1-2 seconds) it still helps a lot because Link will never fly over the beach like he does with the Wind Waker.
Deku Scrub
Posts: 1
« Reply #1046 on: November 14, 2013, 02:11:51 AM » |
In WWHD I found a trick that may be able to speed runs up. You know when you're sailing close to a island, it slows you down right? If you have the swift sail out and press the up on the d-pad twice quickly so the sail pops up in time before the sail completely gets put away you can sail with the speed of the swift sailing in those slow areas
Regular Guay
Posts: 52
« Reply #1047 on: November 14, 2013, 03:30:18 AM » |
In WWHD I found a trick that may be able to speed runs up. You know when you're sailing close to a island, it slows you down right? If you have the swift sail out and press the up on the d-pad twice quickly so the sail pops up in time before the sail completely gets put away you can sail with the speed of the swift sailing in those slow areas
We usually just jump to avoid the annoying slowdown, but thanks for the information
Deku Scrub
Posts: 6
« Reply #1048 on: December 14, 2013, 12:42:34 PM » |
I'm gonna talk about WWHD, but I *think* it also works in the original, it may be a bit harder to pull off but it's still easy. Okay, I just investigated a strat that I found "years ago" when the game came out and I was doing HD casual 100%. Whenever you jumpslash, you can rotate the stick to do a quickspin while in midair (right when you touch the ground, the QS will come out). You can combo the 2 attacks, so you would think it deals 4 damage (with basic sword), but NO. It's actually 2 (JS) + 4 (Quickspin), idk why. The 2 potential hits of the quickspin must be dealt at the same time or whatever.
I think it works in the original, but the quickspin is harder to do for me, for some reason (in WWHD, if you turn the stick 360 whenever you want during the jumpslash, even if it's slow, it will work).
I'm sure there's fast strats for minibosses/bosses with this.
Edit : SD version doesn't connect the 2 hits, so it's HD only.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2013, 07:10:58 AM by Guiren »
Deku Scrub
Posts: 6
Memes are bad kids
« Reply #1049 on: January 02, 2014, 04:16:09 AM » |
Ill just post this here.
Since the new glitch was found in Wind Waker HD with rolling when climbing up the ledge i decided to see what the instant fast rolling would do to the iron boots, and funnily enough its quite fast. Rolling with Iron Boots is most faster than jump slashing to get to the block on gale island. Just thought id share this.
Wind Wanker is a meme Woofer is my bae I got the kiss in TWW once. It was horrifying.