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Author Topic: WW Tricks and Glitches Discussion  (Read 1431398 times)
Regular Guay

Posts: 24

« Reply #1005 on: August 12, 2013, 03:15:16 PM »

I found a way to get bombs early without the superswiming to greatfish, you need storage + chest storage using the chest at Dragon Roost (you are going to need a pear), superswim to the ship at outset (I went to Windfall first), climb the ship, get bombs... you will continue in Windfall.

Sadly I don't think this is usefull, after that I went to Outset and was Outset2 but was day... sadly Nayru is not there (there is no door), If Nayru would be there you could skip Greatfish Sad

Edit: By the way you can enter Hyrule with only the Wind Waker using the chest storage, you need to superswim to FF2, enter to the door to Helmaroc King and then Zombie Hover to the loading zone using Helmaroc King (kinda tricky).
« Last Edit: August 12, 2013, 03:28:52 PM by UYNiko » Logged
Regular Guay

Posts: 76

« Reply #1006 on: August 13, 2013, 02:23:34 AM »

Probably slower. Bombs early doesn't save any time at all.

Nayru? It's Jabun Wink. But no, it's not useful because you can't skip the Greatfish isle cutscene. Jabun is triggered to be at Outset by watching it.

You got to be damn crazy to do that.

It's probably slower, but we don't know if bombs early saves time or not. What we do know is that if it does happen, it'll make the speedrun a lot more RNG based and annoying (Kalle Demos fight, double storage off beetle, etc.)

You CAN skip the Greatfish Isle cutscene using drowning strats. The problem is that doing this makes it impossible to beat the game after.

I've done EMS on emulator without bombs. It's frame perfect timing but it's definitely doable to get an angle. Sadly EMS doesn't let you beat the game.
Regular Guay

Posts: 25

« Reply #1007 on: August 13, 2013, 09:58:46 AM »

I had a setup for the helmaroc knockback a long time ago for EMS without bombs/leaf/skull hammer etc
Deku Scrub

Posts: 19

« Reply #1008 on: August 13, 2013, 02:29:31 PM »

Activating Endless Night via the drowning method doesn't make the game unbeatable. If you superswim and grind up against the island, then save warp before it fully loads you'll be placed on the beach upon loading the save and the rest of the cutscene plays out fine. Also, even if you just sail to the island/BoG warp you can still beat the game, it just takes ages for Link to be moved to his correct actor position (as seen in Cosmo's 30 minute cutscene vid).

Regular Guay

Posts: 76

« Reply #1009 on: August 13, 2013, 06:27:36 PM »

So gymnast86 and I have been testing various wrong warp theories but none of them worked out since Wind Waker likes to not allow 2 warps to happen on the same frame. In ToG, however, there is a loading zone that can be accessed through the door via chest storage. If you throw the statue off the ledge and then roll towards the door (need AR for this to be fast enough) and time it right you can get the loading zone and void out to happen on the same frame. Hence, void warp.


Oh and by the way, it's not useful like in OoT unless we find a better spot for it. But cool regardless.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 19

« Reply #1010 on: August 14, 2013, 09:10:15 PM »

That doesn't look like a void warp to me. The coordinates that you start at on entering the mini boss room don't seem to be different from the failed attempt at the start of your video. The thing that is different is that you've replaced the running forward sequence with the void out sequence, which is interesting in itself, but isn't going to let you warp anywhere.

Would it be possible to trigger another loading zone on the same frame as the game tries to reload you from a void out (so like around when the screen has faded fully black)? So ideally, even if the coordinates are updated on the same frame as you touch the loading zone, the game will have already read the previous area's coordinates. I guess it depends on whether the void out gets queued behind loading the next area or whether you can activate a loading zone once the void out has begun... A lot of ifs, too many for Wind Waker I'm guessing.

EDIT: Looked into this a bit more. Loading zones disable from voiding out so the entire above paragraph is redundant. Having storage while voiding out does nothing to the loading zone disable. One semi interesting thing I found, though, is that having storage does stop the game from disabling the animation that plays as Link goes into a loading zone (pretty much always walking or swimming forwards) which overwrites the getting up animation that typically play upon reload after a void warp. Additionally, if you get reset somewhere where the loading zone animation isn't appropriate (i.e. swimming forward while being in the boat is not a valid action) then the game will just spawn Link a little bit up in the air (much like swimming out of or into Islet of Steel). Not useful in anyway, though.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2013, 08:16:22 PM by Matti » Logged
Deku Scrub

Posts: 19

« Reply #1011 on: August 23, 2013, 08:26:03 PM »

Thought I'd just add my failed attempt at Barrier Skip.

The idea:
Disable the knockback of the barrier with the death sequence and then have a bomb push Link off so you can start the zombie hover.

So I got storage on the roof of Hyrule castle easy enough, and leafed onto the railing. I killed myself with a bomb to put myself just in front of the barrier, zombie hovered up and forward a bit so I was inside the barrier then fell and pulled a bomb as I was falling. I manage to get Link to die on the same frame as the barrier tried to knock him back (in the same way as with pulling out the Wind Waker). The bomb pushed Link off the railing and back to a playable state, but the barrier knockback was still active. No idea why it behaves differently...

Site Editor
Special Guay

Posts: 334

I make videos of games that are done very fast.

« Reply #1012 on: August 23, 2013, 08:53:18 PM »

Thought I'd just add my failed attempt at Barrier Skip.

The idea:
Disable the knockback of the barrier with the death sequence and then have a bomb push Link off so you can start the zombie hover.

So I got storage on the roof of Hyrule castle easy enough, and leafed onto the railing. I killed myself with a bomb to put myself just in front of the barrier, zombie hovered up and forward a bit so I was inside the barrier then fell and pulled a bomb as I was falling. I manage to get Link to die on the same frame as the barrier tried to knock him back (in the same way as with pulling out the Wind Waker). The bomb pushed Link off the railing and back to a playable state, but the barrier knockback was still active. No idea why it behaves differently...

I've already tested that. It's because the game hates you.
Regular Guay

Posts: 76

« Reply #1013 on: August 28, 2013, 10:43:29 PM »

So I played around with Abahbob's graph on ZSR and used an estimate for the average speed at each second to make a graph of superswim distance vs. charging time. It seems like the optimal release time is with 1/3 of the air meter full, or 20 seconds into the charge. Most runners already charge for that long, but it's cool to see a graph of it I guess.

Site Editor
Special Guay

Posts: 334

I make videos of games that are done very fast.

« Reply #1014 on: August 29, 2013, 04:45:46 AM »

If you want to be more optimal, get it down to 1/3 and get an air refill. That'll give you a decent boost of speed. Although it's pretty hard on most spots.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 19

« Reply #1015 on: September 03, 2013, 09:58:41 PM »

It's possible to do the DRC hover Tunerless but it requires bombs. Basically, get storage, hover up to the warp pot and pull a bomb while you're in the air. The bomb will open the warp pot while you're dieing.
Regular Guay

Posts: 25

« Reply #1016 on: September 03, 2013, 10:21:53 PM »

That's a really cool strat Matti
Regular Guay

Posts: 24

« Reply #1017 on: September 04, 2013, 12:22:43 AM »

It's possible to do the DRC hover Tunerless but it requires bombs. Basically, get storage, hover up to the warp pot and pull a bomb while you're in the air. The bomb will open the warp pot while you're dieing.

That is a really good idea... I think a possible route for that could be something like this:

SS to N.Triangle +30s.
Get Bombs.
SS to DRI +30s.
Get into DRC, take some damage and do that hover, die and get into the warp +90ish(?).
Probably you want to SS to Birds Peak from DRI and do a SS from E.Triangle to N.Triangle to place the last pearl, should be about the same.

Takes you about 3 mins to get up there with the new DRC route... so if done prefectly should save 30s(?)... seems about right... it would be cool if you were able to use bombs for something else.
Regular Guay

Posts: 76

« Reply #1018 on: September 04, 2013, 03:01:27 AM »

That is a really good idea... I think a possible route for that could be something like this:

SS to N.Triangle +30s.
Get Bombs.
SS to DRI +30s.
Get into DRC, take some damage and do that hover, die and get into the warp +90ish(?).
Probably you want to SS to Birds Peak from DRI and do a SS from E.Triangle to N.Triangle to place the last pearl, should be about the same.

Takes you about 3 mins to get up there with the new DRC route... so if done prefectly should save 30s(?)... seems about right... it would be cool if you were able to use bombs for something else.

Might be faster but I doubt anyone will bother with this since it's no tuner. And you (probably) can't do it in Wind Waker HD either.
Regular Guay

Posts: 117

« Reply #1019 on: September 04, 2013, 10:05:42 PM »

What are these noises in the video?

Before you save the world, kiss the princess or you might regret it.
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