You can still delay the milk purchase from talon by standing on the stairs.
However, the game does not glitch anymore if you fill the bottle and then get the milk. It just overwrite bottle 1 and thats it.
The game still act as if you collected the milk from the ground though. You get the item pickup sound effect and no cutscene plays.
I do not know any use for this.
I found out that you can duplicate actors in the following areas:
DC main room (Hammerslide, I think hover boost should work)
Mido Area in Lost Woods (Longshot)
Lava Room in Training Grounds (longshot? I do not think hookshot reaches far enough)
Question 1: What would happen if we duped the bomb chest actor in master quest and open it multiple times?
Would be great if someone could try this. But you would have to get all the way to hover boots without bombs in order to try it.
Question 2: Do you think Mido would glitch up if he were duplicated, allowing us to get through somehow?
To test this, someone would have to get longshot before visiting forest temple.
Also, when I were in training grounds I managed to dupe the room about 10-15 times without a crash. I have no idea how much it can handle.
To duplicate the mido area you have to longshot clip through the wall, onto the ladder in the area with the two skull kids.
To duplicate the DC main room you do a triple slash clip in the right corner of the main room, and then hoverslide OoB into the unloaded room next to the pillar you've clipped into.
To duplicate the lava room in training grounds you can simply clip through the left corner (coming from the ice arrow room) onto one of the fences in the ice arrow room.
That is all I've found so far. Is there other places in the game which load rooms in a way that would allow actor duplication? I can't think of any.
I finally decided to record the FT west courtyard hover boots trick. do not know if this is possible on console, as everyone uses hover boost on console, but who knows.
This is a precise trick after all, I "Roll equipped" my hover boots in order to make it easier, it is possible without doing that though.