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Author Topic: Segmented 100% Discussion  (Read 48430 times)
Regular Guay

Posts: 94

« on: August 31, 2009, 11:41:49 PM »

Uncompleted route is in my sig. Needs work. Any suggestions, feel free to post

Runs in the works:

Thiradell - 11/?? segments completed
« Last Edit: August 31, 2009, 11:44:54 PM by Unreal » Logged
Special Guay

Posts: 306

Meow, and... stuff.

AniMeowzerz@hotmail.com AniMeowzerz
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2009, 03:07:01 AM »

I know this is the Segmented 100% discussion, but I really don't feel like making another topic that might stay as empty as this one, so instead, I'm going to post my Modications to the 100% route *SINGLE SEGMENT STYLE* o0o!

Edit 1/12/2010: this down here vvvvv is old, I'ma make a new one once I fill in the blanks from Unreal's unfinished route
Wind Waker 100% SS Route (Work In Progress)

.:Disclaimer- This is based upon Unreal's route with slight modifications by AniMeowzerz.
I am also vague with where to go sometimes, only for people who have basic knowledge of the game:.

-Sidehop of balcony
-Roll to Grandma's house, grab clothes
-Jump over fence, Roll across grass, cross water to ladder, Up to Aryll's Lookout
-Assign scope to Y, Zoom on Mailman
-Sidehop off balcony, Go to Orca's house
-Do Orca's Sword Training
          -Stage 1 & 2 tap, tap, wait.. tap, tap, wait.. etc
          -Stage 3 Quick Taps
          -Stage 4 Quick Spins
          -Stage 5 & 6 as said
-Exit house, go up to FoF
-Quickspin log for 20 Rupees
-Continue, jumpslash then sidehop up log to Moblin battle
-Position self, slash moblins simultaneously
-Roll To Grandma's house, cut down trees
-Backflip off ladder, obtain Shield
-Exit, slash trees, Talk to Tetra

[Pirate Ship 1]
-Go to Niko's Rope Game (drop off ledge & roll through door)
-Do Rope Game (Tap A as you grab rope, use C-stick in mid-air to position to next rope)
-Get spoils bag, go outside
-Climb ladder

[Forsaken Fortress 1]
-Gossip Stone Cutscene
-Up stairs, grab 40 Rupees (avoid searchlights)
-Continue up stairs, enter door under searchlight
-Jump down, step on switch, open chest for Heart Piece 1
-Through hall, get caught by guard
-Crawl out, go through left door
-Up the ladder, grab Deku stick, quickspin moblin off ledge
-Jump down, go through Forsaken Fortress
-In Boat room, Back up against door & watch moblin til he turns and walks
-Continue, Moblin Skip (Risk if desired)
-Fast Sidle along walls
-Obtain sword back
-4 slashes to moblin then quick slashes
-Enter door, cutscene

[Windfall Island 1]
-Roll up to Zunari, break pots along way for 20 more rupees
-Talk to Zunari, obtain Sail
-Assign sail to Y, drop down to KoRL
-Begin Sailing (grab Rupees along way if desired)

[Dragon Roost]
-Obtain Wind Waker
-Go to Wind Shrine, learn Requiem
-Set wind S
-Back through, up to rocks
-Rock Skip, jumpslash across to mailbox
-Proceed, grab letter from Medli
-Do Mail Sorting game 3 times (10 letters, 20 letters, 25 letters)
-Exit out door to left, re-enter
-Mail sorting game again (25 letters)
-Obtain Letter to Mom
-Down to Komali's room, show letter from medli
-exit, go out Left door to spring
-toss medli up, grab Bottle
-Fill bottle, climb up and use bottle on bomb plant
-Blow up rock plugging spring
-Go across, throw bomb in first pot
-Jumpslash/bomb boost across gap (risk if desired)
           -Safer: throw bomb in 2nd pot
-enter DRC

[Dragon Roost Cavern]
-Pull blocks, proceed
-Grab stick from moblin, light torches, grab small key, proceed
-Roll down to block, pull once, continue to bombs, throw bomb and roll into rock as bomb explodes
-Enter door, toss pot into lava for platform
-Parry off Chu to door
-Enter door, grab sword from moblin
-slash first barricade, toss sword at upper level barricade
-grab key, exit
-toss pot at wallbombs, roll into rock as they explode
-Enter locked door
-Grab stick from moblin, light and burn barricade
-Step on switch, proceed
-Target Moblin, sidehop up to ledge, climb ladder
-Jump across sidle gap, sidehop-jumpslash across next
-Grab bomb, toss at rock and jump down as it blows up
-Enter door
-Pull bottom middle block twice, climb, pull next block once, climb through
-Trigger gossip stone, pull block once & climb
-Break pot, grab stick, light, toss across to barricade, jump down after you throw
-Climb ladder, get small key
-Backflip onto chest, roll forward down to block, climb up and go through door
-Climb stairs, grab small key in nest, proceed
-Grab stick, light, light the torches, burn the barricade, light the other 2 torches, proceed
-Grab bomb, blow up rock on Blue pot
-Across bridge, go through door
-Kill Moblins, proceed
-Grab waterpot, ignore enemy, create platform on geyser & blast up to upper level
-Enter door
-use bomb to Blast rock by Door then blast one hiding Pot
-Enter door, roll up stairs
-Kill Moblins, grab Skull Necklace [SN:1], get Grappling hook
-from lower level grapple onto post & continue
-Drop down and Enter door with Orange Pot
-Enter Orange pot
-Grapple 2 joy pendants from moblins [JP:2]
-Go back into main room, enter door on left
-Grapple across, grab treasure Chart 11
-Go back to green pot, enter once
-Perform DRC Early Boss Key trick
-Grapple onto lever, unlock door
-Grapple onto post, turn and swing to ledge
-Jump down chainboards, enter door
-Jumpslash (don't Parry) enemy, drop onto switch
         -As you drop, L trigger and sidehop near chest
-Grab Boss key
-Deathwarp to entrance
-Jumpslash down, grapple 2 joy pendants from moblins [JP:4], enter pot twice
-Grapple across lava, grab joy pendant out of pot [JP:5], continue to Ghoma
-2 Cycle Ghoma
-Grab Heart Container [HC:1]
-exit DRC

[Forest Haven]
-Sail South, stop at submarine in F5
-Grapple joy pendant from Moblins & kill [JP:8], grab 2nd Bottle
-Exit submarine, sail to Forest Haven
-Enter Beedle's ship, get Bait Bag and 3 Hyoi pears
-Exit Ship, mail Letter
-Continue, Grapple post and make way into haven
-Roll into Deku tree, quickspin Chu's
-Go up Deku tree with baba buds
-Grab Deku Leaf
-Use leaf to glide down to ledge, grab magic, continue
-Glide to island, regain magic, set wind NW, Glide to FW entrance
-Grapple gold feathers, enter and exit FW as necessary until 5 Gold Feathers [GF:5]

[Forbidden Woods]
-Grab Deku Nut, toss at door
-Proceed, use baba buds to go across, use bomb on door
-enter door, use leaf on fan, glide to platform, turn and flap to other door, enter
-Grab 2 feathers [GF:7], kill baba, enter bud
-use Deku nut on door, enter
-use leaf on nut, grab nut, use on door, enter
-Grapple post, go along tentacles to nut, use nut on next door, uncover blue pot
-enter door, cross gap, proceed
-Go through vine maze to bomb, toss bomb, clip through vines, grab small key
-Use deku baba to go to pot, break open and grab joy pendant [JP:9]
-Drop down, go back to main room, Open locked door
-Grapple 2 more feathers [GF:9], use deku leaf on spinner, glide to platform, leaf to other side, enter through door
-Use Deku Baba's to get up to door, grapple 4 more feathers [GF:13]
-Enter door
-Grapple feather off mothula [GF:14], Use deku leaf and either take wings off with jump slashes or thrusts
-Kill Mothula, grab Boomerang
-Use boomerang on switches above door, leave
-Grapple 4 more feathers [GF:18], use boomerang on door & proceed
-Cut down large flower with boomerang, jump on flower while doing so
-Enter door, Glide over to the right, proceed through next door
-Quickspin flower, grab bomb and blow up barricade
-Go through door and grapple 2 more feathers [GF:20]
-Continue, using the baba to get to the upper portion, gliding to the platform and canceling the fly to pull yourself up
-Toss the bomb into the tree, jumping in after it
-Grab Treasure Chart 1 and crawl out of trunk
-Exit through door, cut down flower with boomerang
-Kill octorok, navigate tunnel with leaf, glide over to ledge and proceed
-Up the spiral, use the boomerang for the switches, maneuvering yourself in front of the gate
-Grab boss key, Grapple Skull Necklaces [SN:3], deathwarp
-Enter green pot, jump down to Mid-section, use boomerang on door
-Kill moths with quickspin simultaneously, continue through door
-Go into Boss Room
-Single Cycle Kalle Demos
-Grab Heart Container [HC:2]

[Greatfish Isle]
-Obtain Farore's Pearl
-Restock on Magic & use bottle on Color Fairy
-Exit Haven
-Sail North to Farore Pearl placement
-Sail West, Going into the Submarine at D4
-Grapple the Skull Necklaces from the moblins & Kill [SN:6]
-Grab heart piece and leave
-Sail West to greatfish, talking to the Ruto
-Go up the Spiral & glide over to the heartpiece
-get back into ship & continue to Windfall

[Windfall 2]
-roll up the hill to the bomb shop
-Sidehop-jumpslash shortcut, get on ledge and jump to roof
-Crawl into hole
-Talking scene, find out password
-Exit bombshop, roll up hill
-Get on ship, tell Niko password
-Enter, drop down & roll through door
-Talk scene
-Step on switch, go to the left, jump on rope when it's close enough, jump to other rope, finish rope game
-Get bombs, leave ship
-Set wind south, Go back to boat

[Outset Island 1]
-Sail to Din's pearl placement
-Enter cyclone to warp to Outset (1/7 chance of working HOORAY RISK ASSESSMENT!... only if you're willing to risk for 4 minutes timesaver)
-Otherwise, sail to Outset
-get off boat, enter Beedle's ship
-Exit, get back on boat
-Sail to the back of Outset, bomb open Slab
-Cutscene, get Nayru's pearl
-Set wind NE
-Sail NE to Stone watcher's Platform, bomb turrets
-Climb ladder, grab Heart Piece, grapple joy pendants [JP:11]
-Get back on boat, Sail E to Nayru pearl placement
-Enter ToG

[Tower of Gods]
-Jump out of ship, swim to the upper right corner
-Place Statue on Railing next to pillar against wall
-Jump on pillar, hang off ledge of pillar to where you're in statue
-Sidle right, bump past wall
-Use deku leaf to glide to stairs
-Bump up to floor when water level raises
-Enter door, toss statues on right 2 buttons
-Barely start a roll onto the 3rd, land on platform was they move during cutscene
-Go up, through door
-Go to right door, enter
-Enter through next room, call statue
-Go along path, pick statue up, go back to main room
-Learn Command melody
-Go through left door, hover to left ledge then remaining ledge
-Enter door, glide over, call statue
-step on button, perform command melody, move statue across bridge, cancel, glide back across
-pick statue up, go through door, place on button, glide to right ledge
-Through door, fight darknut (remove armor & grapple Knights Crest [KC:1], Grab Bow & Arrow
-Exit through door, shoot Eye & skulls
-Glide over to left ledge, pick up statue, go across and back to main room, Proceed to top door
-Bomb the left wall, enter door, play requiem, grab treasure chart
-exit, go across water into next room, glide to platform with small key, go back out
-climb ladder, 2 statues on 1 side, go across to next door
-Deku glide over laser beams, call & toss statue through beams
-Command melody, maneuver statue to switch, cancel
-Pick up statue, through door
-toss statue onto one side, go to other side of room
-toss 2 statues on other platform, grab 1 more and toss it to other side as you land on your platform
-grab statue, proceed to main room
-enter blue light, bomb boost over the lasers to boss key
-Kill armoses, continue to Boss room (stock up on supplies)
-Kill boss as normal
-Grab heart container [HC:3]
-Grapple onto bell
-Small cutscene

[Hyrule 1]
-Descent cutscene
-Do Triforce puzzle
-Enter hidden chamber, Earn Master Sword
-As you kill the enemies, grapple Skull Necklaces and Knights Crests [KC:8][SN:16], restock on arrows
-Exit Hyrule, on boat and into light

[Forsaken Fortress 2]
-Set wind NW, Sail to D4, get Ballad
-Warp to Tingle Island, fight Big Octo (12), Grab Heartpiece
-Warp to Windfall, Sail NW to NFI, grab Purse Upgrade
-Sail to FF, bomb down door
-Fight PG (2 cycles)
-Get Hammer, Hammer down switch, Glide over to ladder
-Continue to Helmloch room
-Cutscene, go to fight Helmloch
-Defeat Helmloch, grab Heart Container [HC:4]
-Proceed to Ganon, Cutscene
-Take tetra to hidden chanber
-Zelda Cutscene
-Exit Hyrule

.:Will Continue Later, writing as I go through a 100% game:.

Now as far as suggestions go other than wind direction changes and picking up the first purse upgrade at NFI before Outset (might as well do that along the way to the 50 level labyrinth).. I haven't read too deep into the 100% route, but when do you see Lenzo for the first time? Cause if it's after finding the killer bees, you could incorporate tingle and the pictobox in the middle of finding the kids. example:
-Start Hide and seek
-grab the song of passing
-Make kid behind gravestone run
-Enter building, release tingle, get Tingle tuner
-Crawl through, grab pictobox, crawl through to a mousetrap (releases you down into the area where you first talk to KoRL)
-catch Kid who was behind the gravestone
etc etc.
Or would that be more along the lines of SS material?

EDIT: I didnt realize there was a newer route to look at. Huh. I'm gonna look into that instead of the older one from the SDA topic >_>
« Last Edit: January 12, 2010, 12:33:35 PM by AniMeowzerz » Logged

RBA stands for Rare Bird Adventure. We call it that because we need to get the blue cucco in order to use it.
Regular Guay

Posts: 96

Didn't you guys forget something?

« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2009, 02:42:50 AM »

I'm planing on Starting a 100% Segmented run when I get some recording equipment.

So hurry up and make the route Unreal!!! Just joking don't get pissed, a little.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2009, 02:44:58 AM by Venick409 » Logged

[23:11:44] <Siglemic> buyin a game they think invented fps
[23:11:48] <greenfox> dude
[23:11:54] <greenfox> halo did invent fps
[23:11:57] <greenfox> didn't it?
Special Guay

Posts: 306

Meow, and... stuff.

AniMeowzerz@hotmail.com AniMeowzerz
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2009, 05:07:07 AM »

you wont like him when he is pissed. he kicks controllers into his console.

RBA stands for Rare Bird Adventure. We call it that because we need to get the blue cucco in order to use it.
Regular Guay

Posts: 94

« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2009, 06:25:24 AM »

Oh I see, so I'm the angry forum member around here.... Just so you guys know my wind waker knowledge as of now completley sucks and I have no motivation to finish the route. One of you guys might have to pick up from where I started and finish the route... I'm sorry guys but my real life has interferred with my zelda life haha...
Special Guay

Posts: 306

Meow, and... stuff.

AniMeowzerz@hotmail.com AniMeowzerz
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2010, 12:31:02 PM »

I think as a side project along with what I'm already doing, I might finish up the 100% route. Of course it'd be nice if Unreal could do it but seeing as how outgoing he is, prolly too busy. I'm not guaranteeing anything as of yet.

Also Unreal, we just give you a hard time about the anger. Not everybody puts up a vid of where he kicks his controller. =[

RBA stands for Rare Bird Adventure. We call it that because we need to get the blue cucco in order to use it.
Regular Guay

Posts: 94

« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2010, 04:36:21 AM »

Yeah, my motivation for gaming completely sucks as everyone should know by now. The worst part about the 100% route is that I stopped right when things got confusing and the real item collecting began so it will be kinda hard to write it from where I left off. (just finished the cannon mini-game east of windfall iirc) You can go to work on it ani... Hell if you do, that would probably be the only way I'd take a look at the route. (you asking for my help >_>)
Special Guay

Posts: 204


lol_oli_lol@hotmail.com PhazonN
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2010, 10:15:05 PM »

Something unfortunate just occured to me. Third may have to start his run again, because he wastes a lot of time by not starting with the colour pictobox, which I think you need to get the TC from the woman outside the potion shop.

[15:48:29] <ChocolateLink> chapstick?
[15:48:59] <Phazon> yeah, i'm using it atm, you can get crazy high
Deku Scrub

Posts: 6

« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2010, 06:27:22 PM »

Getting the Deluxe Picto Box is part of the run. Technically, starting with it would be NG+. I need it for that Treasure Chart and also for the full moon picture.
Special Guay

Posts: 306

Meow, and... stuff.

AniMeowzerz@hotmail.com AniMeowzerz
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2011, 11:56:50 AM »

I finally got around to doing it.
This is still pretty much a WIP, But for the most part it is pretty good IMO
WARNING: it is very long. 1300+ lines and I was lazy during some parts teehee


RBA stands for Rare Bird Adventure. We call it that because we need to get the blue cucco in order to use it.
Site Editor
Special Guay

Posts: 269

WWW Email
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2011, 02:54:24 PM »

84. I'm assuming after equipping the GH you plan on skipping Medli Text.
97. Should be Ghoma.
178. Would it be faster to cut down the vines, or to skip the flower surfing?
188. JP chest?
295-299. Klyde's scale speed trick?
334. Is WW dive faster?
401. Warp to FH, sail W to IRI. (Sets you up for the next trick I put below.)
405/406-408. Melt ice around chest, get treasure chart, get on chest and jump to ledge to skip skating? With 401 you also shouldn't need to reset the wind either.
462. Kazooie trick, Unreal trick, or Venick trick? Which one is fastest?
471. CM can be skipped. Not sure if it's faster though.
494 & 495. Skip triple stalfos fight is faster.
552-569. Maybe I'm just reading this wrong, but I think Chimpas has a faster route through this room.
599. Jumpslash to Makar?
752. That trick where you can throw the pig across the island would probably be faster.
779. Use Arrows?
787 & 803. Use ice arrows? (Fall and break.)
« Last Edit: July 17, 2011, 04:02:39 PM by Razor7581 » Logged

Rescue Tetra before FF1: is new to me. Did you just find this out?
Special Guay

Posts: 306

Meow, and... stuff.

AniMeowzerz@hotmail.com AniMeowzerz
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2011, 06:16:16 PM »

84. It's the exact same as any%, so you can assume so.
97. I like Molgera better :<
178. Cut the vines if you can do it from the bottom floor. If you have to go up it would be faster to skip the flower.
188. That chest is slow and bad.
295-299.  Uh, do you mean he has a faster way of doing it, or? Cause otherwise, it's not his trick.
334. Probably yes, waiting for Cerpin to make a vid right now about it then I'll edit later.
401/405-408. I guess if I change the wind to South instead of of South-East it would be better. I'll change it.
462. Unreal's is fastest, since it completely skips playing CM. I'm just used to the Kazooie method
(I kinda forgot that I wrote this route mostly for me)
471. It would be faster if she wasn't such a bitch and never does it.
494-495. Forgot this even existed. I'll edit it later
552-569. Why don't you describe it or link to a video/post about it, cause currently this isn't helping at all lol
599. No. You can grapple from the bottom and swing straight into the waterfall without changing anything. It's equally as fast, if not faster.
752. I might as well have said "roll from point a to b" for every step as well; it's assumed. :I (Unless you mean some secret trick where you could toss the pig to the other island in one throw)
779. Actually that is a good idea, I'll change it.
787 & 803. Either way it's a one shot. Doesn't make any sense to change it.

Edit: Just kidding, I made the video for the dive myself. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PP_AsdxBL5k
« Last Edit: July 17, 2011, 07:16:20 PM by AniMeowzerz » Logged

RBA stands for Rare Bird Adventure. We call it that because we need to get the blue cucco in order to use it.
Site Editor
Special Guay

Posts: 269

WWW Email
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2011, 08:54:26 PM »

295-299.  Uh, do you mean he has a faster way of doing it, or? Cause otherwise, it's not his trick.

552-569. Why don't you describe it or link to a video/post about it, cause currently this isn't helping at all lol

752. I might as well have said "roll from point a to b" for every step as well; it's assumed. :I (Unless you mean some secret trick where you could toss the pig to the other island in one throw)
295-299. http://youtu.be/_NVDAvfU9L4?t=16s
552-569. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIJ5zNH3USE
752. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhE_dlc1drA <--Don't know who found this but it can be done faster than the video displays.

Rescue Tetra before FF1: is new to me. Did you just find this out?
Special Guay

Posts: 306

Meow, and... stuff.

AniMeowzerz@hotmail.com AniMeowzerz
« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2011, 12:08:10 AM »

....................................... Really?


What the fuck :I
Stop keepin secrets, man.

Anyways, I'll add the first 2, but the 3rd one will depend on whether or not it's daytime. I guess I'll add in an optional.

Any more additional comments on the later portion would be nice.

RBA stands for Rare Bird Adventure. We call it that because we need to get the blue cucco in order to use it.
Site Editor
Special Guay

Posts: 269

WWW Email
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2011, 01:14:33 AM »

....................................... Really?


What the fuck :I
Stop keepin secrets, man.

Anyways, I'll add the first 2, but the 3rd one will depend on whether or not it's daytime. I guess I'll add in an optional.
Dude I'm not keeping secrets. Sometimes you have to wander around youtube to find obscure, yet useful tricks like that pig throw. I'll look more thoroughly through the route again later.

Rescue Tetra before FF1: is new to me. Did you just find this out?
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