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Author Topic: MM: Question & Answer Thread  (Read 304902 times)
Deku Scrub

Posts: 7

« Reply #330 on: November 09, 2014, 04:19:22 PM »

Thanks Exodus!

I understand well this tricks and I also found what I was loking for. The bombers code and the oceanside skullta house code. It's amazing to see that it is simply bytes values. The other unknow values on the link you give are probably the winnig code for the lottery (3 bytes for each day).

Again, thank you! Smiley
Deku Scrub

Posts: 5

« Reply #331 on: November 23, 2014, 08:48:10 AM »

Warning: I may be retarded.

I cannot get Zora Link to use his electric shield while floating in the water. I've tried pressing all combinations of buttons I could think of, individually, 2 at a time, 3 at a time. I can use it when he's shooting forward, or when he's flat on the ground, I just can't do it otherwise. I've been trying for an hour and a half, what am I missing? Gyorg sucks when I have to climb the platform 5 times.

Please help. I'm going insane.
Special Guay

Posts: 220


« Reply #332 on: November 23, 2014, 09:20:22 AM »

Japanese version, right? In the water, you can only use the barrier while swimming forward (holding A). You can't use it while just floating.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 5

« Reply #333 on: November 23, 2014, 07:25:49 PM »

Well, that explains it.

Deku Scrub

Posts: 4

« Reply #334 on: March 13, 2015, 01:00:33 AM »

Anyone have a link to an any% majoras mask route that is a little more newcomer friendly than the optimal one?
Deku Scrub

Posts: 1

« Reply #335 on: March 13, 2015, 06:46:05 AM »

Hello friends!
I've been wanting to try MM runs for a bit now but don't have a Wii atm.
However, I do have a WiiU so I was wondering if it is possible to get JP MM on the Wii Mode? I know you can get homebrew but I don't know much else about it.
Edit: Sorry if this has been asked/answered already, I couldn't find anything about this.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2015, 06:52:00 AM by marvino59 » Logged
Deku Scrub

Posts: 1

« Reply #336 on: March 15, 2015, 10:20:51 PM »

Hey guys.
I'm new here and kind of new to speedruns and i found a glitch in Majoras Mask, but im not really sure if this is known or not. (so pls no hating if this is old Wink ).
So i was messing around at pirate fortress. Taking my masks on and off, then i realised that the pirates on those patroling ships were gone. It seems like every time you put on a mask the ship is moving a little bit faster and the pirates are getting pushed back. So if you do it a few times they actually start to fall in the water and stay on the ground.
So i don't think this is usefull at all but kind of interesting. Like i said i have no idea if this is the oldest known glitch in majoras mask or if it really wasn't discoverd yet. (didn't find any post to this)

here is a short video i uploaded:

does also work in Majoras Mask 3ds
Regular Guay

Posts: 70

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« Reply #337 on: March 16, 2015, 06:00:34 PM »

Hey guys.
I'm new here and kind of new to speedruns and i found a glitch in Majoras Mask, but im not really sure if this is known or not. (so pls no hating if this is old Wink ).
So i was messing around at pirate fortress. Taking my masks on and off, then i realised that the pirates on those patroling ships were gone. It seems like every time you put on a mask the ship is moving a little bit faster and the pirates are getting pushed back. So if you do it a few times they actually start to fall in the water and stay on the ground.
So i don't think this is usefull at all but kind of interesting. Like i said i have no idea if this is the oldest known glitch in majoras mask or if it really wasn't discoverd yet. (didn't find any post to this)

here is a short video i uploaded:

does also work in Majoras Mask 3ds

Oh so that's why the pirates were gone on 3rd day on 3ds when I failed the long jump skip so much. I don't know I never seen a video of this. I knew the glitch before but never knew why it happened. Thanks.

Deku Scrub

Posts: 5

« Reply #338 on: March 17, 2015, 07:15:14 PM »

Hey guys.
I'm new here and kind of new to speedruns and i found a glitch in Majoras Mask, but im not really sure if this is known or not. (so pls no hating if this is old Wink ).
So i was messing around at pirate fortress. Taking my masks on and off, then i realised that the pirates on those patroling ships were gone. It seems like every time you put on a mask the ship is moving a little bit faster and the pirates are getting pushed back. So if you do it a few times they actually start to fall in the water and stay on the ground.
So i don't think this is usefull at all but kind of interesting. Like i said i have no idea if this is the oldest known glitch in majoras mask or if it really wasn't discoverd yet. (didn't find any post to this)

here is a short video i uploaded:

does also work in Majoras Mask 3ds

Transformation Masks cause a significant amount of Lag. This cause some actors to not move in a frame and desync. Then gravity takes over. The same trick is used in the Deku flower game to make the Rupees fall to the ground, in 100%. 
Deku Scrub

Posts: 6

« Reply #339 on: April 01, 2015, 02:40:33 PM »

Well it´s been a while since I have been here.
Now I have been working on save file that might seem odd,but It helps me to learn tricks(I hope)and my friend wants to play minigames ,beat bosses so..
1:No bombers notebook..I tried three hearts run but by accident got heartpiece from tingle picture.So..
2:All HP available without beating any temple bosses.
3.No other masks just Deku,Goron and Zora.
4 All possible songs(Not Oath to order or Eponas Song)
5:All possible items(including Light arrows,Mirror Shield..All which is not linked to bombers notebook prices or beating temple bosses..But those are on the end side of my learning trip)
6:All maps and compasses
7:All Stray fairies in temples(First one was easy..But for Snowhead the one in the ceiling in room of goron bound pillars..Is this goal possible?)
Now onto the questions/problems
For the record..I´m playing on N64 PAL EUR-1..
1st:Is there a certain point of flashing when I should shield drop the bomb?It seems mpossible to count it after it start flashing fast.I either get it on my face or I´m too late?
2nd:When I gave up trying to get that hidden owl straight from the bushes--I went to ECT to practice with chus..I did it on the ledge where you can jump to the next(above the guard).I positioned myself on the corner and started chu hovering towards the flagpole..Now odd thing is that I hovered downwards every time..Step by step..Tried it faster and somehow managed to blow a chu in my face(Should that even be possible?)so what am I doing wrong?Any easy way?
« Last Edit: April 17, 2015, 03:27:47 AM by MrKoippa » Logged
Deku Scrub

Posts: 1

« Reply #340 on: April 08, 2015, 01:27:22 AM »

Hi, I've been practicing tricks for the Any% this past month and for some reason I am having significant trouble with the Ocarina Dive in Woodfall Temple.

I can not for the life of me figure out why I'm not falling down after doing the Zora attack and mashing the ocarina button. Sometimes Zora Link will clip just under the map but then will immediately come back up. No matter how many times I try, I can never get him to actually fall through. Am I missing something here?

I am using the Japanese VC btw
Regular Guay

Posts: 35

I think I'm amazing. I'm not.

« Reply #341 on: April 10, 2015, 07:44:51 AM »

After so many years, I still can't superslide or turn while hovering. Well, I can turn, but i absolutely suck at getting the angle I want. I've listened to guides and read all the tips. I need the absolute-fu**ing-idiot's guide to these so I can really push my time. After speedrunning Majora's Mask 3D and getting 2:13 on my 5th timed attempt, I figured I'll go back to the 1st Zelda game I ever speedran. (1st game was Super Metroid).

Also, recoil flipping is something I haven't been able to do consistently. Whenever I backflip and shield damage rapidly, my momentum just halts after so many pixels. Also, how the hell does certain clipping even work? I want to know everything necessary to do the latest strats.

Everything I have down is basically ISG, bomb hovering, bombchu hovering, long-jumping, ESS bottle dupe if it's the same as 3DS... I think that's it. Sometimes I can do a quick Goht fight, and I'm pretty damn good at Gyorg. Majora, I'm decent at the fight. As it is, I'm still getting boss keys for all four dungeons.

MM3D, sub 2:15 in only 5 runs. I really need a capture board.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 6

« Reply #342 on: April 17, 2015, 11:46:23 PM »

That freaking sunblock on the well..And my non-existing skills..On three weeks I haven´t got the timing of bomb hovering with this PAL..
I place the bomb with A,on 2nd stab get ISG,Throw the bomb and get damaged..So I have been trying the Mirror shield..ISG and Chu hover(No dice)
Which leaves me with weirdshot..By tutorials I´m doing something right..But it either stays on the ground..Or crashes with funny images.(Owl feathers,Link floatin middle of white  screen etc)I watched some run on twitch where the guy said he was"overbuffering"?
On GC I got the hovering with chus at least pretty fast..Along with other tricks..I wish there would be a way to beat I kana Castle boss and his minions without Light arrows or Mirror shield..
« Last Edit: April 22, 2015, 05:59:04 PM by MrKoippa » Logged
Deku Scrub

Posts: 5

« Reply #343 on: April 26, 2015, 02:41:16 AM »

Hello everybody. Just a quick question, which version is the jp wii vc of majoras mask? also, which version is the USA n64 cart too. thanks
Deku Scrub

Posts: 9

« Reply #344 on: May 31, 2015, 01:05:02 PM »

Hello Guys,
Im pretty new to Majora´s Mask, but I want to learn any%. I already know the route and that standard stuff. I just have a simple question:
How should I train it? Should I get the tricks step by step, or by doing the runs over and over again?
I already learned OoT Any%, but it´s too short ^^ I want to learn the MM Any%


You think that the actual Any% route of OoT will be the last one? Haha, that was funny Cheesy
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