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Author Topic: Rulesets for Glitchless and 100%?  (Read 34931 times)
Special Guay

Posts: 361

move over Chidori, time to spam infinite Susano'o

« Reply #15 on: March 07, 2015, 10:21:46 PM »

also, i can confirm now that the complete stamp in the notebook appears even if you never enter the fishing spots (got the stamp at the end of my run yesterday)

"Patience is useful in any moment"

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Special Guay

Posts: 473

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« Reply #16 on: March 08, 2015, 04:16:38 PM »

I'm hard at work on the route. I'm gonna link the Google doc here so people can check it out and give suggestions, currently I don't have as much written down as I've actually routed, so I will be updating it up to the point where I am very soon. Basically I have the skeleton of the route but need to fill in some details.


Hit me up with questions and ideas

"tsmart yashichidsf wild dumb bitch" -Isaacordorica 2012
Special Guay

Posts: 361

move over Chidori, time to spam infinite Susano'o

« Reply #17 on: March 09, 2015, 12:18:19 AM »


here's my 100% run. took a while to process since it was a big file (local recording)

(also, i totally forgot it was possible to get the Keg license before doing Snowhead. i think i'll do another run one of these days since my first one had too many mistakes)
« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 12:20:38 AM by UchihaSasuke » Logged

"Patience is useful in any moment"

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Special Guay

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« Reply #18 on: March 09, 2015, 01:39:31 AM »

This will be of use for the Zora moon trial where you don't need to redo the whole thing after getting the HP (returning to the last door used):

Goron drown warps you to your last entrance in the original, and it can still be done in MM3D (except the area doesn't reload). When you're at an edge, go down to drown by doing quick flicks with the circle pad as your only movement, and be quick to let go when you drown. If done right, you'll be at your last entrance after two drowns. If your last entrance came from an owl warp, the area will reload and you'll be human. When I tried this in the Termina Field grotto from the Great Bay entrance, I respawned out of bounds.

It might have potential for GBT/STT routing.
Special Guay

Posts: 361

move over Chidori, time to spam infinite Susano'o

« Reply #19 on: March 09, 2015, 11:19:22 PM »

Lottery numbers are set when you create a file, like with the Bomber's code.

i tested by making a file and getting them and then resetting and the numbers were the same when i entered them. that's an automatic time save.

also, when you change the options in the options menu and then copy the file, the options get saved. useful since you can have a file prepared always without the need to set it up.

"Patience is useful in any moment"

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Special Guay

Posts: 361

move over Chidori, time to spam infinite Susano'o

« Reply #20 on: March 14, 2015, 10:31:27 PM »

how do you get the Keg license without Bow and Fire Arrows? HSW didn't work for me.

"Patience is useful in any moment"

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Special Guay

Posts: 473

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« Reply #21 on: March 14, 2015, 10:44:12 PM »

You can climb up to the right with Zora mask

"tsmart yashichidsf wild dumb bitch" -Isaacordorica 2012
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Special Guay

Posts: 473

I'm the worst

« Reply #22 on: March 18, 2015, 07:02:14 AM »

The Google doc I posted above is now complete. There are several things I am still unhappy with, but I will work on those. Fox is also working on his own route, so we'll see what happens there soon as well.

"tsmart yashichidsf wild dumb bitch" -Isaacordorica 2012
Deku Scrub

Posts: 9

« Reply #23 on: March 19, 2015, 10:42:40 PM »

Question, why do we need the great fairy's mask in glitchless?
Deku Scrub

Posts: 9

« Reply #24 on: March 21, 2015, 02:56:11 AM »

mzxrules idk if you seen this already, but this is the glitchless any% route/some rules http://pastebin.com/Ddkyx5GM
The route is not up to date so there might be need for optimization in some parts of the route Tongue
I created this route also, the one you shared wasn't completable, so I changed it around a bit and came up with this http://pastebin.com/2xx35aHz
I ran through it today, it took me about 4 hours with breaks because I forgot to pause the timer. But I bet that it will end up at about 2 1/2 hours. I'll try to record it tonight or tomorrow night.
Regular Guay

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« Reply #25 on: March 30, 2015, 10:08:45 PM »

I'm hard at work on the route. I'm gonna link the Google doc here so people can check it out and give suggestions, currently I don't have as much written down as I've actually routed, so I will be updating it up to the point where I am very soon. Basically I have the skeleton of the route but need to fill in some details.


Hit me up with questions and ideas

for the 5000 rupees: BA Kafei mask, SoS milk road, kill bird with 3 jump slash cancel at night (dies in 5 seconds), backwalk to SCT, disposit, NCT heart piece w Fierce Deity, exit NCT with goron roll, finish with Eenos light arrow strat.

get back kafei mask (fit it wherever its fastest in the route day1), (I'm not sure it's faster... it would be if we find a way out of CT with Fierce Deity!)
« Last Edit: March 30, 2015, 10:27:08 PM by Masterluigisw » Logged

Regular Guay

Posts: 35

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« Reply #26 on: April 10, 2015, 05:00:34 AM »

To be specific, I'd like to weight in on both 100% and glitchless.

100% ruleset
-Get every heart piece and heart container
-Get every bottle
-Get all stray fairy rewards
-Get maps for all areas
-Get Fierce Deity mask
-Complete the game

I don't want to include the fish since it doesn't appear to be significant to the bomber's notebook and there is quite a hefty load of RNG involved. In what could be over 5 hours in running, we don't want a run to end because RNG was bad at any fishing pole. Making sure to to say get 'every hear piece' instead of getting 20 hearts is important to avoid abuse of glitches or bugs that allow getting duplicate heart pieces. The same terminology was used for Ocarina of Time's skulltulas because of the easy skulltulla duplication glitch.

Since everyone says to get everything you keep when you play song of time, would that include Magic Beans? The icon stays, but you lose what beans you had and they may not ever be used.


This takes a long time to define since there are a lot of glitches. But, to cover the basics, there should be a clear guideline of what IS allowed while on the grey area of what is and isn't a glitch. I've seen people want to include and ban gainers from glitchless runs. And to make it clear, any glitch not listed as either allowed or banned should be considered banned. I for one want to include gainers because it makes for better first cycles.


-Bomb long jumping
-Snowhead early with sidehop/backflip
-Goron boosting
-Mask Storage (I know, not a glitch, but just for the sake of clarity)
-Save&restart warping (for earlier Ikana)

-Wrong Warping
-Bottle Duplication
-Time stop
-Triple Sword Clipping
-Any form of super sliding
-Cutscene skips (Anything that triggers a cutscene but skips it. Avoiding cutscenes by never touching the trigger is allowed if possible.)
-Mask Jump (Jumpslash Animation Cancelling) meaning sewer skip would only happen if that other god-aweful setup is allowed.
-Restricted Items
-Get Item Manipulation
« Last Edit: April 10, 2015, 05:47:41 AM by reidenlightman » Logged

MM3D, sub 2:15 in only 5 runs. I really need a capture board.
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