When going to the castle the first time luck manipulate the trans so you can take the fastest route.
When sneaking Zelda out of the castle use 1 line to get past the first 2 guards.
After fighting a boss, savewarp instead of going in the warp.
1st boss - Stagnox: When the battle starts slash his head and he will immediately begin to attack. Go around and whirlwind his ass and do *6* normal slashes (NO jumpslashes). Move back slightly and use the whirlwind again to keep him down and use another 6 slashes to get him to the 2nd phase. For the 2nd phase always use normal slashes (again, NO jumpslashes) and he should go down in 2 cycles. I got a 1:20 fight with this strat.
After seeing ferrus savewarp back to wellspring station.
2nd boss - Fraaz: Strategy to come later
For getting the bomb bag, after fighting the red zora warrior at the end of spirit tower 3 a chest will apear with a palace dish in it. Get that, then after getting the bridge worker to fix the bridge sell it to linebeck for 500R. After that you'll need to save and luck manipulate beedle to be near the trading post to buy the bomb bag before getting to the ocean realm.
When going to the ocean temple use
this trick to skip the train chase around the temple.
In the ocean temple use
this trick to skip opening the trapdoors for the boulders.
For the whip miniboss throw the boomerang around the place the mniboss will be before entering the room to stun him immediately. Use bombs to take him down quickly.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N66v7Zy9i1gGeneral whip speed tricks: when grabbing a switch, let go of L/R as soon as it touches the switch and it will activate skipping the pull back animation. When swinging on a pole hold your stylus on the screen until a little before you will swing off. This will get you off a bit faster and jump a bit farther. When pulling thorns out of a thorn gate only pull the left thorn out then squeeze through the right one.
3rd boss - Phytops: First Cycle: 1 slash, 2 Spins, 1 bomb. (80)
Second Cycle: 1 Jump (+!5), 1 slash, (+10) 2 bombs. (+60) (85 on this cycle)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sJKJsqgzVsAlternate Solution on Floor 15 of the Spirit Tower
Fall from edge glitches
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIq20-ToxO0Weird Graphical glitch in castle town
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfJcNHc1-uEZelda holding glitch
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jAQShbNhj0Heart Meter Glitch