heres the adult route

-to kakariko
-get bugs,hookshot, and egg
-to lonlon ranch and do lonlon stick
-wait for egg to hatch
-trade the cucco for cojiro
-to kokiri forest
-FW point in house of twins using items anywhere glitch
-to lost woods to trade cojiro
-rba mushroom and exit through goron city
-get goron tunic and do belero of fire cutscene skip
-enter fire temple
-early bosss key and save warp
-after getting megaton hammer save warp
-complete and do WW at the end(may want to save before doing this)
-to kokiri forest
-FW point in shop
-death hole WW
-set FW
-save and continue(game crashes but its fine)
-open game back up and use FW
-tower collapse

so wat u think?i think there might be a few improvements to the route though(spent two hours on it)