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Author Topic: All Medallions NG+ Category  (Read 50624 times)
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Special Guay

Posts: 473

I'm the worst

« Reply #30 on: May 23, 2014, 12:25:41 AM »

Yeah actually I thought about that. So really the fastest way is to set FW in hyrule field, go get the mushroom, return FW, then go to hyrule. The bad tbing about this is that You need to wait for a bit for day. This is the still the fastest way though. It uses more bombs because you also need to aslide to escape the forest and you need to fess or hess to gerudo fortress.

Also, how do we intend to kill KD? We won't have a sword at this point. Is there a way to get it back?

"tsmart yashichidsf wild dumb bitch" -Isaacordorica 2012
Regular Guay

Posts: 53

« Reply #31 on: May 23, 2014, 12:45:00 AM »

Hammer is the only way. This means that you can't save before the wrong warp at fire temple. So you're screwed if you fail it.

As far as I know, you can't get the sword back without access to the door of time or another sword.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2014, 12:48:12 AM by Drenn » Logged
Site Editor
Special Guay

Posts: 245

« Reply #32 on: May 24, 2014, 02:56:29 AM »

Note that lon-lon stick is not doable if you have a sword equipped. Other than that, I can't really determine what is fastest and what isn't for the adult route. I wondered for a second if deku would be faster but you don't get hover boots during the run anyway. If the sword manages to be faster I'd say get the shield and grab fw before going to get ruto bottle, then reverse kz skip-scale then bottle and scarecrow's song. Then talk to the owl to head to the market from there.
Regular Guay

Posts: 53

« Reply #33 on: May 24, 2014, 07:32:24 AM »

Note that lon-lon stick is not doable if you have a sword equipped. Other than that, I can't really determine what is fastest and what isn't for the adult route. I wondered for a second if deku would be faster but you don't get hover boots during the run anyway. If the sword manages to be faster I'd say get the shield and grab fw before going to get ruto bottle, then reverse kz skip-scale then bottle and scarecrow's song. Then talk to the owl to head to the market from there.
Sorry, you lost me Tongue What do you need the scarecrow's song for? And what do you mean by the sword possibly being faster? We need to lose the sword to perform RBA...
Site Editor
Special Guay

Posts: 245

« Reply #34 on: May 24, 2014, 09:12:20 AM »

Sorry, you lost me Tongue What do you need the scarecrow's song for? And what do you mean by the sword possibly being faster? We need to lose the sword to perform RBA...
I referred to "sword" as the kokiri sword, which upon equipping prevents the stick glitch in lon-lon ranch from triggering. This means that a sword route would need to go to Lake Hylia to get the fishing rod. Since the hookshot is obtained, a sword route can use the scarecrow's song or a magic bean to reach the fishing pond. It wouldn't be too bad to route actually.

Also without the sword it's really difficult to warp to zora's river from LW. No naviless, and only a really precise navi dive seems to work.
Site Editor
Mega Guay

Posts: 507

I'm an artist :O

« Reply #35 on: May 24, 2014, 09:21:54 AM »

There is a way to do naviless, but it requires a fish and a spell...


Using a slow version on purpose is your choice, but you will get no sympathy or agreement from me.
Regular Guay

Posts: 53

« Reply #36 on: May 24, 2014, 11:53:54 AM »

The route I wrote up uses NG+ with the master sword. No need to worry about swords as a child Smiley

If we're still talking about NG+ I honestly don't know what else you'd use. There's no point in doing RBA as a child, because the light arrow cutscene would trigger immediately upon going adult, which means we can't get the hammer on B.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2014, 11:58:41 AM by Drenn » Logged
Site Editor
Special Guay

Posts: 245

« Reply #37 on: May 24, 2014, 12:24:17 PM »

The route I wrote up uses NG+ with the master sword. No need to worry about swords as a child Smiley

If we're still talking about NG+ I honestly don't know what else you'd use. There's no point in doing RBA as a child, because the light arrow cutscene would trigger immediately upon going adult, which means we can't get the hammer on B.

My bad, I somehow missed the post of ms at the top.

Well the only way you could complete this without light arrows is by a ww to a cutscene that isn't accessible or by doing the dungeons (which might defeat the purpose of the category)

No idea if defeating Volvagia as child would be useful, doing the fire temple then would skip hookshot though. You'd also need hearts somewhere...
Regular Guay

Posts: 53

« Reply #38 on: May 24, 2014, 01:45:22 PM »

My bad, I somehow missed the post of ms at the top.

Well the only way you could complete this without light arrows is by a ww to a cutscene that isn't accessible or by doing the dungeons (which might defeat the purpose of the category)

No idea if defeating Volvagia as child would be useful, doing the fire temple then would skip hookshot though. You'd also need hearts somewhere...
The light medallion cutscene warps you to the temple of time, so the light arrow cutscene will play if you've already RBA'd the medallions. It's pretty much unavoidable. I guess you could RBA with an empty bottle, then you'd get to skip the cutscene and you'd have to get the forest and spirit medallions normally. But surely that's slower than just watching the cutscene.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2014, 01:47:27 PM by Drenn » Logged
Regular Guay

Posts: 53

« Reply #39 on: May 27, 2014, 11:22:30 PM »

Finally finished a half-decent run of this. PB is 1:37:54, sum of best is 1:31:07. I'm still using wrong warp for the odd mushroom, though, which apparently is slower.

Btw, for the alternate odd mushroom route, maaaybe it would be faster to get the lonlon bottle instead of the cucco bottle? If you have to wait for day later on, the extra travel time is meaningless.
Site Editor
Special Guay

Posts: 292

B e t A Q u e S t

« Reply #40 on: July 14, 2014, 12:40:29 AM »

Here's a new route for this that I came up with using the new bottle dupe with quick draw: http://pastebin.com/wBGEVHRV

Things to note:
-Only watch light medallion once
-Still have to watch LACS even though you dont BA off it. This does skip sheik cutscene though
-Uses a fairy to keep hammer in DHWW just so that you can dupe over it
-I'm not sure whether it's faster to walk to market straight from odd mush or to return FW to DC and walk to market, route is written with the latter
-I put no consideration into time of day when making this so hopefully that works out

when i grow up, i wanna be just like taylortotftw
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