My second post!!

I found a glitch that allows you to go straight to the Water Temple in less than 5 minutes of gameplay.
1) Infinite Bombs & Arrows with Water Bombs in your first bomb bag
2) BiT
3) Save during BiT
4) Once in FW, get Iron Boots.
5) With boots, get Lantern, then do Early Hyrule Field (Epona Clip method)
6) Do Early Lanayru Province (Epona Clip)
7) Jump off the Hylian Bridge to Early Lake Hylia.
This is where my glitch comes in. I call it: "Diveless Early Lakebed Temple"

Once in Lake Hylia, swim to where you are near the entrance of the dungeon.
9) Put on the Iron Boots and sink to the bottom.
10) Once at bottom, quickly do Swim with Water Bombs by swaping the Iron Boots with the Lantern.
11) Try to float up enough to where the bomb explodes in front of the rock to blow it up (this may take 2 attempts to be on the safe side).
12) Once inside, you can use at least 3 Water Bombs to get past that underwater tunnel there without Zora Armor. Then tada!
What makes my version of Early Lakebed Temple unique is that it is possible on ANY verison of TP, since it doesn't require Rupee Diving, which is patched on the newest TP's (including mine

) However, this glitch sounds good, but it is completely useless unless we can get to the Forest Temple to learn the Ending Blow hidden skill, which is required to beat Ganondorf. For the Ending Blow, we would have to complete Twilight Faron Woods, which would mean doing the Ordon Sword & Shield Skip. Since it's on a BiT file, we would still have to do all the BiT fixes as well, obviously. Now I can't test this theory on my own to beat the game because I have the latest version of TP, which means I can't do the Map Glitch to Early Snowpeak, but I am currently working on getting to that point, but that would be as far as I would be able to get, so it would be up to you guys from there.