Ultimate Mega Guay
Posts: 901
Wrong warp expert
« on: November 03, 2009, 07:32:54 PM » |
List of all notable game/overworld events that impact the progression of the game.
This is a list of (hopefully) every important event required to complete Twilight Princess normally that I'm dumping here. I've omitted a few events (such as the first King Bublin Fight) that don't appear to change the inventory or progress the game. Sometime in the near future I plan on making a list of odd deviant routes and subroutes to map out every possible sequence order.
Normal Route Events
Day 1: Collect Epona Goat Herding
Day 2: Rescue Basket -Get Fishing Rod Catch Fish -Buy Slingshot Train With Slingshot -get Wooden Sword -Rescue Talo event activates Obtain Lantern Save Talo
Day 3: Goat Herding II Lose Wooden Sword Visit Ilia -Become a Wolf -Lose Epona -Horse Reeds in Faron disappear -Faron to Hyrule gate becomes Midna Text Barrier
Castle Twilight:
Raid Ordon: Obtain Wooden Shield Trigger Midna Dialog Obtain Ordon Sword Activate Twilight Portal in Ordon Spring Pass Through Twilight -Transform into Wolf
Faron Twilight: Learn Charge Attack Open South Faron Portal Obtain Vessel of Light Open North Faron Portal Clear Twilight
Faron/Forest Temple: Learn Finishing Blow Forest Temple -Obtain Gale Boomerang Beat Forest Temple -Disable Midna Text to Hyrule Field -Faron Horse Reeds Re-Appear
Eldin Twilight: Open Kakariko Gorge Portal/Unlock Free Warp Open Kakariko Village Portal Obtain Vessel of Light Open Renaldo's Basement Open Goron Mines Portal Clear Twilight -Goron Rock can now be teleported. -Kakariko Gorge Messengers disappear
Kakariko/Goron Mines: Attempt To Climb Death Mountain Tame Epona Event Obtain Iron Boots -King Bublin Event Active Goron Rock Lands at Death Mountain Goron Sumo Wrestling -Goron Mines Access Granted Get Bow Clear Goron Mines -Bombs Obtainable from Barnes Activate Kakariko Bridge Portal Event Open Kakariko Bridge Portal, unusable
Laranyu Twilight: Fight Kakaroc Miniboss -Tunnel Sequence Open Zora's Domain Portal Warp Goron Rock -Enable Light Spirit Obtain Vessel of Light Open Lake Hylia Portal Open Hyrule Castle Portal Fight Giant Bug Clear Twilight
Laranyu Province: Zora Prince Rescue Sequence can be activated -Bublin Fight II -Rescue Zora Kid -Obtain Zora Armor Buy Water Bombs
Lakebed Temple: Obtain Clawshot Clear Lakebed Temple -Zant Cutscene Activates --Midna Charge Attack Disabled --Midna Warping Disabled -Auru Appears
Saving Midna Event: Time Stop in Hyrule Field Meet Zelda -Ganon Barrier appears -Midna's full abilities return
Master Sword/Before Gerudo Desert: Use Howling Stone to open Lost Woods Solve Golem Puzzle Obtain Master Sword -Gain Ability to Transform/Warp Obtain Auru's Memo Cannon to Gerudo Desert -City Cannon can now be fixed
Gerudo Desert: Bublin Fight III Escape Tent on Boar -Activate map trigger between Camp & Colosseum
Arbiture's Grounds: Defeat Four Ghosts -Access to second Half of dungeon Obtain Spinner Beat Boss -Access to Mirror Chamber -Oocco lost after leaving dungeon Activate Mirror Chamber Portal Raise stone slab -Ashei appears
Snowpeak: Obtain Reekfish Scent -Given ability to scale Snowpeak Open Snowpeak Portal -Blizzard disappears? Obtain Ball and Chain Beat Boss -Rusl Appears
Temple of Time: Clear Lost Woods (Human) Open Temple of Time Portal Open Temple of Time (Dungeon Entrance) Portal Obtain Dominion Rod Beat Boss -Dominion Rod De-Charges -Shad Appears in Renaldo's Basement
Shit Sidequest: Stupid Trading Sequence BS Dominion Rod Charged Move Statue -Shad moves into the chamber Talk to Shad to tell him he's an asshole Warp the Cannon Obtain Double Clawshot Beat Boss
Final: Beat Palace of Twilight Break Ganon Barrier Beat Game
Back In Time Save Subroute Start After Event: None Skip Events: Obtain Ordon Sword/Shield, Open Ordon Spring Portal, Tame Epona Event
Start: Faron Woods Day 1 Tame Epona (Automatically) Equip Ordon Sword (Automatically, believed to disable Obtain Ordon Sword Event) Obtain Lantern Save Talo
Day 3: Goat Herding II Obtain Iron Boots -Activate King Bublin I trigger Continue Normal Route at "Day 3: Visit Ilia" Return to Subroute at "Raiding Ordon: Obtain Ordon Sword" SB: Activate Sword & Shield Skip Pass Through Twilight -Transform into Wolf
Notes: The King Bublin I fight trigger can be walked around. Early Laranyu can be done after Kakariko Twilight is cleared.
Back In Time Equiped Warp Subroute Start After Event: None. Earliest known locations to start are -Ordon Ranch, before second round of herding -Mayor Bo's House -Faron Woods South Entrance, post-twilight but before the completion of the Forest Temple Skipped Events: Finishing the Forest Temple* Start: After Faron Twilight is cleared Save in Faron Woods, Head to Ordon Bridge Do Back in Time Equipped Fight King Bublin I
Notes: Tests have only been done with BiT Save during EMS A subroute. Subroute ends in a dead end for now. If Kakariko Twilight is cleared before Opening Kakariko Gorge Portal, the event is permanently skipped. In theory, it may be possible to enter and beat Goron Mines early with BiT Save without EMS A. More testing is needed
Early Access to Master Sword Subroute Start after event: Open South Faron Portal, though it's more practical to get the vessel of light first Skip Events: None
Use Howling Stone to open Lost Woods Solve Golem Puzzle
Early Master Sword Subroute A Start after: Early Access to Master Sword Subroute Skip Events: Goron Sumo Wrestling (EMS breaks the event, making it impossible to win), Goron Mines, Obtaining Reekfish Scent
Obtain Master Sword Return to Normal Route at Faron Twilight: Open North Faron Portal, Leave after Getting Iron Boots SB: Enter Laranyu Twilight Early SB: Enter Lakebed Temple Early to obtain Oocco Return to Normal Route at Laranyu Twilight: Fight Kakaroc, Leave after Laranyu Twilight: Cleared SB: Steal Iza's Bomb Bag, fill with water bombs Get Goron Bomb Bag Return to Normal Route Notes: Goron Mines can be entered later with the spinner. Early Master Sword causes several game events to 'break'
Early Master Sword Subroute B Start after: Early Access to Master Sword Subroute Skip Events: None (this subroute was created to obtain Bombs/Bow before Saving Midna) Important: If the Goron Mines can be entered without wrestling Cor Goron that doesn't involve the spinner, this will be obsolete
Save warp, deathwarp to return to Normal Route, leave after Goron Sumo Wrestling Obtain Oocco from Goron Mines (for easy access) SB: Early Sacred Grove as a human Obtain Master Sword Return to Normal Route
Notes: On the Wii, Early Sacred Grove as a human is only possible with a bomb boost. This is the only Subroute that can temporarily escape from the Midna's Desperate Hour subquest.
Endless Midna's Desperate Hour Subroute Start after: Early Master Sword Subroute B Skip Events: None Important: Do not obtain Oocco from Lakebed Temple, or else it will disappear after the temple is complete.
Optional: Obtain Bow (for much easier Bublin II fight) SB: Early Lake Hylia Return to Normal Route until after event Clear Lakebed Temple SB: Use Goron Mines Oocco to warp away from the Midna Barriers around Hyrule Castle
Notes: Midna cannot charge attack or warp. Also, Midna's Lament will play continuously in almost every situation. Entering Hyrule Field will force the time into a continuous night, and except for the enemies in North Hyrule, it's devoid of enemies. From here, your limited in what you can do. You can reach Gerudo Desert provided that you haven't warped the cannon before clearing Lakebed Temple. If you beat Arbiture's Grounds, you lose Oocco, which traps you in the Mirror Chamber.
White Midna Sequence Oddity Requires: Master Sword Obtained, Bomb Bag Obtained (and filled with waterbombs) Starts After: Giant Bug Fight, but before collecting the final tear and Clearing Laranyu Twilight Skips: Midna Warping Disabled
Clear Lakebed Temple Clear Laranyu Twilight
Notes: Can progress through the game without Saving Midna until after Palace of Twilight is cleared. No known major event issues occur while Midna is in this state.