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Author Topic: Phantom Hourglass Full game segmented run: 2012 edition Segment 11 done.  (Read 17486 times)
Special Guay

Posts: 235

DS Dictator

« on: February 07, 2012, 08:09:32 AM »

As part of my 5th Anniversary on Youtube, I made a poll posted on both Youtube (Take em all on level 3 video) and SDA.

Both websites show that Phantom Hourglass had the most popular votes!

Now I need to playthrough this again to get myself familiar with the route and mechanics.

The segmentation will not be a copy n paste from my test run. This time the route will ignore the boss portals in the dungeons and I will need to take note on the usage of bombs, not only they are powerful but it has some nice use against some bosses.

Luckily with my Nintendo DS Adapter Plus, I can backup my sav files similar to how the ZSR team produce their OoT 100% run.

I am going to livestream this as well during my attempts, thanks to my USB 3.0 external hard drive, it's fast enough to record AVI raw footage from DS Capture and Livestream to Twitch.tv via Xsplit without dropping frames.

my twitch.tv page:


« Last Edit: May 12, 2012, 02:58:11 PM by Greenalink » Logged

New DS PHAT Capture Device on its way (Sep 2011)!!!
More info:

Yes I am a speed runner focused on DS games
Notable runs:
Phantom Hourglass
New Super Mario Bros (DS).
Special Guay

Posts: 235

DS Dictator

« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2012, 05:30:27 PM »

Let's tease the hype:
Segment 5: Temple of Fire

Segment 6: Temple of the Ocean King NW map.


New DS PHAT Capture Device on its way (Sep 2011)!!!
More info:

Yes I am a speed runner focused on DS games
Notable runs:
Phantom Hourglass
New Super Mario Bros (DS).
Regular Guay

Posts: 147

Tompa_1989@hotmail.com Tompalala
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2012, 08:58:11 PM »

Heh, teaser pictures =).
I'm looking forward to the run at least. We'll see if it will motivate me to start the TAS or not, as I'm still tempted to do it. But we'll see as said!

May the Triforce be with you.
Special Guay

Posts: 235

DS Dictator

« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2012, 04:09:52 PM »

My completed yet obsoleted attempts on Segment 7


I also completed a good attempt of segment 8 with over 300 rupees in Link's wallet which means 2 things:

* Less room of error of resetting when buying the The Salvage Arm (200-300 rupees)
* Less route planning picking up rupees for the Goron Quiz much later in the game.

The map drawing could be faster but it will make the accuracy of good turnings much harder which could cost even more time than gaining it.

New DS PHAT Capture Device on its way (Sep 2011)!!!
More info:

Yes I am a speed runner focused on DS games
Notable runs:
Phantom Hourglass
New Super Mario Bros (DS).
Special Guay

Posts: 235

DS Dictator

« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2012, 10:33:26 PM »

So after a weeks worth of attempts, I decided to change the route slightly on Segment 8 to skip the 100 rupee secret in the Shovel room which saves a few seconds and go and get the remaining 60 rupees from sea monsters (to hit 200, the minimum for the Salvage Arm).
I did get a decent attempt with 2 minor mistakes before the sailing including:
* A small pause after a roll, I tapped on a octorok to perform a jump attack
* Being push back after taking damage from a bomb.

There was one minor mistake on the drawing which was the first left turn on the correct path to navigate the fog on the NW map. Luckily during the actual sailing I didn't lose speed on that turn as sometimes he does slow down to a halt before turning followed by acceleration again.

Another plus on this completed attempt is that I managed to get 60 rupees during the sailing, hitting my minimum target for the salvage arm. I'll probably get the remaining 20(?) during the sailing adventures before the Goron Quiz at Goron Island.

Too long didn't read version:
* The segment can be improvable but it's way too annoying with all of the luck BS involved from the Bats in the cave to the rupee drops at the sea (if you skip the 100 rupee secret) and speed drawing the route to navigate the fog. In fact this attempt is 30 seconds faster than my test run back in 2008.

Oh and this attached image shows who is the biggest speed running troll in The Great Sea next to the 6 eye boss and the ghost ship battle near the end.

I re did the segment again today. Over 1.5 seconds faster, wasn't able to reach 200 but I can get the remaining rupees from the second dungeon and a red rupee drop from a sea monster on the Golden frog plate segment (segment 11).
« Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 06:43:41 PM by Greenalink » Logged

New DS PHAT Capture Device on its way (Sep 2011)!!!
More info:

Yes I am a speed runner focused on DS games
Notable runs:
Phantom Hourglass
New Super Mario Bros (DS).
Special Guay

Posts: 389

« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2012, 10:17:54 PM »

So... is this still going or what?

11:17 <Cosmo>: It's hard to tell what ASAP means with todays sequence breaks
Special Guay

Posts: 235

DS Dictator

« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2012, 07:09:21 PM »

Yes it is. Just don't expect major/constant updates of how far I have gone through.

I just been going through other things in life and I don't have much time speed running games as I used to back a few years ago. And the Zelda speedruns have high quality standards, especially the segmented ones.


New DS PHAT Capture Device on its way (Sep 2011)!!!
More info:

Yes I am a speed runner focused on DS games
Notable runs:
Phantom Hourglass
New Super Mario Bros (DS).
Special Guay

Posts: 235

DS Dictator

« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2012, 07:45:41 PM »

Segment 10 the entire dungeon + travelling to Isle of Frogs is looking easier than segment 9.

The dungeon itself isn't that difficult, my current strats saves roughly 15 seconds than the 2008 test run. The only annoying part is the luck factor on the boss and the slightly less annoying drawing. Hopefully it shouldn't be too long to produce this segment unlike the previous 2. Then segment 11 will be the golden frog segment and more sea drawing yay *sarcasm*.  Eventually I should be on the second visit of the temple of the Ocean King for segment 12.

Current segment plan:

Segment 10 -  Temple of Wind [All of it] then travelling to the Isle of Frogs
Segment 11 - Isle of Frogs, get Frog Slate, get golden Frog NW, Mercay Island , Temple of Ocean King.
Segment 12 - Temple of the Ocean King Visit number 2
Segment 13 - SW -east most- Frog, Salvage Arm (time to screw up my voice), and the first sea boss.
Segment 14 - Travelling to the Temple of Courage
Segment 15 - Temple of Courage [all of it]

Not sure what to do with Jolene and travelling to the Ghost ship segments yet.

I think this is a good idea:
Segment 16 - Jolene fight
Segment 17 - Finding the Ghost Ship
Segment 18 - Ghost Ship Part 1
Segment 19 - Ghost Ship part 2, find Tetra, learn Triforce drawing, go the Temple of the Ocean King

- Preview this run to the viewers on Twitch.tv -

Segment 20 - Temple of the Ocean King . 1 massive segment ~16.5 minutes long

22nd April 2012 update:

I'm still on this segment, I did produce a good attempt on Friday but only with YV12 mode to test if there isn't any frame drops and I also noticed that my USB 3.0 external hard drive is dropping frames more frequent than my USB 2.0 external hard drive now which makes no sense at all to be honest. For your information I am using Lagarith with RGB (Default) settings (SDA submittable).  All of my previous segments has 0 frame drops according to the app after recording.

My touch screen is acting slightly odd as sometimes Link does not perform a roll towards the right when I want him to and a few other moments where Link roll downwards when in fact I wanted him to go around a wall/corner instead. I know a strat that should lower the chances of the boss not being a troll, the only clutch part where my hands shake is the bloody drawing near the end en route to the Isle of Frogs.

Seriously when are you guys start racing this game for 3 dungeons or Spirit Tracks's Take em all on Minigame?!
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 10:13:09 PM by Greenalink » Logged

New DS PHAT Capture Device on its way (Sep 2011)!!!
More info:

Yes I am a speed runner focused on DS games
Notable runs:
Phantom Hourglass
New Super Mario Bros (DS).
Special Guay

Posts: 235

DS Dictator

« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2012, 02:57:57 PM »

Got a very decent attempt on Segment 11. The only con is that I didn't get a 20 rupee drop from the sea enemies but that can be sorted out by collecting the 20 rupee drop from the forced encounter of the Miniblins inside the Temple of The Ocean King.

There will be one more annoying sailing segment after Temple of the Ocean king and that's the Salvage arm followed by the first sea boss and more sail drawing ftl.

Fun fact: There is always a 20 rupee drop from the miniblins if you kill all of the members of each group. For example on the Isle of gust, if you kill the Miniblin group on one of set of mini islands the last one will always drop 20 rupees. Try it out yourself.

New DS PHAT Capture Device on its way (Sep 2011)!!!
More info:

Yes I am a speed runner focused on DS games
Notable runs:
Phantom Hourglass
New Super Mario Bros (DS).
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