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Author Topic: OoT MST segmented speedrun  (Read 44112 times)
Special Guay

Posts: 330

« Reply #45 on: September 14, 2010, 01:20:31 AM »

You could get Lullaby in between Kakriko and ZR. You'ld have to wait for day time, but the waiting won't be as long (you'll barely make the market before night, so the time spent getting damage / heading to the castle from the market is time that counts against the ~1:40 of waiting. You'll have to do a bit more traveling through Hyrule Field, but there will be less time waiting doing nothing.

I can't really think of much anything else to do during this time. Requiem takes too long and resets daylight anyways, DC resets daylight, magic consumes too many chus, etc. Like I said, waiting is only ~1:40 at max, and thats only if you don't find a way to squeeze out more seconds. How close were you to the castle when it turned night? Do you have any videos, since I have no idea how good you are and thus how much further it can be improved.

Regular Guay

Posts: 35

« Reply #46 on: September 14, 2010, 08:09:18 PM »

Yeah, but since it's 12:00 it's like getting to castle before dark when you first leave the forest
and then you have to go all the way to Drain hole :O

i maybe trying to make some video's on my strats, but well unless there's anything we can get some Speed boost, of we're pretty much stuck

i will be going on a class trip tomorrow, so can't put up any video of it here the next few days and i have to pack now
Regular Guay

Posts: 101

« Reply #47 on: September 17, 2010, 04:16:24 PM »

Guards gone
06:30 - 17:17

Guards there
17:18 - 06:29
Regular Guay

Posts: 35

« Reply #48 on: September 17, 2010, 07:21:17 PM »

Okay, so i went and made a video of the impossibleness


Basicly read the description. And as KlydeStorm pointed out; i have 5:17 ingame hours. I can't remember how the ingametime / Real Time goes.

And as shown in the video, even if i use L to Levitate, i'm still not going to make it.
(When i get to Castle its 14:11)
So unless someone finds a new strat on how to get to hyrule castle drainhole, i'm either going to wait to daytime or go and get ZL before going to Zora's River

More testing is needed
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