I have a few ideas for how to hack such a code, It'll try tomorrow
You have to be the most awesome hacker I've ever met.
Most people I know do not really do things on request, they just do what they feel like. :p
This is a request for you:
Could you make a code so that you can skip all cutscenes? Even on a blank file. So you just start up a new file and it lets you skip all the cutscenes.
You should note that it isn't hero mode that gives you the ability to skip all cutscenes.
You can skip all the cutscenes because you've seen them before on the same file slot when you first played through the game in normal mode.
(Which means that the code that turns your save into a hero file won'r let you skip cutscenes).
If you could create such a hack, that would be great!
I have a feeling that it could be quite a big task though.
Also, could you possible create a code that permanently unlocks the bomb bag, and only the bomb bag?
The same goes for the harp. I want a code that unlocks it. I know that having the harp probably wont let you progress in the game, it is the actual cutscene that gives you the harp that lets you progress, but that doesn't matter!
There is a code for Gust Bellows\Beetle\SlingShot. These are all items you get up until the harp. All items except for bombs & harp that is.
This has annoyed me for a while, because sometimes when I go to for example AC to test stuff, I do it on a brand new file. But I do not have a code available that gives me the items that you should have at that point, which makes my videos look suspicious. People may start to question me why I do not have the proper items.
And this should be very easy for you: Create a code that makes it so that I always have 9 bombs. It is like the infinite bombs hack, except you have 9 bombs instead of 99. This is way better, because if you always have 9 bombs, you're able to put bombs in your bag (because it isn't full). When you have 99 bombs you've reached the limit, and the game prevents you from putting them away, which is very annoying.

I bet I could even do it myself by just changing the HEX value in the current infinite bomb code, but I personally think it would be a better idea to have it available in the official geckocodes list.