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Author Topic: Starting new file with item on B  (Read 13283 times)
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Mega Guay

Posts: 579

« on: June 25, 2011, 02:44:45 PM »

Special thanks to lordpsi99 for mentioning the important detail without even knowning it. Saving on epona. If it wasnt for that detail, we probably wouldn't have found this in a long time.

Now that we know exactly how to do it, and I discovered that it was possible with Bottle on B, I thought it would be a good idea to create a new thread for it.

To start with an item on B you have to do the following:

Method 1 (Horse) Found by CloudMax
1. Mount onto a horse (working when you pay to ride at Ingo aswell)
2. Exit Game (Saving is not required, but may be used)
3. Create a new File

Method 2 (Rod) Found by CloudMax
1. Pay to fish at fishing pond
2. Exit game (you may save if you want)
3. Create a new File

The new file will have the item you had on B when you start it.

This method works with Bottle on B, making RBA possible as young link, it did however not work with Deku Stick on B.
Video of me starting with bottle on B

When you reach the "Continue Playing?" screen the B button resets.
So if you die or save the game, the B button will reset.

Things to discuss:
Would this be allowed in speedrunning? If so, would it be a separate category? (Newgame Plus), allowing you to start with any item on B?

I personally support having a Newgame Plus category.
It could bring out some awesome things.

And god, I wanna BA hoverboots/hookshot to B right now and try it as young link!
« Last Edit: June 25, 2011, 08:15:32 PM by CloudMax » Logged

Deku Scrub

Posts: 7

« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2011, 02:47:56 PM »

Oh lawd, Grezzo so bad.
Regular Guay

Posts: 63

Zelda Scientist®

Acryte@hotmail.com Acry7e
WWW Email
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2011, 03:04:30 PM »

I love grezzo. They put it in just to make us happy!

Wisdom; Power; Courage.
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Mega Guay

Posts: 579

« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2011, 03:21:01 PM »

I love grezzo. They put it in just to make us happy!

I am just as happy as Darunia is in your sig right now. =D

Video of starting with Bottle on B coming soon.

Deku Scrub

Posts: 7

« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2011, 03:25:57 PM »

This is incredible. I should learn how RBA actually works so I can play around with it.

Is there a way to start with adult-only items on B, such as the hover boots?
Regular Guay

Posts: 63

Zelda Scientist®

Acryte@hotmail.com Acry7e
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« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2011, 03:56:09 PM »


download that rar. It has almost everything you need to know about BA... though the Cosmo's BA one should be replaced by the newest ZSR one... but the rest of it is on point. ZSO CHARTS (very useful) as well as the JayTheHam (zelda chaos) charts, and my posts from SDA explaining RBA/BA in depth. It also has pseudocode explaining each step of the RBA's code and what is going on exactly (awesome with helping you understand the mechanics of it).

this is that pseudocode if you don't feel like downloading the rar (though I'd recommend just dling it)

long story short, just learn how BA works, make it point to an item amount you can edit. Change the amount of the item to whatever you want to get on B from the item's list. Then you just go through time back and forward. At that point, do the steps cloud listed above
« Last Edit: June 25, 2011, 03:57:49 PM by Acryte » Logged

Wisdom; Power; Courage.
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Mega Guay

Posts: 579

« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2011, 06:31:26 PM »

Longshot/hookshot as young link causes him to get stuck in an animation.
Hover boots as young link works perfectly as long as you do not walk over an edge and start to hover. The 3ds freezes.
Megaton hammer works perfectly as young link. It is invisible though.
OoT/Fairy Ocarina on B works perfectly with young link and adult link.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2011, 06:55:22 PM by CloudMax » Logged

Deku Scrub

Posts: 4

« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2011, 06:47:00 PM »

Glad I could help!

What were they thinking when the ancient Gerudos built the Spirit Temple? Why did they put a couple of Deku Shields not to mention oddly specific engravings in the blueprints? Was the entire world designed with Link in mind?
Deku Scrub

Posts: 7

« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2011, 07:42:13 PM »

Anyone know why saving with a bottle on B as child Link doesn't seem to work? The button resets to nothing immediately (Link even puts the bottle away) every time I try, yet I can keep the Master Sword on him and a bottle on adult Link just fine.
Site Editor
Mega Guay

Posts: 579

« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2011, 07:54:26 PM »

Anyone know why saving with a bottle on B as child Link doesn't seem to work? The button resets to nothing immediately (Link even puts the bottle away) every time I try, yet I can keep the Master Sword on him and a bottle on adult Link just fine.

We do not know why, but any item you set on B using this glitch resets unless it is a sword.

Deku Scrub

Posts: 7

« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2011, 12:42:04 AM »

After much messing around I'm fairly certain that it's caused by there being two separate variables determining your B button item. It probably checks to see if the temporary variable is a sword before writing it to your save file, otherwise it reverts to the more permanent variable which seems to be the proper item you have on B, but I can't be sure.

Case in point: Getting a bottle on B using the rod method and immediately saving reverted B back to the deku stick. Regardless of what else I did it wouldn't save the bottle on B until I tried it on Epona. After getting off Epona and saving again the bottle stayed there, which means being on a horse likely ignores the sword check and writes the bottle to the more permanent variable. No idea if this is related to how you can carry over the item to a new file afterwards.

I was also unable to pull off BA twice in a row without saving on Epona. Using an unsaved bottle just gave adult Link the previous item he had on B instead of a new one. I tested this by putting a Deku Nut on B and using the backflip to put a bottle there again. Going back and forward in time from there gave me back the Deku Nut regardless of what was on II, as did saving the game.

I'll explore this saving oddity more tomorrow. A workaround such as reproducing the horse-save as child Link would be nice though.

Edit: Just now noticing the edits to the OP. Going to see if saving with the fishing method as child Link makes your B item stay on save/death. If it's essentially the same as a horse then it should work.

Edit2: It does. You still lose the item if you quit, load, and save/die again without holding rod though. It might become permanent if you instead return the rod and save again like I was doing with Epona, but I won't be testing this until I get some sleep.

Edit3: Made a few more discoveries to further enlarge this wall of text. You can actually just hop on and off a horse and it will let you keep the item on B if you save afterward, until you reload your file. With the fishing rod however, you have to always save with it in your hands in order to keep the item.

I tried EVERYTHING to make the item permanent like the deku stick is, but no dice. If you do BA multiple times in a row (possible with items that can be turned back into bottles), it just cycles backwards through them every time you save and reload.

Let's say for example you get the deku stick on B, turn it into bottle, get on and off horse, put deku nut on B using BA, turn that into bottle, hop on horse, bomb on B, turn into bottle, and hop on a horse one last time. Saving and loading repeatedly from here will make you go from bottle -> bomb -> bottle -> deku nut -> bottle -> deku stick. Somehow the game remembers every item you previously had on B up to the deku stick, which means there must be a limit and something interesting could happen if you were to break it.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2011, 12:43:09 PM by Grimic » Logged
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