Guys, I am trying to get a good time, and I'm mostly stuck on Volvagia. How do you interrupt his attacks to beat him in around 40 secs?
Also, I CANNOT for the life of me get under 2 minutes with Twinrova. Am I supposed to once-cycle phase two, or not? In any case, any tips on how to do it?
And also, any tips for Phantom Ganon?
Heck, in general, are there any good boss guides? There don't seem to be any on this website... But I have relatively good/passable times on most bosses, and would really like to improve them. Any tips?
EDIT: Since my Twinrova time seems kinda not too bad, I though I'd submit it:

(True story: I lost 6 seconds going to the warp portal... -_-)