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Author Topic: OoT Child STICK ROUTE!  (Read 10024 times)
Deku Scrub

Posts: 10

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« on: March 24, 2011, 10:45:37 PM »

Ok if you been on the chat you know i've been talking about it so here it is...

Segmented Stick ROUTE
Segment 1
1.   Intro
2.   Save.
Segment 2
3.   Get 50 rupees
4.   Buy Shield and Stick (1 Deku Sticks)
5.   Save.
Segment 3
6.   Cosmo Escape
7.   Go to Kakariko (Back Walk, Peahat Super Slide opt.)
8.   Get four cuccos into fence
9.   BOTW Early
10.   Save.
Segment 4
11.   Hit Skuluta with stick and pass by.
12.   Grab Deku Stick in Pot (2 Deku Sticks)
13.   Grab Key
14.   Get Deku nuts from chest in main room (DON’T kill Skuluta)
15.   Actor Glitch
16.   Deku nut Skuluta Clip (4 Deku Nuts)
17.   Get Chus (10 Chus)
18.   Save.
Segment 5
19.   Exit well
20.   Finish Cucco route and get bottle
21.   Get bugs from rock near Skuluta house
22.   Save.
Segment 6
23.   From Links House go to Lost Woods
24.   From Lost Woods Enter Goron Village
25.   Break Rocks with Chus (9 Chus)
26.   Exit Goron Village
27.   Break DC rock with Chus and enter DC (8 Chus)
28.   Save.
Segment 7
29.   Break Rock in DC with Chus (7 Chus)
30.   Lava pit Navi text skip
31.   Runnerguy’s Ground Jump with Chus (6 Chus)
32.   Activate Switch
33.   Go to Unlocked door
34.   Blow Stairs with Chus (5 Chus)
35.   Climb Stairs and enter door
36.   Back Flip on to thing then back flip on switch
37.   Open door and head to end
38.   Mega flip with Chu to get to bomb bag chest (4 Chus)
39.   Get Bomb bag (20 Bombs)
40.   Light Head’s Eyes with bombs (18 Bombs)
41.   Head into Heads mouth
42.   Kill Keese if needed
43.   Drop bugs out of bottle
44.   Catch the bugs
45.   Back flip onto switch and Ocarina Item
46.   Enter boss room
47.   Open dirt patch Bomb (17 Bombs)
48.   ISG of Navi against boss
49.   Throw bomb hit him with ISG stick
50.   Repeat (15 Bombs When done.)
51.   Goron Ruby cutscene
52.   Save.
Segment 8
53.   Exit Links House
54.   Mega Flip across Mido with Bomb (14 Bombs)
55.   Get damaged by Babas (Half Heart Remaining)
56.   CS skip Bomb (13 Bombs)
57.   Repeat number 54.(13 Bombs)
58.   Back Walk into Deku Tree
59.   Save.
Segment 9
60.   Climb Vine and skip text by pulling stick out
61.   Activate ISG of wall skuluta
62.   Break web
63.   Save.
Segment 10
64.   Mp’s baba megaflip to unloaded basement
65.   Push Crate off thing
66.   Hit Switch and light stick
67.   Burn Web with stick
68.   2-3-1
69.   Boss
70.   Deku Tree Death CS
71.   Save.
Segment 11
72.   Exit Links House
73.   To lost Woods
74.   Mega Flip onto bridge with Bomb (12 Bombs)
75.   Exit Lost Woods
76.   SuperSlide to Zora River (11 Bombs)
77.   Blow up rocks with bomb (10 Bombs)
78.   Grab Cucco
79.   Early Zora’s Domain Cucco
80.   Mega Sidehop past King Zora (9 Bombs)
81.   Early Jabu Jabu
82.   Save.
Segment 12
83.   BackWalk and hit switch with Bomb (8 Bombs)
84.   Back Walk to Ruto Cs
85.   Grab Ruto
86.   Throw her onto ledge
87.   Jump on ledge
88.   Grab her go to Tonsle thingy throw her at it
89.   Back To room with holes
90.   Enter next door
91.   To boomerange switch
92.   Enter Room
93.   Get ISG of Stingrays
94.   Use Deku Nuts to get sting rays out (2 Deku Nuts)
95.   Kill StingRays With ISG STICK
96.   Get Boomerange
97.   Back to first door you entered
98.   MegaFlip to Blue Switch
99.   OI onto switch
100.   Enter Room
101.   Hit Switch with chu explosion
102.   Kill Boss
103.   Save. YOUR DONE YEAH!

any edits please let me know so it can be fixed THANKS!
Deku Scrub

Posts: 10

WWW Email
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2011, 10:48:14 PM »

EDIT theres a mistake in the well Break stick off dirt in Dead hand room and 1 cycle Dead Hand
Regular Guay

Posts: 116

« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2011, 10:57:31 PM »

so the idea is to never get the sword and still complete the child portion? because if that is the case just buy stick and deku shield do the pokey forest escape get ZL and then mido wont stop you from going to the deku tree so you can just walk in and do the natural route
Deku Scrub

Posts: 10

WWW Email
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2011, 11:25:12 PM »

If you did that it would take longer because you got to go through the castle which has 3 cutscenes and the ocarina cutscene
Special Guay

Posts: 330

« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2011, 12:53:51 AM »

I don't have time to look at this, but just from a glance, why on earth are you getting bottle?

Regular Guay

Posts: 95

« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2011, 09:41:37 AM »

Segment 9
60.   Climb Vine and skip text by pulling stick out
61.   Activate ISG of wall skuluta
62.   Break web
63.   Save.
Segment 10
64.   Mp’s baba megaflip to unloaded basement
65.   Push Crate off thing
66.   Hit Switch and light stick
67.   Burn Web with stick
68.   2-3-1
69.   Boss
70.   Deku Tree Death CS
71.   Save.

Why are you splitting this into segments? Couldn't you just break the web then Skulltula vine clip?
Regular Guay

Posts: 60

Mind over Matter? NONSENSE, Logic over religion? k

WWW Email
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2011, 03:12:16 PM »

your segmenting this?

TASer for Speedzelda
Speedzelda: http://www.youtube.com/user/SpeedZelda
Deku Scrub

Posts: 10

WWW Email
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2011, 09:57:47 PM »

I was thinking that you could web clip in the basement thats why i put it into two segments but i forgot to change it.  And the reason why i got the bottle is to OI in DC and in Jabu Jabu
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