If you really want to have a good time, restart your run, a tip I can give you is: LIMIT YOUR LOST SECONDS OVER THE PLAYED MINUTES.
I allow myself to lost 1 second per minute played, if the segment is 3-4 minutes long, if the segment is 5 minutes or longer te 5 seconds lost per minute is ok, like in my run at segment 1, 1:00 minute long and 1 second lost (can you find it??), segment 30 (31??) well Arbiter's Ground's, thugh I haven´t uploaded it, it was 14:07 minutes long, with around 15 seconds lost. What I want to say is, do the route 3 or 4 times, speedrun it and get a nice time, then, only then, you will have a great time cuz you will learn each part. I have to admit I have only done the BiT run only once (yay!) but actually I had beat the EMS route several times with recordable times, the route is practically the same.
I just don´t want you to quit your run when you'r facing the rupee dive, or morpheel withour zora armor, and please do houndreds of little timesavers, many people just say: "nah! it saves only 5 seconds" or so, well, a good amount of 5 seconds timesavers add valious minutes to the saved time. Do your best.
I wonder where the Chimpas from 2010 went...