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Author Topic: RingRush's Random Routes  (Read 35667 times)
Special Guay

Posts: 330

« on: September 07, 2009, 07:54:34 PM »

Edit: Every route in this topic is shit outdated. Don't even bother reading.

This topic is for all my random routes that will probably never get run. Low% MST should probably be in here, but it already has its own topic (and a few people besides me that support it).

New 5 pause skeleton, now with more hardcore and less tricks that don't actually work:

Cycle 1:
Rupees and shit
Buy bomb bag
Chus is spelled right you shitty spellcheck
Deku big octo skip
Get beans from the palace
Back to clock town
Wait for midnight
song of time

Cycle 2:
Buy bombs
Head to southern swamp
Bigocto skip
plant bean
wait for day 2
Ride bean, ISOT, head to sonata
To Song of Soaring
To woodfall, play Sonata to raise it
Back to Clock Town
Song of Healing
Activate owl and buy bombs
To GB, activate observatory owl and get Zora Mask
To cape, activate owl, Soar back to clock town
Head to swamp, get bottle
Head to woodfall, activate owl
SoS back to clock town
Buy Big Bomb Bag at 10:00
ISoT and SoS back to woodfall
Hover into woodfall
Cross first room, bomb drop (use door to get many), soar out
Cross first room again, to bow
BK skip
Beat Odlolla

Cycle 3:
Buy more bombs
Head to Woodfall
Hover into fairy fountain
FFWW to snowhead
Lullaby skip
To central room
Bomb drops back to 30
Up to next level
Fire Arrows
Up 2 da top
BK flip with a recoil skip
Gohts gone wild
Soar to cape
Refill on bombs with pots
FFWW to ikana
More bomb drops
Bombs + Blast mask up stone tower
Hit owl at top
Soar to obsevatory, refill on bombs
PF w/ OoB
To hive room
Waste magic, arrow hive
Head to chest room
Get Hookshot
Egg 1 in nearby tank
Back to observatory
Drop off egg, bomb drops
3 Pinnacle rock eggs, returning after each one
Remaining 3 PF eggs
Learn NWBN

Cycle 4:
Buy chus
Soar to Cape, refill on bombs/arrows
Play Nuhwuhbuhnuh
Hover onto turtle
BK skip w/ bombs
Cheeting gyorg
Play SoS, warp to STT
Refill bombs, hover across gap
Sunblock skip (no angle change)
Through the dungeon as always
Light Arrows
Song of soaring to entrance
Flip STT
Shortcut in first room, BK Skip
Twinmold with arrows
Ride river to swamp, back to clock town
Ocarina on B w/ Honey and Darling
Defeat Manjora
Claim your superiority

OoT Low% No RBA/BA Route:
This was my first route....good times.
TAS only, but I'll segment it like a non TAS run anyways
[Editors note: As you can see, this is a 16 item route, showing how way outdated it is. Keep in mind that many of these routes in this topic may be outdated.]

Segment 1:
1. Intro
2. Save

Segment 2:
1. 21R
2. Kokiri Sword [I1]
3. Save

Segment 3:
1. 19R
2. Deku Shield [I2]
3. 1 Deku Stick [I3]
4. Equip all items
5. Save

Segment 4:
1. Forest Escape
2. To Gerudo Valley
3. Cucco jump
4. Save in fortress

Segment 5:
1. Gate skip
2. Cross wasteland
3. Enter Spirit Temple and save

Segment 6:
1. Nabooru
2. Kill Armos and Keese
3. Light torches in next room
4. Stalfos megaflip
5. Get key
6. Save

Segment 7:
1. Back to Armos room
2. Use key
3. Work up to room with Bombchus
4. Hover off Lizalfos to hit the crystal switch to drop Bombchus
5. Get Bombchus [I4]
6. Shine light (9 chus)
7. Key on upper child side
8. Onto statue shoulder
9. Statue tricks to adult side
10. Work up to Mirror Chest (8 chus) [I5]
11. Save

Segment 8:
1. Forest escape again
2. Back to Gerudo Valley
3. GTG early
4. Get chu chest (12 chus)
5. Save

Segment 9:
1. Exit GTG
2. Save

Segment 10:
1. To Sacred Forest Meadow
2. Hover to Forest Temple (4 chus)
3. Save

Segment 11:
1. Small key from outdoors
2. Small key from Stalfos
3. Bubble hover to reach balcony room
4. Small key from floormaster and save

Segment 12:
1. Back to block room
2. Bubble hover to top
3. Continue to fairy bow and quiver [I6, I7]
4. Save

Segment 13:
1. Exit Forest Temple
2. Save

Segment 14:
1. Forest escape to bridge
2. Grab Fairy Ocarina [I8]
3. To Hyrule Castle
4. Bombchu boost to skip Cucco and Egg (3 chus)
5. Zelda's Letter and Lullaby [I9, I10]
6. To Kakariko Village
7. Cucco dive to well
8. Save

Segment 15:
1. Lower water level
2. Skulltala clip for chus (13 chus)
3. Save

Segment 16:
1. Well
2. To DoT
3. DoT skip
4. Adult Cutscene for Master Sword + Light Medallion [I11, I12]
5. Save

Segment 17:
1. To Kakariko Graveyard
2. Shadow early with Poe
3. Save

Segment 18:
1. Megaflip gap (12 chus)
2. Bird statue
3. Another megaflip (11 chus)
4. To the spinning scythe room
5. Jumpslash SB and jump to boat wheel
6. ZL to start boat
7. Arrow the pillar
8. Get the Boss Key from the spikewall room in the maze
9. Go to Bongo Bongo (10 chus)
10. Shadow Medallion [I13]
11. Save

Segment 18:
1. To Gerudo Valley
2. Megaflip bridge (9 chus)
3. Save in fortress

Segment 19:
1. To the wall
2. Damage boost jumpslash (8 chus)
3. Adult Gate skip (7 chus)
4. Wasteland
5. Guay Hover and enter spirit temple via mirror shield side
6. Kill Iron Knuckle from behind
7. Small key from shining sun room
8. To boss key
9. To the mirror room
10. Blow up the rock wall in the maze and shine light on the big mirror (6 chus)
11. Get on the platform that will lower, lure a flying pot with magic at you, shield it and shine light at the sun while the magic is falling
12. Destroy the face
13. Make sure the magic landed on the platform and activate ISG from it
14. Hover to boss door (1 chu)
15. Iron Knuckle and Twinrova
16. Spirit Medallion [I14]
17. Save

Segment 20:
1. Light Arrows [I15]
2. Ganon's Castle
3. Save

Segment 21:
1. Spirit Trial rupees (0 chus)
2. Spirit Trial Chus (20 chus)
2. Save

Segment 22:
1. Up Death Mountain and to Magic Meter [I16] (18 chus)
2. Save

Segment 23:
1. Back to the castle
2. Save

Segment 24:
1. Trial skip
2. Save

Segment 25:
1. Finish it up

OoT Low C Button Presses Route (Outside of songs)

Once again, TAS only, but I'll segment it as if it weren't. Also, it probably isn't the fastest route, but it works.

Golden Skulltala route not included, might add later

Segment 1:
1. Intro
2. Save

Segment 2:
1. 21R
2. Kokiri Sword
3. Save

Segment 3:
1. 19R
2. Deku Shield
3. Save

Segment 4:
1. Forest Escape
2. To Gerudo Valley
3. Cucco Jump
4. Save in Fortress

Segment 5:
1. Gate skip as child
2. Cross the wasteland
3. Guay Hover to Silver Gauntlets
4. Enter and exit temple for requiem
5. Save

Segment 6:
1. Forest Escape again
2. To Castle
3. Get Lullaby the normal way [U1 - Showing cucco]
4. To Temple of Time
5. DoT Skip
6. Save

Segment 7:
1. To the graveyard
2. Get Hookshot
3. Get Hylian Shield
4. Poe superslide warp to Shadow Temple
5. Save

Segment 8:
1. Hookshot gap [U2 - Hookshot]
2. Grab Hover Boots
3. Save

Segment 9:
1. Exit Shadow Temple
2. To Dodongo's Cavern
3. Save

Segment 10:
1. Ground jump with bomb flower to skip Deku Sticks
2. Sidehop jump slash to skip Slingshot
3. Grab Bomb Bag
4. Save

Segment 11:
1. Exit Cavern
2. Go to Goron City
3. Use bomb flowers to buy Broken Goron's Knife
4. Up to the death mountain fountain with hover boot tricks
5. Magic Meter [U3 - Ocarina for Lullaby]
6. Save

Segment 12:
1. Play Requiem of Spirit [U4 - Ocarina]
2. Guay Hover to Mirror Shield chest
3. Get key with Mirroring light
4. To the boss key room [U5 - Ocarina for Lullaby to open boss key room]
5. Through the fire and flames we grab the boss key
6. Continue through the temple, bomb wall for light room [U6 - Bomb]
7. Shine light on statue face
8. Hookshot to face [U7 - Hookshot]
9. Iron Knuckle, Twinrova, Spirit Medallion, etc
10. Save

Segment 13:
1. To Kokiri Forest
2. Lost Woods w/ Mido Skip
3. Enter Forest Temple [U8 - Hookshot]

Segment 14:
1. Small key from outdoors
2. Small key from Stalfos
3. Hover boots to balcony from silver block room
4. Small key from floormaster
5. Back to and up the block room
6. Continue to fairy bow and quiver
7. Save

Segment 15:
1. Exit Forest Temple
2. Save

Segment 16:
1. Back to the graveyard
2. Shadow Early again with Poe
3. Save

Segment 17:
1. Hover boot backwalk the first gap
2. Bird Statue
3. Hover across gap
4. To the spinning scythe room
5. Jumpslash SB and jump to boat wheel
6. Start the boat [U9 - Ocarina for lullaby]
7. Arrow the pillar [U10 - Bow]
8. Boss Key without Din's Fire
9. Go to Bongo Bongo
10. Shadow Medallion
11. Save

Segment 18:
1. Light Arrows
2. Ganon's Castle
3. Save

Segment 19:
1. Trial skip
2. Save

Segment 20:
1. Up the tower
2. Light Arrow single cycle Ganondorf [U11 - Light Arrow]
3. Escape the castle
4. Giant's Knife to beat Ganon

OoT Low C MST (Another old route, probably one or two more can be dropped by now)

Segment 1-3:
- Sword
- Shield
- Stick from a baba
- Enter Deku Tree and save

Segment 4:
- Nut from a baba
- To the top floor
- Web break
- Immediately save

Segment 5
- Get GS on bottom floor [1GST]
- Skulltula clip
- Scrub room
- One cycle gohma (U1 – Nut)
- Save

Segment 6:
- Exit forest the normal way, getting ocarina
- To Zora’s River
- Roll into tree [2GST]
- To Lon Lon Ranch
- Enter just at night
- Tree; back of horse area [4GST]
- To Kakriko
- Near path to DM, tree in center, GS house, house in construction [8GST]
- Exit, wait til day, enter Castle
- Crate in first Marketplace room [9GST]
- Tree in front of castle [10GST]
- Talk to Talon
- Back for Egg
- Back to Talon and wait for day
- Show Cucco (U2 – Cucco)
- Continue to Lullaby and letter
- Back to Kakriko
- Adult’s Wallet
- Castle chains for 200 Rupees
- Save

Segment 7:
- Exit forest
- Peahat SS to GV
- Cucco jump
- Save in Fortress

Segment 8:
- Child gate skip
- Quicksand backwalk
- Early chus w/ salesman
- To Spirit Temple
- Save

Segment 9:
- Nabooru
- Armos and Keese
- Bubble jumpslash boost in Stalfos room
- Kill Anubis
- Collect Rupees
- Light torchs (U3 – Deku Stick)
- Small key and save

Segment 10:
- Locked door
- Climb skulltula wall
- Chu rock to shine sun (U4 – Bombchu)
- Up to top of child side
- Collect rupees, hovering off beamos laser
- Light torchs (U5 – Deku Stick)
- Push Sun block
- Up some more
- IK
- Silver Gauntlets
- Jump down and re-enter spirit temple
- Exit for Requiem
- Save

Segment 11:
- Exit forest
- To Lake Hylia
- Grab a few rupees
- Fishing pond
- Golden Scale early
- Ruto’s bottle
- Dive to ZD
- Show letter to King Zora (U6 – Ruto’s Letter)
- Jumpslash into Jabu Jabu
- Save

Segment 12:
- Bomb on first switch (U7 – Bomb)
- Bring Ruto back to the top
- To the boomerang
- Back to second room
- Throw Ruto across gap
- Jellyfish megaflip
- Place ruto on switch
- Boomerang “boss key” switch (U8 – Boomerang)
- Barinade (U9, U10, U11, U12, U13, U14, U15, U16 – Boomerang)

Segement 13:
- Exit forest
- To Castle
- 200 Rupees (or a bit less) from chains
- Din’s fire (U17 – Bomb, U18 – Ocarina)
- To Temple of Time
- DoT skip
- Save

Segment 14:
- To Kakriko
- Hookshot and Hylian shield in graveyard
- Poe Superslide warp + Seamwalk for shadow early
- Save

Segment 15:
- Hookshot across gap (U19 – Hookshot)
- To hover boots
- Dead Hand
- Hover boots and save

Segment 16:
- Backwalk over across first gap
- Bird Statue
- Hover onwards
- To the spinning scythe
- Jumpslash SB
- Onto the ship
- ZL to start it (U20 – Ocarina)
- To the end
- Chu statue (U21 – Bombchu)
- To the boss key
- To the boss
- Bongo Bongo w/ just Master Sword
- Shadow Medallion
- Up to Death Mountain
- Enter DC and save

Segment 17:
- Bomb flower into main room
- Bomb flower ground jump to switch
- Bomb flower stairs
- Bomb flower wall in sliding trap room
- Hover or sidehop jumpslash past fire
- Lizafoes
- Hover or sidehop jumpslash past fires
- Bomb bag
- Bomb eyes (U22 & U23 – Bomb)
- Inner DC without OIing switch
- Bomb path to KD (U24 – Bomb)
- KD with bomb flowers
- Re-enter DC and save

Segment 18:
- Hover boot tricks up DM and into Magic Meter room
- Magic (U25 – Ocarina)
- To Goron City
- Bomb flowers for Giant’s Knife and Goron Tunic
- Fire Temple w/o Bolero via hover boots
- Save in Temple

Segment 19:
- Darunia
- Small key from left
- Save

Segment 20:
- To the right door
- Small key in left of this room
- Small key in the right of this room (U26 – Bomb)
- Block geyser room
- Use hovers and push block down, climb up, crystal switch (U27 – Bomb)
- Two Small keys in maze room
- Moving fire wall room
- Easy small key from top of maze room
- Enter top door in moving fire room
- Hover boots small key skip in fire wall maze
- Bomb fake door (U28 – Bomb)
- Defeat flare dancer (U29, U30, U31 – Hookshot)
- Crystal switch room #2 (U32 – Bomb)
- Up to Megaton Hammer
- Backtrack to fire wall room
- Hammer down platform (U33 - Hammer)
- Bomb hover boss key skip (U34, U35, U36, U37, U38 - Bomb)
- Volvagia with Infinite Hammer Glitch (U39 - Hammer)
- Fire Medallion
- Save

Segment 21:
- To Kokiri Forest
- To Lost Woods
- Mido Skip
- To Sacred Forest Meadow
- Minuet of Forest
- Enter Forest temple and save (U40 – Hookshot)

Segment 22:
- Small key from outdoors
- Small key from Stalfos
- Hover boots to balcony from silver block room
- Small key from floormaster
- Back to and up the block room
- Continue to fairy bow and quiver
- Save

Segment 23:
- Unreal Boss Key skip w/ backflip
- Phantom Ganon (U41, U42, U43 – Bow)
- Forest Medallion
- Save

Segment 24:
- To Lake Hylia
- Acute OoB
- Enter Water temple from OoB
- Save

Segment 25:
- To the center
- Din’s Dive to Ruto room (U44 – Din’s Fire)
- Lower water level (U45 – Ocarina)
- Small key in room behind cracked wall (U46 – Bomb)
- Small key in room behind torches (U47 – Din’s Fire)
- Towards the boss key
- Hover boots past the spike room
- Weird current rolling rock room
- Boss Key
- Save

Segment 26:
- Tektite hover towards boss door
- Open with boss key
- Morpha with jump slashes
- Water Medallion
- Fire Arrows (U48 – Bow)
- Save

Segment 27:
- Requiem (U49 – Ocarina)
- Enter spirit temple
- Save

Segment 28:
- Push or hoverboot skip silver block, whichever faster
- Crystal switch (U50 – Bow)
- Silver rupees, getting one with hover boots
- Up to the Statue room
- Small key in statue room (U51 – Ocarina)
- Save

Segment 29:
- Back to Statue room
- Beamos and Anubis room (U52 – Bomb)
- To IK room
- IK
- Mirror Shield
- Small key from shining sun room
- To boss key (U53 – Ocarina)
- Through fire and flames grab boss key
- To the mirror room
- Blow up the rock wall in the maze and shine light (U54 – Bomb)
- Destroy face
- Hookshot to face (U55 – Hookshot)
- Iron Knuckle and Twinrova
- Spirit Medallion
- Save

Segment 30:
- Light Arrows
- Enter Ganon’s Castle
- Save

Segment 31:
- Head to Shadow Trial
- GG switch (U56 - Fire Arrow)
- Golden Gauntlets (U57 - Fire Arrow)
- Door switch (U58 - Hammer)
- Destroy Shadow barrier (U59 - Light Arrow)
- Head to Forest Trial
- Light Torchs (U60 - Din's Fire, U61 - Fire Arrow)
- Silver rupee room
- Destroy Forest barrier (U62 - Light Arrow)
- Head to Water Trial
- Hookshot clip first red ice (U63 - Hookshot)
- Clip second red ice (U64 - Bow)
- Hit switch (U65 - Hammer)
- Destroy Water barrier (U66 - Light Arrow)
- Head to Fire Trial
- Collect rupees
- Hover boot superslide to door (U67 - Bomb)
- Destroy Fire barrier (U68 - Light Arrow)
- Head to Light Trial
- Kill enemies for key
- ZL key (U69 - Ocarina)
- Collect rupees (U70 - Hookshot)
- Destroy Light barrier (U71 - Light Arrow)
- Head to Spirit Trial
- Collect rupees (U72 - Hookshot)
- Chu chest room crystal switchs (U73 - Bombchu)
- Mirror shield room (U74 - Fire Arrow)
- Destroy Spirit barrier (U75 - Light Arrow)
- Up to Upper Castle
- Save

Segment 32:
- Kill lizafos
- Kill stalfos
- Kill IKs
- Ganondorf single cycle (U76 - Light Arrow)
- Escape
- Ganon first phase w/ Giant's knife
- Ganon final phase w/ Master sword  

"This message exceeds the maximum allowed length"
« Last Edit: September 22, 2011, 06:42:32 AM by RingRush » Logged

Special Guay

Posts: 330

« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2009, 07:54:42 PM »

Least Game Time Route (OoT)
(parts with game time running in blue)

Segment 1:
- Get Sword, Shield, Nuts, Sticks, Slingshot
- Save

Segment 2:
- Escape forest either with Kokiri Emerald or with ISG megaflip, but you must get the fairy ocarina
- Owl Skip
- Peahat superslide to Gerudo Valley
- Cucco jump

- Once in fortress, save

Segment 3:
- Gate skip
- Haunted wasteland
- Through Desert Collosus
- Save in Spirit Temple

Segment 4:
- To chus (10 chus)
- Save

Segment 5:
- Exit and learn Requiem
- Save

Segment 6:
- To Lost Woods
- Chu boulder and enter Goron City (9 chus)
- Exit from top, backflipping over short fence with a chu, and enter DC (8 chus)
- Save

Segment 7:
- To the switch (6 chus)
- To the bomb bag (4 chus)
- Save

Segment 8:
- Exit DC
- Superslide down the mountain to Kakriko Village
- To graveyard
- Get Hylian Shield
- Bomb hover to Shadow Temple
- Save

Segment 9:
- Megaflip gap
- To Hover Boots
- Save

Segment 10:
- Exit Kakriko (restock on bombs in graveyard)
- Superslides to the castle
- Bomb hover over the gate if it is up

- Through marketplace
- Superslides to Zelda's castle
- Chu boost or megaflip gap to castle

- Learn ZL and Letter
- Re-enter marketplace
- Check time for child segment outside of ToT
- DoT skip
- Save as adult

Segment 11:
- Exit marketplace
- Superslides to Kakriko
- Get hookshot in grave
- Bomb hover up to Shadow Temple
- Save

Segment 12:
- Complete Shadow Temple
- Re-enter shadow temple and save

Segment 13:
- Up Death Mountain to Goron City
- Get Goron Tunic
- Head into Lost Woods
- To SFM
- Minuet
- Hookshot to Forest Temple and save

Segment 14:
- Assorted small keys
- Bombs and hoverboot tricks up block room
- Fairy bow & quiver
- Save

Segment 15:
- Back through Lost Woods to Goron City
- Push Statue on bottom to enter Death Mountain Crater
- Up the crater
- Blow up rock to magic cave and go inside
- Get Magic meter
- Play Requiem
- Enter Spirit Temple w/ leever-bomb superslide

Segment 16:
- Silver block skip w/ hovers
- Up the adult side
- Kill Iron Knuckle
- Get the Mirror Shield then get back inside
- Up the rest of the way
- Boss key and destroy face
- IK and Twinrova
- Save after Spirit Medallion

Segment 17:
- Light Arrows
- Check time on way to Ganon's Castle

Segment 18:
- Beat the castle

I also have an OoT low pause route on TNSC, yet I think it can be done with one less pause. I'm too lazy to fix it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2009, 05:00:52 AM by RingRush » Logged

Special Guay

Posts: 355

« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2009, 11:35:10 PM »

Maybe it's just me, but every time I try reading a route, I can't picture much of it in my head as it's always too vague and my attention is drawn to something else shotrly afterwards

Mega Guay

Posts: 659

also pheenoh <3

« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2009, 12:18:02 AM »

Oh you Roll Eyes

I for one think that there are no glitches in OoT. It's just gameshark codes.

RBA stands for Rare Bird Adventure. We call it that because we need to get the blue cucco in order to use it.
Special Guay

Posts: 330

« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2009, 12:47:23 AM »

OoT Any% No RBA/BA

Segment 1
1. Intro
2. Save

Segment 2:
1. 21R
2. Kokiri Sword
3. Save

Segment 3:
1. 29R
2. Deku Shield + Deku Stick
3. Equip items and save

Segment 4:
1. Crouch stab Forest Escape
2. Fairy Ocarina
3. Owl text skip
4. Peahat superslide to valley
5. Cucco jump
6. Save in fortress

Segment 5:
1. Child gate skip
2. Quicksand backwalk
3. Haunted wasteland
4. Save in Spirit Temple

Segment 6:
1. Nabooru
2. Armos and Keese
3. Light torch for small key chest
4. Bubble slash trick / Megaflip off Stalfos
5. Anubis room (20 rupees from Anubis)
6. Small Key
7. Save

Segment 7:
1. Up the wall
2. Hover off of lizafoes for chus
3. Save

Segment 8:
1. Exit for Requiem
2. Equip Bombchus, save

Segment 9:
1. Exit forest through Goron City (9 chus)
2. To DC
3. Blow open rock (8 chus)
4. Save

Segment 10:
1. Blow open wall (7 chus)
2. Ground jump switch (6 chus)
3. Chu stairs (5 chus)
4. Chu megaflip to bombs (4 chus)
5. Equip bombs, save

Segment 11:
1. Exit DC
2. To Kakriko
3. Superslides/ESS to entrance after dropping past stairs (19 bombs)
4. To Hyrule Field
5. Water ESS towards river
6. Enter River
7. Chu rocks (3 chus)
8. Superslide --> ESS to bean salesman (18 bombs)
9. Buy a bean
10. Equip beans instead of Deku Stick, save

Segment 12:
1. Play Requiem
2. Superslide to patch (17 bombs)
3. Plant bean
4. Save

Segment 13:
1. ESS to forest exit (16 bombs)
2. Crouch stab escape
3. Superslide to market (15 bombs) [Not sure if it will be day or not]
4. 2 hearts of damage from GS
5. To Castle w/ supaslidin' (14 bombs)
6. Chu boost past moat (2 chus)
7. To Zelda's room
8. Lullaby cutscene skip (13 bombs)
9. To Temple of Time
10. DoT Skip
11. Save

Segment 14:
1. To Kakriko w/ SS+ESS (12 bombs)
2. To graveyard
3. Bomb drop from grass (17 bombs)
4. Hylian Shield + Hookshot
5. Pause, equip hylian shield, Cs should be Hookshot, Bombs, and Bombchu
6. Shadow early w/ house hover 1 bombs+2 chu (16 bombs, 0 chu)
7. Save

Segment 15:
1. Hookshot first gap
2. To Dead Hand
3. Hover Boots
4. Save, equipping Hover Boots, Cs should be Hookshot, Bombs, and Fairy Ocarina

Segment 16:
1. Hover backwalk past first gap
2. To scythe room
3. Down and out w/ acute angle
4. Onto the boat
5. Start the boat w/ ZL
6. To boss key, redead clip
7. Superslide hover across the gap (15 bombs)
8. To Bongo Bongo
9. Shadow Medallion
10. Up Death Mountain, save in DC

Segment 17:
1. DM seam trick + Superslide (14 bombs)
2. Magic (13 bombs)
3. To Goron City
4. Warp to LW
5. Bomb drop from plants (18 bombs)
5. To Mido
6. Mido Skip
7. ESS to SFM (17 bombs)
8. GJ on top of maze (16 bombs)
9. Minuet w/ death cutscene skip (15 bombs)
10. Save

Segment 18:
1. Play Minuet
2. Hookshot to Forest Temple
3. Save

Segment 19:
1. Key outside
2. Stalfos key
3. OoB and mega jump to block room (14 bombs)
4. Block room trix (11 bombs)
5. Fairy bow and quiver
6. Save

Segment 20:
1. Play Requiem
2. SS to bean plant (10 bombs)
3. To rock
4. SS w/ hovers to Spirit Temple (9 bombs)
5. Carefully head left
6. Hookshot to Silver Gauntlets chest
7. SS w/ hovers to other side (8 bombs)
8. Trigger and get Mirror Shield chest
9. Unequip hovers, equip Mirror Shield
10. Mirror Shield small key
11. To and through Anubis and Beamos room (7 bombs)
12. Up the statue (6 bomb)
13. Hookshot clip face
14. BK skip (3 bombs)
15. Twinrova (use ISG to help) (2 bombs)
16. Save

Segment 21:
1. Light Arrows
2. To Ganon's Castle w/ one SS (1 bomb)
3. Save, Cs should be Hookshot, Bombs, Light Arrows

Segment 22:
1. Blow up beamos for bomb drop (5 bombs)
2. Trial skip w/ bomb hover (3 bombs)
3. Save

Segment 23:
1. Up to Dorf, using one SS on long stairs (2 bombs)
3. Single cycle dorf (use ISG for help) (1 bomb)
4. Down the castle
5. SS to keep master sword (0 bombs)
6. Ganon
7. Win

Alternate ending, since that Spirit segment may be just too hard:

Segment 20:
1. Play Requiem
2. SS to bean plant (10 bombs)
3. To rock
4. SS w/ hovers to Spirit Temple (9 bombs)
5. Carefully head left
6. Hookshot to Silver Gauntlets chest
7. SS w/ hovers to other side (8 bombs)
8. Trigger and get Mirror Shield chest
9. Unequip hovers, equip Mirror Shield
10. Mirror Shield small key
11. Through the locked Anubis/Beamos room door
12. Up wall to boss key
13. Through fire and flames grab boss key
14. To the mirror room
15. Blow up the rock wall in the maze and shine light (7 bombs)
16. Destroy face
17. Hookshot to face
18. Iron Knuckle and Twinrova (use ISG on Twinrova) (6 bombs)

Segment 21:
1. Light Arrows
2. To Ganon's Castle w/ one SS (5 bombs)
3. Save, Cs should be Hookshot, Bombs, Light Arrows

Segment 22:
1. Trial skip w/ bomb hover (3 bombs)
2. Save

Segment 23:
1. Up to Dorf, using one SS on long stairs (2 bombs)
3. Single cycle dorf (use ISG for help) (1 bomb)
4. Down the castle
5. SS to keep master sword (0 bombs)
6. Ganon
7. Win
« Last Edit: December 06, 2009, 10:29:29 PM by RingRush » Logged

Special Guay

Posts: 439

I'm not your buddy, guay!

« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2009, 03:50:00 AM »

I love these crazy routes, but OoT any% No RBA/BA should be done by someone. That's the sweetest category in the game.

runnerguy your such a mother fucker. whats with all this bombchu shit? all everyone who likes this shit is stupid. ur a fucking cheater. u did that the wrong way, thats not how to get past the king zora u cheater. u suck and i wont continue watching all ur shit! videos.
Special Guay

Posts: 264

What is this I don't even-

WWW Email
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2009, 10:04:37 PM »

I love these crazy routes, but OoT any% No RBA/BA should be done by someone. That's the sweetest category in the game.

the only reason he posted this was because I was thinking about going for a personal best, speedrun, not trying to beat any times, just going for a personal best, so I asked Ringrush what the fastest route would be.

I may attempt this, who knows. It won't be grand or anything, and I may do it on an emulator just to speed up the segmenting process (encoding sux on capture cards ;__;)

who knows.

[21:02:55] <Blizz> Uhh...
[21:02:59] <Blizz> RingRush..
[21:03:06] <Blizz> I was meaning to ask you something
[21:03:13] <RingRush> no I will not go to prom with you
[21:03:16] <Blizz> :<
<@jiano> get off my lawn you damn kids
Special Guay

Posts: 355

« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2009, 10:30:48 PM »

coincidentally I was just thinking about doing this the other day.

Special Guay

Posts: 330

« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2009, 02:57:50 AM »

Trippy Theoretical OoT MST w/ RBA/BA Segmented route

- Sword/Shield/Stick
- Crouch stab escape, Fairy Ocarina, Spirit Chus, and Requiem, savewarp
- LW to GC, to and through DC, get bomb bag ("BK skip" and beat KD)
- Forest escape, to ZR, magic beans, to ZD, silver scale, to LH through warp, Ruto's bottle, show bottle to king, JJB
- Savewarp after sapphire, forest escape again, SSes to fortress, up to Odd Mush, GTG early, get Ice Arrows, save
- Requiem, plant bean, savewarp
- Forest escape for a fourth time, to Market, ZL w/o Egg (cutscene skip also), DoT skip, savewarp
- To Kakriko graveyard, hookshot and hylian shield, shadow early, through shadow (get hovers), medallion and Heart Container, save
- SS to forest, Deku Tree early
- Beat Gohma, up to Lost Woods, trade Cojiro for Odd Mush, rush through and beat Forest (don't worry about Minuet cutscene, it doesn't cost mushroom time; bk skip immediately and use hookshot on PG, no HC needed), mush Forest Medallion cutscene skip, save
- Requiem, Mirror Shield from outside, up through and beat temple (get HC), reverse wasteland, get caught for reverse gate skip, out and down into the river to Hylia, OoB from dried waterfall where you end up, enter Water Temple
- (ALL ONE SEGMENT) Water temple BK skip, beat Morpha (get HC), to the pond, steal rod, bottle on B, RBA Cojiro for quiver, use Ice Arrows (since you don't have magic) to get Fire Arrows, RBA fire arrows for Fire BK, SS to ToT, Light Arrow BA to get Hammer on B, to Castle, do Water and Shadow Trials, back up through Kakriko and up the mountain, get Magic at the top (use Light Arrows to deplete it quickly), megaflip down to Fire Temple, to the left room, enter boss door since you RBAed key, Kill Volvagia (2 cycles), SAVE
- Back to Castle, complete rest of trials, up and kill Ganon and stuff

Special Guay

Posts: 355

« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2009, 04:01:23 AM »

I'd imagine rr has the best road trips

Special Guay

Posts: 264

What is this I don't even-

WWW Email
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2009, 04:09:47 AM »

I'd imagine rr has the best road trips

I saw his car supersliding down the highway backwards, good shit.

[21:02:55] <Blizz> Uhh...
[21:02:59] <Blizz> RingRush..
[21:03:06] <Blizz> I was meaning to ask you something
[21:03:13] <RingRush> no I will not go to prom with you
[21:03:16] <Blizz> :<
<@jiano> get off my lawn you damn kids
Special Guay

Posts: 330

« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2009, 08:00:05 PM »

OoT 3 Pause Route [Has to be on GC, unless you want to megaflip bridge w/o stick]

Segment 1:
- Intro
- Sword
- PAUSE 1: Equip Kokiri Sword
- Save

Segment 2:
- ESS escape (+ Fairy Ocarina)
- To Kakriko w/ WESS
- Return 4 cucco
- Cucco dive to well
- Water unloading glitch
- Dead Hand, get 99R chest [99 R]
- Skulltula clip
- Chu chest [10 C]
- Exit well
- Finish collecting cuccos and get bottle
- Head to Market and make it before night
- Buy Hylian Shield [19 R]
- DoT Skip
- Acute OoB + Fallout till death
- Save and do not continue

Segment 3:
- Head to Kakriko
- Talk to Anju for Pocket Egg
- Pick up and throw rock for Bugs / 1R [20 R]
- PAUSE 2: Equip Hylian Shield, Bombchus on C left, Bottle on C down, Pocket Egg on C right
- Save

Segment 4:
- Head to Hylia
- Six chu hover to pond [4 C]
- Steal rod [0 R]
- Enter water
- Kill self using Guays / Tektites
- Save and do not continue

Segment 5:
- Head to Kakriko (Egg should have hatched by now)
- Wake up Talon
- Reveal bugs by Anju
- Quick Bottle B
- Catch bugs in C bottle
- RBA Pocket Cucco for black gauntlets
- Trade Pocket Cucco for Cojiro
- Up to Death Mountain
- Into Dodongo's Cavern
- Bomb flower wall
- Climb to switch
- Bomb flower staircase [20 R from pot]
- Jump to chest to get bomb bag [20 B]
- Leave DC
- Head into Goron City
- Blow up rocks to warp to Lost Woods [3 C]
- RBA Cojiro for Quiver
- Trade Cojiro for Odd Mushroom
- Back through Lost Woods warp to Death Mountain
- Down to Kakriko
- Buy stick from Bazaar [10 R]
- Jump to roof, go to Potion shop
- Trade Odd Mushroom for Odd Potion
- Up through Death Mountain AGAIN
- To Goron City, through Lost Woods warp
- Trade Potion for Poacher’s Saw
- Back through Lost Woods warp AGAIN
- Climb Death Mountain to fairy fountain [1 C]
- RBA Saw for Lullaby + OI Lullaby for Magic
- Enter Crater, killself
- Save and do not continue

Segment 6:
- Head to Gerudo Valley
- ISG with B stick
- Chu megaflip across bridge [0 C]
- Break stick on B
- Trade Saw for Broken Sword
- Quick Bottle B
- RBA Broken Sword for Medallions
- OI Prelude
- Light Arrow Cutscene
- Drop bugs and begin to catch them
- PAUSE 3: Equip Master Sword, Bombs on C left, Light Arrows on C down, Bottle on C right (this dupes bottle over bow slot)
- Save

Segment 7:
- Head to Castle grounds
- SS to bridge cutscene [19 B]
- SS across bridge to castle [18 B]
- Staircase trial skip [16 B]
- Up the upper tower (get arrow drop from enemies or pot)
- SS up last staircase [15 B]
- Single cycle Ganondorf
- Escape
- Superslide to Ganon to keep Master Sword [14 B]
- Commit gerudo male genocide
- .done
« Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 07:23:39 PM by RingRush » Logged

Site Editor
Mega Guay

Posts: 613

fuck you and the horse you rode in on

562243965 marikthechao@hotmail.com ingx24
« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2009, 08:02:16 PM »

I love these crazy routes, but OoT any% No RBA/BA should be done by someone. That's the sweetest category in the game.

I will do this after I finish low% Smiley

<complex> byan you're doing that thing again
<complex> the thing where everything you say is fucking retarded

<ethandude> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual cheak this out luxury it might come in helpful when u wright your resime
Special Guay

Posts: 306

Meow, and... stuff.

AniMeowzerz@hotmail.com AniMeowzerz
« Reply #13 on: December 19, 2009, 08:58:46 PM »

I shall be testing OoT 3 paws.

.... pause. I forgot it's not furry friday anymore

RBA stands for Rare Bird Adventure. We call it that because we need to get the blue cucco in order to use it.
Special Guay

Posts: 355

« Reply #14 on: December 19, 2009, 10:11:59 PM »

"gerudo male genocide" was clever

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