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Author Topic: Other games?! Preposterous!  (Read 35342 times)
Special Guay

Posts: 306

Meow, and... stuff.

AniMeowzerz@hotmail.com AniMeowzerz
« on: January 18, 2010, 07:46:47 AM »

Yes, Other games. The topic of todays... topic. (redundancy 101, I took the class)

I know we're all Zelda guys here, but are there any other games you like to play or run here and there?

Any you actually prefer over zelda? (No one will answer this)

My input: I run a few other games, like Mystical Ninja. I'm currently planning Goemon's Great adventure, Earthbound, and Mother 3 runs as well, but strategy and routing's a pain.
Playing, it really all depends. I've been playing an assload of Starfox 64 lately for no apparent reason, and the occasional RPG.

RBA stands for Rare Bird Adventure. We call it that because we need to get the blue cucco in order to use it.
Mega Guay

Posts: 659

also pheenoh <3

« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2010, 08:01:45 AM »

I did some metroid prime for a while.  My best time is 1:36.  I'll probably try to beat that in a few months.

Other than that, not really.

I for one think that there are no glitches in OoT. It's just gameshark codes.

RBA stands for Rare Bird Adventure. We call it that because we need to get the blue cucco in order to use it.
Special Guay

Posts: 306

Meow, and... stuff.

AniMeowzerz@hotmail.com AniMeowzerz
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2010, 09:20:03 AM »


long story: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/4064586

Long story short:

RBA stands for Rare Bird Adventure. We call it that because we need to get the blue cucco in order to use it.
Special Guay

Posts: 264

What is this I don't even-

WWW Email
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2010, 01:12:26 PM »

I speedrun getting up in the morning.

my best time without glitches: 12:54

best time with glitches (Showering with my clothes on): 8:22

Back to reality, I speedrun any nes game I can get my hands on. 5:06 SMB,

29:XX ( I forget) Megaman 2,

36:11 Zelda 1 (I can beat that)

Super mario 64 in 18:19,

Megaman 9 in 24:53 (This game is hard as balls)

I have lots more, and some are even recorded. Maybe someday I'll get around to uploading them

[21:02:55] <Blizz> Uhh...
[21:02:59] <Blizz> RingRush..
[21:03:06] <Blizz> I was meaning to ask you something
[21:03:13] <RingRush> no I will not go to prom with you
[21:03:16] <Blizz> :<
<@jiano> get off my lawn you damn kids
Special Guay

Posts: 361

move over Chidori, time to spam infinite Susano'o

« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2010, 02:01:41 PM »

i used to play lots of time attack in F-Zero games but i got bored of it and now do time attack in mario kart games.

i also play some metroid games. my best run is 1:57 in metroid prime 2 and i had some decent times in Fusion too.

"Patience is useful in any moment"

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Mega Guay

Posts: 613

fuck you and the horse you rode in on

562243965 marikthechao@hotmail.com ingx24
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2010, 02:46:47 PM »

I highscore star fox 64. A lot.

not meaning to brag, but i'm actually ranked #1 in the world at sf64 highscoring Grin

proof: http://www.shadowofmyles.com/SF64Rankings.html (I'm steven brown, obviously).

<complex> byan you're doing that thing again
<complex> the thing where everything you say is fucking retarded

<ethandude> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual cheak this out luxury it might come in helpful when u wright your resime
Special Guay

Posts: 439

I'm not your buddy, guay!

« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2010, 03:07:16 PM »

Since starting to speedrun OoT, my overall gaming has decreased considerably. I pretty much don't play any other video games anymore.

runnerguy your such a mother fucker. whats with all this bombchu shit? all everyone who likes this shit is stupid. ur a fucking cheater. u did that the wrong way, thats not how to get past the king zora u cheater. u suck and i wont continue watching all ur shit! videos.
Mega Guay

Posts: 523

back in green

WWW Email
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2010, 06:44:06 PM »

Since starting to speedrun OoT, my overall gaming has decreased considerably. I pretty much don't play any other video games anymore.


I had started a Dead Space Any% PC speedrun but I quit early (I realized I wasn't willing to be patient, plus fraps was causing lots of lag and sound issues). I haven't attempted speedrunning any other games other than OoT. I rarely play anything else unless I have family members/friends to play with.


<@Swordless> Have you had this problem before? A game not starting until you cleaned it?
Regular Guay

Posts: 109


« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2010, 07:42:22 PM »

donkey kong 64 country 1 2 and 3 paper mario 1 2 and 3 pretty much any game that has a ingame timer that i play. when i do play those games i test my self to get the fastest time while completing the game 100% i play others but those are the main ones i replay alot
« Last Edit: January 18, 2010, 10:33:41 PM by mysticremen11 » Logged

<@Cosmo> ive only drawn naked people recently
RBABot   [SEEN] elminster was last seen in #zelda 0secs ago saying ".seen elminster"
Special Guay

Posts: 330

« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2010, 08:21:22 PM »

http://soniccenter.org/members/ring_rush/sonic_and_the_secret_rings <-- Sonic and the Secret Rings, I hold the #1 spot
http://soniccenter.org/members/ring_rush <-- Some other Sonic games I've done a bit of time attacking on
http://www.youtube.com/user/RingRush#g/c/70FB44050293BBC0 <-- My in-progress segmented run of Baten Kaitos: Origins
And I've done some Melee BtT (Nothing special, total time 4:32 iirc), no relevant link...

Oh, and I've never done Zelda speedrunning.

Special Guay

Posts: 205

tokay stole ma shovel

« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2010, 08:22:11 PM »


I've also done Spyro 2 (Ripto's Rage!) is 45:03.  I was planning on doing Final Fantasy Tactics Advance until I lost my cart, and I'm planning on doing a Sword of Mana run when I'm done The GB/GBA Zeldas.

EDIT: I kicked ass at Mario Kart DS a couple years ago (held #23 in the world at one point).
« Last Edit: January 18, 2010, 08:24:52 PM by SD2 » Logged

[00:09:38] <%Runnerguy2489> .entranta
[00:09:42] <%Runnerguy2489> .etrnats
[00:09:42] <%Runnerguy2489> fuck
[00:09:45] <+Zero> lol
[00:09:46] <%Runnerguy2489> .etrants
[00:09:48] <%Runnerguy2489> FUCK
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2010, 09:24:45 PM »

I play Metroid, Final Fantasy, Halo, Elder Scrolls...pretty sure there's a lot I'm forgetting about here.

As far as speedrunning goes, the only games that I really speedrun are Super Metroid and Final Fantasy IX because I get something (relatively) tangible out of it. I usually take my time to enjoy a game when I first get it, play it normally without a guide, then after that I go straight to GameFAQs and find all the secrets I missed. I play through the game a few more times until I get bored of playing it *normally* (which nowadays is very quickly). That's when I start with the challenges.

I'm not actually a speedrunner, I'm just a challenge gamer. These go hand in hand, though, and before I know it, I end up on ZSR. Perhaps someday I will do some real speedrunning, but for now, this will have to do.

I prefer low% to any% simply because if I can complete a game without any unnecessary items, I have the skills to take on anything it throws at me. My original concept of OoT low% was when I saw Manocheese's Uber Challenge guide on GameFAQs. I learned the tricks and completed it. I figured that it was low% without item use restrictions and without the Giant's Knife (Broken). His constant reminders in the rules that the player must get ALL Medallions seemed to imply that you weren't technically required to have them to beat the game, but I eventually forgot about it until a GameFAQs member confirmed that only Shadow and Spirit Medallions were needed. Then I started a topic there to theorize on what low% would actually be, and then ZFG pointed me to ZSR, where they have ISG, bomb hovering, RBA, and TP SBs (including the awesome EMS).

I also liked low% because to me, it was a faster form of perfection. 100% runs took too long (at least for me) and the end result of any%, was...well, any%. Something somewhat random. I didn't like that. Now that I've seen a few 100% routes, I do them somewhat casually (just so I can fully complete a game in a reasonable amount of time).

Final Fantasy is a bit different. Instead of low%, I do low level challenges (or low EXP really). I usually add restrictions like low AP, no extra skills learned (e.g. Limit Breaks and whatnot), basically anything that you could grind. I did a lot of grinding when I was a kid, and this is probably to make up for it. But because I want to have 100% files for those, too, and because playing through the game takes so frickin' long, I tend to always get the missables no matter how much forced EXP I have to take with it. This is where my OoT low% w/ Forest Stage nut upgrade and w/o RBA came from. And only without RBA because at the time we didn't know that you could get sticks back by buying them. I abandoned this idea for adventure games after seeing how fast 100% runs can be done, but I still keep them for Final Fantasy playthroughs.

Halo doesn't really lend itself to speedruns or challenges (at least not the way we know them). It doesn't really have sequence breaks. I challenge myself with Legendary playthroughs, but that's about it. If I can get my Call of Duty skills up to scratch, I may start making videos of 3-star Special Ops missions from Modern Warfare 2.

Elder Scrolls doesn't really fit our challenge/speedrun profile either, but I enjoy playing as Elminster. Basically I play an unarmored mage with a sword. I like the depth of sidequests in that game, and the customization of weapons (although there's no option for a longsword that deals Sonic Damage. FML).

I usually focus on one or two games at a time, perhaps growing bored of one eventually and switching to another. I haven't even finished all the new games that I have, because I'm so attached to the old ones - and because I still haven't finished doing challenges for them. I'm currently working on Metroid Prime 22% hard mode.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 02:42:39 AM by Elminster45 » Logged
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2010, 09:52:59 PM »

Other than Zelda:
Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Donkey Kong 64, Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, Paper Mario & Super Mario Sunshine.
I like all of my games but these are the best after the 3D Zelda games.
Special Guay

Posts: 306

Meow, and... stuff.

AniMeowzerz@hotmail.com AniMeowzerz
« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2010, 12:47:05 AM »

...How do you make hyperlinks out of words? I'm such a SMF noob.
[ url=<link here> ] <text here> [  /url] (without spaces of course)

Anyways concerning Final Fantasy, I assume you speedrun IX for excalibur 2? Tongue
Also, Challenges, I tend to do these a lot. I was going through the LLNM challenge for VII, and I recently did a No Equipment playthrough of Super Mario RPG. As well as a Lowest Entry (caught, not seen) possible run of Pokemon blue /w solo Charmander. Cheesy
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 12:50:16 AM by AniMeowzerz » Logged

RBA stands for Rare Bird Adventure. We call it that because we need to get the blue cucco in order to use it.
Regular Guay

Posts: 25

NEEDZ MOAR GORON MASK!!!!!!!11!!!!!1!

« Reply #14 on: January 19, 2010, 01:32:08 AM »

Zelda is ma main game, however i also tend to play FF series, and practically any other squaresoft/square enix rpg.
Also tend to play multiplayer games on the xbox.

<Elminster>: ok my grandma's out of the basement
<ingx24>: how does everyone not see how ridiculous it is for a faster run to beat a slower one
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