Hello all!
Been looking around the website and found the forums! I am new to Zelda speed-running as of about a week ago. I played the games during my childhood and recently came across a stream for speed-runs and was inspired!
I have a few questions concerning controllers. I am seeing two options for me. There are GameCube controllers modified to USB and then there is the adapter. Now the money I have to spend is important in this decision. But I cam here to hear opinions about the USB modded controllers considering they are cheaper. But if its better to save for the adapter that's what I will do. The one I am looking at at the moment is the RetroLink controller. (not sure if I can post links)
If the USB ones are usable and do okay that's fine for me. This venture is still in the hobby stage and I don't want to spend a lot of money yet until I see how committed I am. But as mentioned if these things are no good then I will just have to wait another month to save up.
I hope I provided enough info to recieve some help! Thanks!