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Author Topic: Kennel World vs. Rulesets  (Read 10093 times)
Deku Scrub

Posts: 4

« on: August 11, 2015, 11:02:49 PM »

I know there is a lot of excitement over a few new glitches found recently, but I have a quesiton about an old, well-known one.

I know that no SQWWOOBs wouldn't allow entering the Kennel World, because it's a wrong warp from the doghouse to, well, glitchy land.  But would it also be 'out of bounds?' There aren't any real boundaries inside of glitch world, so you technically aren't breaking them.  Though one could argue there are -supposed- to be boundaries and the kennel world still resembles actual intended levels, with clearly defined walls and obstacles; just because you -can- color over the lines doesn't mean you aren't breaking said lines or something like that.

I've been practicing offline while I wait for a replacement mic and camera, and to keep things fun I've been using Kennel World to play the game "Reverse Boss Order" style a la Super Metroid runs (I also need the D8/D7 practice); I was just curious what skips would have to be allowable to use the Kennel World.
Regular Guay

Posts: 25

« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2015, 01:44:00 AM »

Using the "Kennel World" or as we like to call it "Dog House" is the main use of a Wrong Warp.  You are entering an area and the game does not take you to the correct intended place, it warps you someplace entirely different.

In terms of Out of Bounds once WITHIN the DogHouse, that's different thing.  I think there was some talk of doing "S+Q, No OOB" but allowing WW, or maybe it was "S+Q, No WW" and allow OOB.  Either way, it's kind of a weird zone.  If you want to run RBO and play around with the Dog House for that, I say more power to you.  I bet Mabdulra and some of the All Instruments fans would love something like that.  If you haven't already seen it, I suggest checking out All Instruments, since that is a cool fun run similar to something like an "All Dungeons" run.

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