So I want to reiterate that this is about rule definition and clarification and not about changing the rules of main category (again) since I have heard from a few people now watching this conversation that they are concerned about doing runs because the rules might be reverted back or continually changed.
On that note, the current way of explaining the ruleset is very lacking. From the rules popup:
Beat the game with the "No Wrong Warp" and "No Out of Bounds" rulesets in effect.
Saving and quitting to reset Link's position (savewarping) is banned, as is intentionally dying to reset Link's position (deathwarping). Dying to the shop keeper when stealing items is allowed, however.
"No WW" means no Wrong Warping using any glitch that sends link to unintended map tiles. This includes the Dog House Glitch, the Eagle Tower wrong warp in the mini-boss room, and others.
"No OoB" means no out of bounds glitches that allow link to unnaturally bypass normal screen transition boundaries by clipping through solid objects (this does not include wall clipping).
So as of right now, what falls under the umbrella of "Wrong Warp"
- Dog House Glitch
- Inter-dungeon warps (D7, Fisherman land, etc)
and "Out of Bounds"
- a lot of things as this definition is very, very problematic. Super Jumps fall into a very ambiguous territory, and this limited explanation fails to handle No Clip/Super Swims entirely.
I really like Fried Potato's system of defining and explaining them. Obviously there is no way to future proof and make ruleset definitions scalable with any and all tech found in the future however I feel that it does a much better job and is much more likely to be able to seamlessly accommodate new tech and be less open to interpretation and debate than the previous one, so I propose making this the new formal way of breaking down and defining the rulesets and tiers of glitches (AGAIN: this is just for defining purposes and not representative of an actual change to current existing categories that hasn't already happened):
Note: This only applies to DX
Universally banned: Up/Down and Left/Right dpad input glitch
Dog House Glitch: Using the Dog House to enter warped world
Warps: Using methods that let you transport from one dungeon or cave network to another that are not intended to be connected, otherwise known as the "Tompa Ruleset." This allows the D7 -> D8 warp in the dungeon 7 miniboss room, and super jumping on top of cave or dungeon ceilings to transition from one network to another, among others.
(Dren's No Clipping glitch may be appropriately placed here?)This might not fit the ruleset perfectly but here is an example of what I imagine this category would look like: of Bounds: This allows for you to walk through objects and transition through screens that normally wouldn't be possible, with the limitation being that you may not transition between dungeons or cave networks that are not intended to be connected. Super Jumping onto cave ceilings and onto walls and then screen transitioning through them are allowed, provided you keep your overall location in the dungeon or cave network.
Examples of things allowed:
All of this: because of how vaguely OoB has been defined in the past I was unable to find an appropriate video that might serve as a rough demonstration for how the category may look.
Not Out of Bounds: I just want to reiterate this. Doing Super Jumps is not out of bounds. Doing a Super Jump onto a cliff (not a ceiling but super jumping up a cliff like in the current Dungeon 6 route or in Ocarina Shrine!) is not out of bounds. Walrus Skip is not out of bounds. Jumping onto the ceiling of a dungeon or cave network
is out of bounds. For a better idea if you're confused on this, go a few pages back and consult Seabass and Aullos' images for reference.
This leaves Save and Quit which is it's own thing and more of a 'filter' to be applied (or not) to categories, however looks to only have a place in the current main category and the upcoming proposed legacy category.
I've spent 20 minutes typing this post and I know there was something I wanted to close it with however I'm very tired and can't recall what that was. Fried Potato deserves any and all credit for this as all of what I'm saying here is just me reiterating his earlier post, however I feel this proposed system is a much, much, much better, consistent, and logical way of conveying the tiers of glitches and rulesets in LADX. Please let me know what you think

Again: this isn't to change category rules. This is just a more organized and concise way of explaining and defining them.