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Author Topic: Help on Pirate's Fortress Sewer skip?  (Read 11185 times)
Deku Scrub

Posts: 14

« on: March 03, 2015, 09:18:38 PM »

I've really been struggling with this one for the past week, and I absolutely can't seem to get it.

I uploaded a video of an attempt. I'm really just out of ideas though. I'm probably doing something wrong, but I just can't figure it out. It doesn't work on either my 3DS XL or my New 3DS XL.

Just to mention, this is based on Slasks's and Ben's videos.

Regular Guay

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« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2015, 09:53:14 PM »

Do not hold forward on circle pad after the bomb boost until zora is near the ledge, then pause buffer "Up" on circle pad at the very last moment before zora goes falling... (before the fall noise). Other than that, your setup looks good, make sure you drop the bomb on first frame.

It's almost frame perfect I also have a hard time with it...

Deku Scrub

Posts: 14

« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2015, 10:47:40 PM »

The thing is, I'm not holding forward on the circle pad after the bomb boost. The only time I press the circle pad in that vid is on the second pause.
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Special Guay

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« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2015, 12:41:38 AM »

The frame you buffer is not one I ever get... Do you know that if you never hold up at the end of the trick (the part where you grab) you'll do a weird hop thing which says that you got the setup. But yeah, the fact that the frame yoy buffer to isn't one I get, I'm assuming your setup is off. Are you targeting when you get hit by the bomb?

"tsmart yashichidsf wild dumb bitch" -Isaacordorica 2012
Deku Scrub

Posts: 14

« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2015, 12:45:46 AM »

I'm not targeting when I take damage from either of the 3 bombs (I don't re-target after I put Zora mask on). If I don't buffer, I don't do the glitchy half hop thing.
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Special Guay

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« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2015, 10:25:46 PM »

Something is off with your shield drop. If you compare where the bomb lands on the ground textures between your video and bens you can see that it is not in the same place. I can see that youre buffering the backwalk and shield drop so Im not sure where exactly that is going wrong, but I guess you should just check that all of those inputs are going in on the first frame reentering the game.

when i grow up, i wanna be just like taylortotftw
Deku Scrub

Posts: 14

« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2015, 12:01:20 AM »

That was it. Finally got it, thank you sooo much. Once I knew where to look, it was much easier to figure out where it went wrong.
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