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Author Topic: LA/DX Trick Library  (Read 44001 times)
Regular Guay

Posts: 25

« on: February 19, 2015, 06:36:33 PM »

Hey all, in the recent discussion of what tricks/rules are to be allowed I think it is a great idea to utilize ZSR to our advantage to catalog/library all the tricks we know.  This is good for new runners to see all the stuff that is available in different categories and might influence them to want to run different rule sets if they enjoy the look of a particular glitch/trick.  I also think it is a good way to keep track of everything in one place for future discussions on rules changes.  I am going to start out by listing the tricks I am aware of and will edit in videos later if I can.  For now, if there are any tricks you know of not listed can you add to this list.  I'll get in touch with admins on ZSR later to make a legit page on the site for us.  Glitches, tricks, anything out of the ordinary from "normal" gameplay is welcome.

PS: also note if the trick is specific to a version, ie if it is a LA only trick let that be known, or a DX only trick, version specific, etc.  

  • Frog Song Skip
  • Level 2 Bracelet Skip
  • Villa Skip
  • Rooster Skip
  • General Wall Clipping: Moblin Skip, Armos Maze, D8 Turtle Boss, Flame Skip, D4 "cross" jump
  • Sprite Overflowing: Walrus Skip, Bow Wow Skip
  • Out of Bounds Shaq Jumping:  Walrus Skip, Flame Skip 2.0
  • "Jesus Jumping" (used in 100% and can be used to open D4 from the water).
  • Damage Boosting (jump over water when going to Animal Village)
  • Infinite Boots/Sword combo
  • TAS Movement? (I am not familiar with this but after watching the TAS there is a crap ton of movement they do I don't understand)
  • Sideways Block Pushing
  • Hookshot through Blocks
  • Walking on Ceiling
  • Fast Falling in water
  • Mambo Song "Sword Dance"
« Last Edit: February 19, 2015, 06:38:13 PM by oseabass » Logged
Regular Guay

Posts: 29

« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2015, 06:51:34 PM »

Off the top of my head

  • Instrument CS Skip
  • Magicrod Despawn
  • Bird Boss Glitchy Hitbox Quick Kill
  • Ledge Jump Buffering for OoB Stuff
  • Obstacle Skip
  • D4 Underground Wall Clip
  • Like 500 Different Text Cancels In LA
  • Genie Quick Kill (might as well be comprehensive)
  • Chest Turns Kappa
Regular Guay

Posts: 34


« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2015, 11:06:01 PM »

TAS Movement? (I am not familiar with this but after watching the TAS there is a crap ton of movement they do I don't understand)
If I'm correct this is due to a up+down / right+left glitch, which is not allowed in RTA categories.

Also we could add :
  • Doghouse (or wrong warp by entering into a door from behind)
  • Ball jumping in D7
  • Grabbing the ball in the air or in a dash
  • Hookshot Skip for nightmare key in D5
  • Quick keys
  • Dodongo "fast kill" in D3
  • D7 cutscene skip with Bow Wow
  • Every quick kill on the final boss
  • Shield boost (since you mentioned the damage boost)
  • Bomb boost from the bombers
  • Shroom hovering
  • Being able to hit Facade before he appears ?
  • Grim Creeper warp
  • Sword/hookshot which reduce the sword animation afterwards
  • jumping while pushing the "pit-eater" in D8
  • trading sequence skip (part of it) thanks to Villa Skip
  • Buffering the sword entering a cave in LA
  • Fast sword
  • Keeping an enemy active from a screen to another (Grim Creeper, ravens)
  • Screen warping
  • Hitting too times King Moblin with one spin slash
« Last Edit: February 19, 2015, 11:42:03 PM by aulos » Logged
Deku Scrub

Posts: 8

« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2015, 11:25:42 PM »

- raccoon skip
- lanmola quick kill
- block freeze (d7) (1.0 only)
- turtle rock head skip
- hookshot while jumping (D5, rooster skip)

Regular Guay

Posts: 35

Game Boy

« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2015, 01:47:10 AM »

Let's not forget some of the small "precise" jumps like the D4 tektite jump.
Also, just how to do the D4 tile room in general is very useful knowledge as well.
I'd like to see various backup strats as well. Where do you get bombs if you run out? Where you get arrows? Where do you get hearts? These are things that can keep a run going, as opposed to forcing the player to reset.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 8

« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2015, 04:40:40 AM »

here's a few back up strats I have:
- The bushes on the high ground in the west side of mabe contains hearts
- charge into the tree beside the mabe village warp for a fairy
- There's a fairy pond on the way to D6. bomb the cave before swimming to D6.

D2 Hearts
-the four jars at bottom of the room with the switch all contain hearts.

D3 bombs
- in the room with 2 stalfos and 6 pots. the group of 4 pots in the bottom right corner contains a bomb and a heart.
- killing bombites with bombs will result in bomb drops

D5 arrows
-from the room with 2 stalfos and the iron mask, left, kill the 2 iron masks, and up.

- There's a fairy in the jar in the room with L2 bracelet.

D8 hearts, bombs arrows
- in the room where you shoot an arrow into the statue, go down for hearts, bombs, and arrows.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2015, 11:53:26 AM by captain_mop » Logged
Regular Guay

Posts: 25

« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2015, 04:03:12 PM »

I have requested Editor status on LADX pages on ZSR so I can start compiling these together.  For the time being if you have any tricks and want to help, please make a quick video showing/explaining it.  I will start pulling all these resources together for new/old runners as a library soon.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 18

« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2015, 11:35:37 PM »

I'll compile a bunch of these tomorrow. I can do:

Villa Skip
Rooster Skip (unbuffered)
Diagonal Block push (all the useful ones for Warpless and Hundo)
Jesus Jumping (including the fast one in D4 that people don't use)
BootStrats V1 (armos knight), V3 (Vitreous quick kill), V4 (D8 Ice-block dash), V5(New D3 strat)
and maybe a few others.
Regular Guay

Posts: 22

« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2015, 01:43:54 AM »

- Projectile Screen Warping
   - Lets say you're on screen one and fire a bomb arrow to the 'screen 2 right' zone and transition to screen 2. What will happen is the bomb arrow's hitbox will remain active for a small amount of time on screen two and it's position will correspond to where it was in the 'screen 2 right' zone. This has a use in Bottle Grotto and Face Shrine - possibly useful in Face Shrine(save maybe 1 second).

- Jesusing to Catfish's maw
- Jumping into a ledge via feather to get a bigger jump distance and therefore OoB(1.0 only)
- Pause buffering mid ledge-jump so that link can land in the middle of the ledge instead of outside of the ledge
- I also think the effects of U+D/L+R should be documented even though they are banned
- ALL movement speeds in grass/shallow water

« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 01:45:51 AM by Rapid_ » Logged
Regular Guay

Posts: 34


« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2015, 05:25:11 PM »

- Projectile Screen Warping
   - Lets say you're on screen one and fire a bomb arrow to the 'screen 2 right' zone and transition to screen 2. What will happen is the bomb arrow's hitbox will remain active for a small amount of time on screen two and it's position will correspond to where it was in the 'screen 2 right' zone.
The same thing can happen with some enemies such as crows. That's how you do the Frog Song skip.

Also here's a backup strat for D8 if you have no arrows left. How to break the wall next to the lava ? Wall clip through the lamp thing will put you to the right pixel. You then just need to walk right or left (depending of which lamp you chose) and lay and bomb down so it's in front of the door. Here's a video because I'm bad at explaining things.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 8

« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2015, 01:53:38 AM »

Also here's a backup strat for D8 if you have no arrows left. How to break the wall next to the lava ? Wall clip through the lamp thing will put you to the right pixel. You then just need to walk right or left (depending of which lamp you chose) and lay and bomb down so it's in front of the door. Here's a video because I'm bad at explaining things.

And if you're out of bombs too, you can always swim in lava Smiley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFNMoAMdKFU
Deku Scrub

Posts: 18

« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2015, 08:15:15 PM »

- Projectile Screen Warping
   - Lets say you're on screen one and fire a bomb arrow to the 'screen 2 right' zone and transition to screen 2. What will happen is the bomb arrow's hitbox will remain active for a small amount of time on screen two and it's position will correspond to where it was in the 'screen 2 right' zone. This has a use in Bottle Grotto and Face Shrine - possibly useful in Face Shrine(save maybe 1 second).

I don't think I understand what you mean by this.. Could you provide a video, or if you know of an example of this is anyone's runs, could you link us that?  Smiley
Regular Guay

Posts: 25

« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2015, 05:01:09 AM »

Since the any% category's runs are very dependent on this quick kill, i am interested in manipulating the blob's rng. here are my thoughts: http://youtu.be/FNNOBj9QlXc
Regular Guay

Posts: 22

« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2015, 07:52:22 AM »

I don't think I understand what you mean by this.. Could you provide a video, or if you know of an example of this is anyone's runs, could you link us that?  Smiley
I found a video of this a while ago but considering "link's awakening glitch" isn't a good tag to search off of on Youtube(and I'm sure it used this exact tag), I'll just tell you how to reproduce it. Open a file that has the Magic Rod and go to the screen that Tarin/Marin's house is on. Make sure Link's body is on the same row where the Cucco spawns and transition right to the grass patch where we get the first seashell in 100%. Use the Magic Rod and wait for it to hit the trees on the right side of the screen and transition left - the Cucco will burst into flames. Now consider the info graphic I posted - the fire was clipped into the last column of the right side of the screen. This position corresponds to where the Cucco is, also known as the last column of the "Screen 2 Right" zone.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 5

« Reply #14 on: March 28, 2015, 01:01:33 PM »

There's also the nightmare dialogue skip:


I don't recommend using it because it will softlock the game 90% of the time but it's kind of interesting.
(And yeah the video resolution is garbage :3)

(Update - You actually don't need to bring up save + quit menu for this to work)
« Last Edit: March 28, 2015, 04:58:36 PM by greentunic » Logged
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