This is a general knowledge base and discussion ground for the SpeedRunsLive Bingo race goal, mainly for Ocarina of Time, but also relevant to other games with a bingo item list. Development talk, balance discussion, race organization - this is a good place for all of it.
Official host:
Current version: v8.4RacingBingo is usually raced on SpeedRunsLive; go there to learn how to connect to the IRC and start a race. Races happen very frequently, with one large race (Saturday Night Bingo) occurring at 9:30 EST every Saturday. #speedrunslive: Main race channel #bingo: Bingo discussion, primarily about balance issues and development of new versions #bingoleague: Planning and organizing bingo races, including leagues that span many races and many different races
StrategyGold skulltula routes: Blackout
Instead of choosing just one row to complete, racers must complete every goal on the card. Obviously, this takes much longer than a normal bingo race. It can be done with any card, but often a specific card is selected to ensure that no conflicting goals are present.
Team Bingo Blackout
Racers form teams of two, three, or four people, and compete against each other to blackout a bingo card. Any given goal need only be completed by one member of each team.
Bingo Lockout
Bingo blackout with a twist: when a racer completes a goal, that goal becomes unavailable to all other racers. In other words, they are "locked out" of claiming credit for that goal. When all the goals have been completed, the racer with the highest goal count wins. This variant is known for fast decision-making, with racers changing their routes constantly to snap up goals before their competitors can get to them.
Lockout is administered by a tool at, which has been offline for a while
Big Bingo
Bingo on a 7x7 board. Hosted at Bingo
Kappa kappa kappa. resourcesCurrent bingo development API JSON representations of bingo cards, with seed, mode, and version as optional parameters.
Project Waterskulls new generator framework - the future of bingo.