JP Site, very strongly suggest checking out.
- Gyorg is different in the beginning of the fight, you use arrows on phase 1 and at some point the main platform sinks or something? There's those bomb mines around that you probly use.
- For Odolwa it looks like his shield is way more OP and you have to use a deku flower to fly over him to drop a nut on his eye when he's crouched.
- Goht looks the same, the eye is probly on his back or it appears after he's knocked down? If so it's possible arrows might not hurt him anymore, which I'm not sure about. E2: Yeah looking at the UK gameplay video it looks like its in his back or something...
- Ben noticed the same thing as me in the 30 min. video, it looks like RI might work?
- The swamp fishing hole is to the left of the swamp archery game, not sure what rewards it'll have but it looked painful.
- The ice stalactite thing before mountain village still takes two hits as seen in one of the videos in the JP site demoing the Bow.
- Song of Double Time is different, you can now select an hour of the current day you want to go to instead of just day and night. (you can't obv go back in time though)
- Owl Statues now just require you to press A to check them, most likely so Deku can save the game during first cycle :p.
- Captain Keeta now talks to you after playing Sonata, previously he just broke the bridge and started walking for pretty much no real reason. The text is in Japanese so I'm not sure what he is saying.
- Zora swims slower and in order to move faster it seems you have to use the electric shield. (
- A fence was added next to the Snowhead Temple entrance so you can bounce off of it to the temple. (
- There only seems to be a single Twinmold and its fought with different punches and moves as seen in the UK gameplay and JP 6 min videos.
That is pretty much all I've noticed so far.
E: Bomb explosion for Benstephens, as he wanted to see it.