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Author Topic: TWWHD Glitchless. Need confirmations from the community  (Read 9332 times)
Deku Scrub

Posts: 3

« on: July 02, 2014, 01:24:56 AM »

Hi everyone! Ryuunake98 here. I want to do TWWHD Glitchless runs. I saw a other topic about TWW Glitchless. But some stuff were never confirmed.

Leaf pumping, Sail Pumping and Damage Boost are tricks that were told to be allowed.

Also early boss Key by using the Jumpslash  to the grapple hook spot was told to be allowed along as many others trick but some were ambiguous and were never confirmed allowed by the community.

Like the waterfall skip at the entrance of the tower of the gods by using the old in bound Kazooie trick. On the topic, it was said that it should be allowed. I really hope that it gonna be allowed because tricks similar are allowed in other Zelda Glitchless Runs and it would save the very tedious entrance zone. Okay, it's maybe not the best exemple but Majora's Mask JP Glitchless (also call bug-limit) allow two that are a lot more weird skips by clipping through ice.

There's also the question about using the skull hammer through walls. It should be allowed in my opinion. Why? Because, then again, something similar is allowed in OOT Glitchless. In OOT Glitchless, you are allowed to use your megaton hammer (aswell has your sword) through block and ice to active switches and get items through them.

Also, something that was not in the topic that I'll ask here is Save and Quit. For some reason, Save and Quit are not allowed in both OOT Glitchless and MM Glitchless (Both JP and US MM Glitchless). Could it be allowed here because I see no reason to ban them in the first place. It's really annoying to have to use DeathWarps instead of just  S + Q .

Thx for reading! =D
« Last Edit: July 02, 2014, 01:31:10 AM by Ryuunake98 » Logged
Regular Guay

Posts: 76

« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2014, 03:19:18 AM »

Hi everyone! Ryuunake98 here. I want to do TWWHD Glitchless runs. I saw a other topic about TWW Glitchless. But some stuff were never confirmed.

Leaf pumping, Sail Pumping and Damage Boost are tricks that were told to be allowed.

Also early boss Key by using the Jumpslash  to the grapple hook spot was told to be allowed along as many others trick but some were ambiguous and were never confirmed allowed by the community.

Like the waterfall skip at the entrance of the tower of the gods by using the old in bound Kazooie trick. On the topic, it was said that it should be allowed. I really hope that it gonna be allowed because tricks similar are allowed in other Zelda Glitchless Runs and it would save the very tedious entrance zone. Okay, it's maybe not the best exemple but Majora's Mask JP Glitchless (also call bug-limit) allow two that are a lot more weird skips by clipping through ice.

There's also the question about using the skull hammer through walls. It should be allowed in my opinion. Why? Because, then again, something similar is allowed in OOT Glitchless. In OOT Glitchless, you are allowed to use your megaton hammer (aswell has your sword) through block and ice to active switches and get items through them.

Also, something that was not in the topic that I'll ask here is Save and Quit. For some reason, Save and Quit are not allowed in both OOT Glitchless and MM Glitchless (Both JP and US MM Glitchless). Could it be allowed here because I see no reason to ban them in the first place. It's really annoying to have to use DeathWarps instead of just  S + Q .

Thx for reading! =D

Tower of the Gods waterfall skip with the Kazooie Method is allowed.
Skull Hammer through walls is definitely not allowed. Even if OoT allows it, this isn't OoT and you're hitting something through a wall, which is a glitch.
Save warps (save + quit) are allowed though (because single segment is pointless). This is based on the rules for the original game for glitchless so we may as well keep them the same.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 3

« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2014, 04:30:22 AM »

Okay thx lord ZFG
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