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Author Topic: Treacherous Tower 50F Guide  (Read 17790 times)
zT DeFuZeD
Deku Scrub

Posts: 18

Hero of the Triforce

« on: December 06, 2013, 05:11:03 PM »

Alright here is a floor-by-floor guide for the infamous Advanced course for the Treacherous Tower. 100% runs are required to beat this twice in order to get the upgraded net and lamp, so this Tower can be a real time waster and a potential run killer if done improperly. I have done this course over 20 times and have gotten to the point where even in Hero Mode I no longer need any potions or fairies.

Now this guide assumes a few things:
1. You have the level three master sword(Butter Blade)
2. You have the great spin attack learned(You are going to get it for 100% anyway)
3. I would recommend equipping Nice Tornado Rod to Y, and the Nice Fire Rod to X. The tornado rod is the most used equipment in the Tower.
4. Although this can be done with green mail, I would recommend at least blue mail in case you miss a perfect timing and get hit.
5. If you are new to this, bring some fairies and a blue potion or two until you get used to it so you dont risk death

Also I use great spins a lot, so they are represented as GS

On to the guide!

Floor 1:
Enemies: Green Blobs(at least 13, they die so quick kinda hard to count)
Strategy: Kill the first and then GS twice, one or two may be just out of reach, so slash them.

Floor 2:
Enemies: Rats(12); Ropes(12)
Strategy: GS once or twice to kill all the rats, or use tornado rod. Then stand in center right after killing last rat and charge a GS to kill most if not all the ropes right as they spawn.

Floor 3:
Enemies: Keese(7)
Strategy: Stand still and slash repeatedly as the keese will come flying right at you

Floor 4:
Enemies: Green Soldier(10)
Strategy: Move forward and right before getting hit use tornado rod to stun all of them. GS to kill them all

Floor 5:
Enemies: Armos(9)
Strategy: Kill first armos in middle then charge a GS to kill the other 8 when they activate and hop at you

Floor 6:
Enemies: Poes(4); Hyus(8)
Strategy: Slash the 4 poes quick or use a GS, then quickly GS again as the 8 Hyus spawn in a circle around you. If quick enough you can kill all of them before they can scatter

Floor 7:
Enemies: Rupee Likes(11)
Strategy: There are 16 red rupees. 5 are real, the other 11 are rupee likes. The placement for this floor is always random, so either kill them as they spawn one at a time, or run along each column spawning them all and take them all out with a GS.

Floor 8:
Enemies: Tekites: Red(5); Blue(5)
Strategy: Run to center and GS them all before they move

Floor 9:
Enemies: Red Soldiers(8)
Strategy: Run forward and use tornado rod to stun them all and finish them with a GS

Floor 10:
Enemies: none
Strategy: 5 hearts to heal(although you probably havent taken any damage yet. lol)

Floor 11:
Enemies: Red Kodongo(8); Green Kodongo(4)
Strategy: Use a GS quick to kill all but usually 2, the run forward and slash them easily

Floor 12:
Enemies: Slarock(8)
Strategy: Use a GS from door then move forward with another GS

Floor 13:
Enemies: Crab(8); Ku(11)
Strategy: GS the crabs, but finish by exit door. As soon as the last crab dies, the Ku will start spawning and charging at you. With your back at the exit, slash repeatedly changing direction as needed and you can kill them all with no damage quickly. You can also use tornado rod to stun, but it takes more time.

Floor 14:
Enemies: Pentagator(6)
Strategy: Slash the middle two with one slash, then GS the other 4
Floor 15:
Enemies: Red Bari(6); Blue Bari(6)
Strategy: Simply GS multiple times to kill them all as the GS hits through their electricity. You can also use fire rod for some out of range if you dont have sword beams still

Floor 16:
Enemies: Green Goriya(5); Red Goriya(3)
Strategy: GS to kill the green goriyas, then if you still have sword beams use those to kill the red ones, otherwise run up and down to get all three in a straight line and take them out with fire rod

Floor 17:
Enemies: Blue Tarosu(8)
Strategy: Use tornado rod to stun them all and GS to finish

Floor 18:
Enemies: Giant Pengators(2)
Strategy: GS twice, be moving forward as you unless second one to be hurled towards exit

Floor 19:
Enemies: Giant Yellow Bari(1)
Strategy: GS twice as it approaches to split it into 20. Then move forward with a GS or two to kill all the little ones

Floor 20:
Enemies: none
Strategy: 3 hearts to heal if needed

Floor 21:
Enemies: Kyune(8)
Strategy: GS to kill the first 6 before they fly at you then run forward and slash the other 2

Floor 22:
Enemies: Dark Rats(10); Skullrope(10)
Strategy: GS the rats and finish in center. Charge a GS as the skullropes spawn to kill them all instantly

Floor 23:
Enemies: Vultures(7)
Strategy: Run around for a secoond then charge a GS but keep moving. As you keep moving and they dive at you they will all miss. Right as the 7th one dives, unleash the GS to kill all 7

Floor 24:
Enemies: Popo(1); Fire Wizzrobe(4)
Strategy: Kill the popo to spawn the wizzrobes who will immediately attack. Dodge then GS them all, should be able to get them all with the GS, if not then slash the one it misses

Floor 25:
Enemies: Dark Mini-Moldorm(8)
Strategy: Slash repeatedly to kill most the dark mini-moldorms as they mindlessly slither around. When only a few are left, advance slowly with a great spin or two to get them. Also can use fire rod/tornado rod for safe range attacks

Floor 26:
Enemies: Eyegores: Red(2); Blue(2); Green(2)
Strategy: Charge a GS and move forward to center to wake all 6 at once, kill all 6 with one GS

Floor 27:
Enemies: Blue Soldier(8)
Strategy: Use tornado rod to stun the spear soldiers then quickly GS to kill them all including the crossbow soldiers. Note: the crossbow soldiers will usually hit the first two soldiers with arrows unstunning them right before you can use a GS, so either tornado rod again, or use regular slashes on the front two soldiers

Floor 28:
Enemies: Red soldier(4); Ball and Chain Trooper(1)
Strategy: So simple, tornado rod to stun them all and a GS to finish

Floor 29:
Enemies: Lynel(3)
Strategy: Run forward and slash left lynel 3 times to knock him off edge, then the right lynel, and finally the top lynel. Knocking them off edge is faster than killing them. If they managed to attack, just shield the fire and move forward to bump them, then slash. Also if they breath fire just use your firerod to hit them

Floor 30:
Enemies: none
Strategy: Only 1 heart to heal this time. Awwwww :'(

Floor 31:
Enemies: Red Hardhat Beetle(7); Buzzblob(4)
Strategy: To take no damage, run to center and use Tornado Rod 4 times(only if you have Stamina Scroll). This will kill the beetles and the 4 buzzblobs the spawn. Otherwise use firerod from distance on beetles, as slashing will most likely send you over the edge

Floor 32:
Enemies: Ghini(8): 4 Black that you can see in the dark, 4 white that you cannot see in the dark
Strategy: Easiest way to avoid damage is to simply GS over and over moving a little with each one to get all the ghinis. If you cant seem to find one use a fire rod shot to try and see it

Floor 33:
Enemies: Freezors(4)
Strategy: Run to each one to spawn it, then use fire rod to melt all 4 in one or two shots

Floor 34:
Enemies: Nuranuru(4); Chasupa(7)
Strategy: GS once at dorrway to get Chysupa's that fly at you then GS again in center to kill all the remaining nuranurus and Chasupas that are left

Floor 35:
Enemies: Blue Zazakku(8)
Strategy: Yay a heart! Wait.... "It's a trap!" lol. Just swing your sword to charge a GS to collect the heart, then you can kill the 8 Zazakkus in one hit since they so kindly surround you in a circle like way

Floor 36:
Enemies: Blue Zirro(4); Ropa(4)
Strategy: Use tornado rod to stun the ropas and kill the first 2 Zirros. Then GS the Ropas and use tornado rod again on the two remaining Zirros

Floor 37:
Enemies: Red Eyegore(10)
Strategy: Its dark, but they are there. If you charge a GS and move quickly enough to the center, you can kill them all with one GS as they all wake up. If some survive, retreat to the entrance door and slash madly at them until they die

Floor 38:
Enemies: Ice Wizzrobes(4)
Strategy: The ice gargoyes are not alive, so melt or ignore them. Just run forward with a charged GS and unleash it right when the wizzrobes spawn, then dodge their ice magic if needed.

Floor 39:
Enemies: Fire Ball and Chain Trooper(1)
Strategy: Easy, use fire rod twice to push against exit door. After firing the second fire rod, charge a GS and move forward. at the center unleash it to finish him off easily. Doing this never gives him the chance to attack

Floor 40:
Enemies: none
Strategy: Cool a fairy! If you have an empty bottle, I'd advise catching it. Otherwise grab it for a 5 heart heal

Floor 41:
Enemies: Red Tarosu(6); Green Zirros(4)
Strategy: Use tornado rod to kill first two Zirros and to stun all 6 tarosu. Then GS the tarosu. Finally use tornado rod again to kill the other two zirros

Floor 42:
Enemies: Stalfos(12)
Strategy: Use tornado rod to stun then GS. Move forward and repeat for other half

Floor 43:
Enemies: Silver Bari(4); Yellow Bari(3)
Strategy: Run to center and GS to kill all the silver baris and to split all the yellow ones. GS again to kill all the little ones

Floor 44:
Enemies: Giant Ice Gargoyle(1)
Strategy: Spam the X button to use the fire rod right away to kill the gargoyle before it can move

Floor 45:
Enemies: Shield Moblins(6); Bomb Soldiers(4)
Strategy: Run forward and use tornado rod to stun all the shield moblins, back up a little to avoid the first two bomb soldiers bombs and GS to kill all 6 moblins and the first two bomb soldiers. Then run up and kill the other two defenceless bomb soldiers however you want. *cough* GS

Floor 46:
Enemies: Red Zazakku(8)
Strategy: Another Zazakku trap, but no heart as bait this time. Awwwww. anyway, charge a GS and walk to center to spawn the Zazakkus who all walk right into your GS

Floor 47:
Enemies: Gargoyle(3); Fire Gargoyle(3); Ice Gargoyle(3)
Strategy: Immediately swap tornado rod for ice rod. Then before the regular gargoyles can hit you, pre kill the ice gargoyles by melting them with fire rod. Now slash the three regular gargoyles to activate the fire ones. Sonce you are on the right side of the floor stay there and use the ice rod to freeze all three fire gargoyles at once. Finish them off with one GS. Simply keep moving to dodge the medusa ice spitters

Floor 48:
Enemies: Dark Soldiers(6)
Strategy: Immediately Swap back to the tornado rod, and use it to stun all 6 of them. Then  finish with a GS

Floor 49:
Enemies: Dark Lynel(3)
Strategy:  Same as floor 29. Run forward and slash the lynels off the edge as this is faster than trying to just kill them

Floor 50:
Enemies: Dark Moldorm(1)
Strategy: Joy... the most frustrating enemy in these games on an Ice floor no less! Yet surprisingly can be super easy to beat. Charge a GS and move opposite the way it does to hit its weak spot. You will likely fly off the edge(If not you got lucky, and can immediately GS again to finish it off). Keep watching the moldorm and with a little luck you can use your temporary invincibility to GS it again to kill it easily. If not then try to slash it twice instead, or fall off the edge again to get another temporary invincibility. If you are still having trouble, switch to the hammer and use it to stun it to get a quick slash in.

Congratulations! You have beaten the Treacherous Tower! GS a few times to easily collect your 5000 rupees you worked so hard for. With a little practice you can do this in under 6 minutes easily.

Note: I am open to any and all criticism. This guide is just my own personal opinions for beating this minigame quickly and efficiently. I am aware that therre may be some strategies better than mine. If you discover a better strategy please post it so all can see.

Thanks for reading
« Last Edit: December 06, 2013, 05:30:52 PM by zT DeFuZeD » Logged

"May the way of the Hero lead to the Triforce"
zT DeFuZeD
Deku Scrub

Posts: 18

Hero of the Triforce

« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2013, 05:46:07 PM »

My current record(With many many mistakes) is 5 mins 57 seconds.

Edit: 5 mins 41 seconds
« Last Edit: December 06, 2013, 06:00:16 PM by zT DeFuZeD » Logged

"May the way of the Hero lead to the Triforce"
Deku Scrub

Posts: 7

« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2013, 08:37:51 PM »

Floor 19:
Enemies: Giant Yellow Bari(1)
Strategy: GS twice as it approaches to split it into 20. Then move forward with a GS or two to kill all the little ones
There is a way to quick kill this boss with the Fire Rod. If you do enough damage and use the fire rod to make it split, the fire should kill the little ones instantly. I don't know how much damage exactly and I don't know if it works with the standard fire rod, but I have done this.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 15

« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2013, 04:15:51 PM »

There's one immediate problem here when referring to this guide for a 100% route: To learn Great Spin, we MUST PURCHASE every single item from Ravio and upgrade them to their Nice counterparts. The Treacherous Tower also serves as a necessary 10k rupees that we will obtain in a run. To obtain all of the rupees required to purchase all nine items would be going out of the way extensively.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 2

« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2014, 06:27:43 AM »

Hi, I've been doing this myself a few days ago and found this thread very interesting because we got extremely similar strats Smiley

Maybe this isn't so useful if 100% runs can't include GS in the route due to few rupees, but here goes anyway. It's a really well written guide BTW, I don't know what guys are called nor how many there are Cheesy

Comments on posted guide:
Floor 1:
Enemies: Green Blobs(at least 13, they die so quick kinda hard to count)
Strategy: Kill the first and then GS twice, one or two may be just out of reach, so slash them.
2 well placed/timed GS always gets them

Floor 3:
Enemies: Keese(7)
Strategy: Stand still and slash repeatedly as the keese will come flying right at you

Tornado rod kills them all

Floor 4:
Enemies: Green Soldier(10)
Strategy: Move forward and right before getting hit use tornado rod to stun all of them. GS to kill them all
I prefer spam slashing all of them for speed and safety, they can't block and take only one hit (want to keep full health)

Floor 7:
Enemies: Rupee Likes(11)
Strategy: There are 16 red rupees. 5 are real, the other 11 are rupee likes. The placement for this floor is always random, so either kill them as they spawn one at a time, or run along each column spawning them all and take them all out with a GS.
This isn't correct, the pattern is always the same. I prefer awakening them in 2 cycles, it's quite consistent

Floor 16:
Enemies: Green Goriya(5); Red Goriya(3)
Strategy: GS to kill the green goriyas, then if you still have sword beams use those to kill the red ones, otherwise run up and down to get all three in a straight line and take them out with fire rod

Fall down intentionally, then hold the opposite direction to lead them all into the same corner (while you fall). Then stun as you respawn and walk a bit diagonally to place your GS to get them all.

Floor 19:
Enemies: Giant Yellow Bari(1)
Strategy: GS twice as it approaches to split it into 20. Then move forward with a GS or two to kill all the little ones
The fastest strat here is 4 immediate Fire Rods, it kills all the small guys in an instant

Floor 21:
Enemies: Kyune(Cool
Strategy: GS to kill the first 6 before they fly at you then run forward and slash the other 2

1 center GS gets them all

Floor 23:
Enemies: Vultures(7)
Strategy: Run around for a secoond then charge a GS but keep moving. As you keep moving and they dive at you they will all miss. Right as the 7th one dives, unleash the GS to kill all 7
Quick equip Ice Rod for this room (best to do in advance on F20 if you suck at it like me). You can get them while in air this way and it saves many seconds. Remember to change back to tornado.

Floor 27:
Enemies: Blue Soldier(Cool
Strategy: Use tornado rod to stun the spear soldiers then quickly GS to kill them all including the crossbow soldiers. Note: the crossbow soldiers will usually hit the first two soldiers with arrows unstunning them right before you can use a GS, so either tornado rod again, or use regular slashes on the front two soldiers
2x Fire Rod without moving gets them all most of the time, they just line up in front of you

Floor 29:
Enemies: Lynel(3)
Strategy: Run forward and slash left lynel 3 times to knock him off edge, then the right lynel, and finally the top lynel. Knocking them off edge is faster than killing them. If they managed to attack, just shield the fire and move forward to bump them, then slash. Also if they breath fire just use your firerod to hit them
The key to these guys (and the ones on F49) is attacking the one who's facing you first, as he'll start attacking. The other one(s) will walk away towards the edge, which is great so deal with them later. Yes regular slash is fast to knock them off.

Floor 36:
Enemies: Blue Zirro(4); Ropa(4)
Strategy: Use tornado rod to stun the ropas and kill the first 2 Zirros. Then GS the Ropas and use tornado rod again on the two remaining Zirros

I use tornado rod twice for each couple of mushrooms and just slash the plants which just take 1 hit, faster than GS I think

Floor 39:
Enemies: Fire Ball and Chain Trooper(1)
Strategy: Easy, use fire rod twice to push against exit door. After firing the second fire rod, charge a GS and move forward. at the center unleash it to finish him off easily. Doing this never gives him the chance to attack

Just run right at him and quickly slash him 3 times towards the edge, done

Floor 45:
Enemies: Shield Moblins(6); Bomb Soldiers(4)
Strategy: Run forward and use tornado rod to stun all the shield moblins, back up a little to avoid the first two bomb soldiers bombs and GS to kill all 6 moblins and the first two bomb soldiers. Then run up and kill the other two defenceless bomb soldiers however you want. *cough* GS

Fire rod kills the first 4, tornado rod stuns the remaining 2 who will conveniently intercept bombs and die. Then center GS all 4 bombers

Floor 47:
Enemies: Gargoyle(3); Fire Gargoyle(3); Ice Gargoyle(3)
Strategy: Immediately swap tornado rod for ice rod. Then before the regular gargoyles can hit you, pre kill the ice gargoyles by melting them with fire rod. Now slash the three regular gargoyles to activate the fire ones. Sonce you are on the right side of the floor stay there and use the ice rod to freeze all three fire gargoyles at once. Finish them off with one GS. Simply keep moving to dodge the medusa ice spitters

I haven't tried this, I just GS each set (3) and dodge the iceballs

Floor 50:
Enemies: Dark Moldorm(1)
Strategy: Joy... the most frustrating enemy in these games on an Ice floor no less! Yet surprisingly can be super easy to beat. Charge a GS and move opposite the way it does to hit its weak spot. You will likely fly off the edge(If not you got lucky, and can immediately GS again to finish it off). Keep watching the moldorm and with a little luck you can use your temporary invincibility to GS it again to kill it easily. If not then try to slash it twice instead, or fall off the edge again to get another temporary invincibility. If you are still having trouble, switch to the hammer and use it to stun it to get a quick slash in.

Just 2 GS, he always moves to your right first time. You're gonna fall off, OK because he's repositioning anyway. Just charge, dodge as necessary and deliver the final blow (yes occasionally he's gonna troll Smiley)

I recorded my PB 5:08 and I use the strats mentioned: http://youtu.be/XLvE5xyHacA

Plenty of small mistakes - sub 5 easily possible maybe even 4:45 with better play&strats.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2014, 06:31:16 AM by ZFYSG1 » Logged
Regular Guay

Posts: 65

Bumper of Time

« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2014, 01:31:33 AM »

I didn't really like using the nice tornado rod because of its cooldown, so I substituted it with the nice ice rod. It's good mainly on flying enemies, and I managed to get 5:59 with ice and fire rod. But I see the really good uses for the tornado rod, too.
One question: does the timer still count when you pause to switch items?

"When I first discovered AS and Turtle Skip, I was like Kreygasm for 2 hours." Me from Anwonu's stream.
Deku Scrub

Posts: 8

« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2014, 02:05:51 PM »

Wow, you were right about recommending the great spin for this.

I'm going through hero mode for the first time, and I did my first run at 50F as soon as I had the Lv3 sword.  Even with 2 blue potions and 3 fairies, I died at least half a dozen times before I finally made it through.

Then I read your post and waited until I had the great spin for the second run, and boy it makes things easier (and quicker).

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