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Mega Guay
Posts: 579
« Reply #105 on: December 01, 2013, 05:15:56 PM » |
Ah, okay! I'll be sure to try and attempt it. Speaking of House of Gales, I found another little timesaver. Honestly, I don't think you would ever need to use this in a run, but even so, it's mildly interesting. It requires you have the Pegasus Boots. Video: ones interesting, it's unfortunate that it doesn't actually take you to an useful location. And I can finally understand why Greenalink hasn't been able to get a Lorule Castle early yet. There's no freaking collision under either the doorsteps, or the entire castle for that matter. I've managed to find ways to clip up onto both sides of the bridge, stand on both sides of the castle, and even clip under the castle from both sides, but there's just no collision. If there were, it would probably be possible to just walk under and use tornado rod into the loading zone. sadly, nintendo decided not to put collision under this specific building.  Also, why is the ground up on both sides next to the lorule castle door ice? At least the section covered by the blue magic thingy acts like Ice. The same actor isn't used elsewhere as far as I know, so it makes no sense for it to change the floor surface type to ice, unless it was originally some other actor or whatever. Edit: Tried to merge around the cliff southeast of the Vacant House. You can't walk further than that. all you get is a visual error in the bottom left. Edit2: If you have the scroll it's possible to merge in the other direction, all the way to the ledge where the Big Boulder is. You can clip thru them if you fall onto them correctly, and enter the caves behind them. should confirm if it's possible to do the same thing with the boulder south of the big bomb area.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2013, 06:18:51 PM by CloudMax »
Special Guay
Posts: 222
« Reply #106 on: December 01, 2013, 09:29:51 PM » |
This enemy + tornado rod seems like this will be the most useful glitch of the game.
Loving this ledge walking the most so far.
Special Guay
Posts: 229
« Reply #107 on: December 01, 2013, 09:38:23 PM » |
Last night I was screwing around with the spike ball room in Lorule Castle trying to figure out a way to skip the evil floor tile room. You can actually do some semi interesting stuff with the first rolling spike ball (the one blocked by a statue). Move the statue so the ball rolls past then move it back into position and use the tornado rod as the next ball comes out and you can sort of briefly stand on top of the ball before you get shoved back off. This lets you get onto the railings, which unfortunately doesn't let you do anything interesting aside from skipping knocking down the first spiked ball. You can move the statue to stop the rolling spike ball wherever you want though, and it seems that it's not a situation that the devs thought of, because it's possible to get yourself permanently trapped in a couple spots and be forced to reset the game to get out.
Didn't find anything useful though unfortunately.
edit: Oh, may as well mention something else too. I was messing around with the early Desert Palace boss arena glitch, and I didn't find a way to make it work, but I did notice a couple strange things. First is that there's actually an invisible wall running around the edge of the arena, and when you first clip in you're behind it. This means you can actually run around on the edge of the wall. Doesn't let you do anything interesting though. Second, I have no idea why, but for some reason when you first clip in, your sand pillars are higher than they're supposed to be. Usually you can just make sand pillars here and run across the top, but after clipping in they're too high to run on so you have to merge to run around. If you cross over to where the boss battle is supposed to start, they change to the height they're supposed to be at.
edit 2: Also also. If you make sand pillars at the entrance to Desert Palace and try to pegasus boots off the ledge going up-left, you can get RIDICULOUSLY close to landing on top and skipping half the dungeon. I'm pretty sure you could make it if you could get on top of one of the railings. Wondering if one of you guys might have better luck than I did with that. There's a few vulture enemies around and you can get them to follow you to the railing; the problem is you can't use the tornado rod to clip with them, because the tornado rod will push them out of the way. Ice rod will kill them instantly. The closest I got was getting on top of the railing adjacent to the stairs, but it turns out you can't stand on that and Link just zips straight down to the ground. If it were possible we could probably skip the Titan Mitts as well, I don't think they're needed anywhere.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2013, 09:48:42 PM by Paraxade »
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Mega Guay
Posts: 579
« Reply #108 on: December 01, 2013, 10:04:15 PM » |
If it were possible we could probably skip the Titan Mitts as well, I don't think they're needed anywhere.
Unless I remember it wrong, isn't the titans mitts used in the very last room, after you open the boss door? You make a path of sand pillars, lift a boulder, make another path of sand pillars, and get out. I also tried to use pegasus to skip earlier, I had no luck with it either. I didn't manage to get up on any of the railings though. Made no progress at all with that.
Special Guay
Posts: 229
« Reply #109 on: December 01, 2013, 10:16:30 PM » |
I dunno if you're supposed to use them there, but you don't need them. I just make a sand pillar along the right wall, pegasus down, and then merge with the wall for the last bit.
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Mega Guay
Posts: 579
« Reply #110 on: December 01, 2013, 10:25:09 PM » |
I dunno if you're supposed to use them there, but you don't need them. I just make a sand pillar along the right wall, pegasus down, and then merge with the wall for the last bit.
Ahh, I guess that makes sense. I didn't even realise that you could use the Sand Rod on the sides. I guess that solves that problem. So in theory we could skip Mitts if we could just get past the very few boulders that are blocking the path. That's interesting. Also, I'm not sure if I mentioned this in the thread, but the screen transitions aren't completely grid based like ALTTP. You can only transition in the direction that the area you're in normally would be able to. I tried this on multiple locations while OoB on cliffs, I could transition OoB in directions normally possible, but not others.
Ultimate Mega Guay
Posts: 901
Wrong warp expert
« Reply #111 on: December 01, 2013, 11:15:01 PM » |
| that the Super Net and Super Lamp have the same attack power as the "butter" sword.
Braid This is art because the music is classical music, and the graphics are done with a pen. The story is something about a woman. I could not understand much of this to be honest, which makes it even more likely to be an art.
« Reply #112 on: December 01, 2013, 11:31:58 PM » |
Probably obvious, but this is a timesaver in HoG. It's simple, yet effective. It only shaves about a half second off, but I mean, that could mean the difference in a WR run. (If this was posted somewhere- sorry. But, ctrl+f gave me nothing.) video: also linked a video of this same method, I hadn't realized. My apologies!)
« Last Edit: December 02, 2013, 01:27:24 AM by Vortex »
"Uh, Max? I don't think we're getting out of this cave." - Arin, Game Grumps
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Mega Guay
Posts: 579
« Reply #113 on: December 02, 2013, 12:18:49 AM » |
Yeah, it's very interesting that the Super Lamp and Net has same damage as Lv. 3 sword. I mean, if you have a Lv. 2 sword, it should technically be better to just use the Super Lamp, shouldn't it? Probably obvious, but this is a timesaver in HoG. It's simple, yet effective. It only shaves about a half second off, but I mean, that could mean the difference in a WR run. (If this was posted somewhere- sorry. But, ctrl+f gave me nothing.) video:'s been posted somewhere before, I'm not really sure where though. It's a nice little timesaver indeed. I believe many runners are already using it however.
« Reply #114 on: December 02, 2013, 01:08:27 AM » |
That's been posted somewhere before, I'm not really sure where though. It's a nice little timesaver indeed. I believe many runners are already using it however.
I don't recall it being posted before, anywhere. Atleast, not on these forums. I haven't seen it before ever. Yeah! Definitely. It's a neat little timesaver and should definitely be used.
"Uh, Max? I don't think we're getting out of this cave." - Arin, Game Grumps
Regular Guay
Posts: 35
« Reply #115 on: December 02, 2013, 01:21:05 AM » |
I don't recall it being posted before, anywhere. Atleast, not on these forums. I haven't seen it before ever. Yeah! Definitely. It's a neat little timesaver and should definitely be used.
ZFG linked it in the original post.
« Reply #116 on: December 02, 2013, 01:26:30 AM » |
Oh, boy. He did, too! Thanks! Should I just remove my post?
"Uh, Max? I don't think we're getting out of this cave." - Arin, Game Grumps
Regular Guay
Posts: 35
« Reply #117 on: December 02, 2013, 03:17:44 AM » |
Oh, boy. He did, too! Thanks! Should I just remove my post?
lol I wouldn't worry too much about it tbh, some people may not have seen it yet (for example, some guy named vortex seemed to have missed it) Just be careful next time 
Ultimate Mega Guay
Posts: 901
Wrong warp expert
« Reply #118 on: December 02, 2013, 04:45:29 AM » |
Question: Are there any enemies in the game that have weaknesses to a particular item?
Braid This is art because the music is classical music, and the graphics are done with a pen. The story is something about a woman. I could not understand much of this to be honest, which makes it even more likely to be an art.
Deku Scrub
Posts: 4
« Reply #119 on: December 02, 2013, 04:50:38 AM » |
Question: Are there any enemies in the game that have weaknesses to a particular item?
Yes, certain ice enemies will instantly die to the fire rod. I think that some fire and ice wiz-robes are either weak to their opposite rod or resistant to their similar one. Other than that there are some enemies that are easier to fight with certain items, but there isn't any inherent damage boost... I think EDIT: This is all completely off the top of my head, feel free to disregard.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2013, 04:52:32 AM by Ovenn »