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Author Topic: Regarding default settings  (Read 7524 times)
Regular Guay

Posts: 66


« on: August 21, 2013, 01:15:49 AM »

I've noticed with many streamers that the default settings of Project64 1.6 (and in rare cases even earlier builds of 1.7) are too high for their computer to handle. The Self-modifying code Method by default is set to check memory advance, with advanced block linking set to on. To avoid in game emulator lag, block linking should be off, and the self modifying code method should be set to change memory & cache. Block linking being on causes the emulator to randomly pause at times (this severely hinders pause buffering.) Change memory & cache was the default setting on earlier Project64 versions (up to 1.4.) Even on a relatively ancient machine, using the settings above will keep the emulator running at top speed, but in no way changing the game speed. So when the topic of default settings comes up, those who have to deal with slowdown should read this.

The self-modifying code method and block linking must be changed in both the emulator and the rom settings. Clicking sync game to audio in the audio plugin settings is also ideal for speedrunning, as it keeps the framerate consistent and the sound from popping/skipping.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2013, 01:19:42 AM by Valientlink » Logged

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